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Myths and bills: You've been deputized


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Green Lantern doing well against Bane.
Catwoman doing well against Martian.
Flash doing well against Aquaman.
dude idk man, flash does well against any character with shit wake ups.

Catwoman on the other hand is a solid mid tier character and i do think she has several options for almost anything.


catwoman has no answer for mb orb pillar and standing 3 trait and d1 push... outside of mb b3 randomly

she's horrible against mmh zoning because of her dash

then again she's a beast when she lands a hit

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
catwoman has no answer for mb orb pillar and standing 3 trait and d1 push... outside of mb b3 randomly

She has answers for his zoning, footsies and wakeup game but they all require meter. The meter game is so bad in that match. I don't think people consider that(and how bad he fucks her up on knockdown).

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player

Myth: Aquaman has weaknesses
- The only thing people talk about is his lack of wakeups, but these are inconsequential in most matches. His footsies, AA, and ridiculous special moves are second to none. Even characters like Flash and Catwoman who rely on oki can't get it started against Aquaman because of his trait, which also helps to negate his lack of wakeups.


Bill: Batman is a bad character
- Batman has tools for almost every situation and probably only has one losing match. I don't see how he can't be top 5 if he only has one bad MU.

Myth: I am a downplayer. I can objectively evaluate matchups and I change my mind frequently. I'm sorry that I don't believe Sinestro bodies most characters for free. It's simply not true.
Woa woa woa

Slow down

Sir I'm gonna have to ask u to pull over

SaltFace NS

Ultimate Mileena Exterminator
Have fun with these boys

I can honestly say I know all my match ups except for Zatanna since only @deg222 plays her so I don't have a real number for that one.

(Note when I say with a side of derp that means if you lose control you could easily lose the game)

Aquaman 3.5-6.5 (thanks to the new tech trait isn't a big deal no more)

Ares 5-5 (thanks to his buffs)

Bane 5-5 (with a side of derp)

Batgirl 5-5 (with a side of derp & will only be 5-5 by knowing the option selects Deg & I know)

Batman 5-5 (most Batmans think 6-4 Harley because they don't play smart because all they want to do is trait up & go in but that won't work on Harley)

Black Adam 5-5 (became 5-5 after all his nerfs)

Catwoman 6-4 (with a side of derp due to free upclose 50/50s)

Cyborg 4-6

Deathstroke 5-5 (but on Ferris & Watchtower it becomes 4-6)

Doomsday 5-5

Flash 4-6

Green Arrow 5-5

Green Lantern 5-5

Hawkgirl 4-6

Joker 6-4 (with a side of derp)

Killer Frost 5-5 but imo 6-4 (with a side of derp)

Lobo 5-5 (thanks to his buffs)

Lex Luthor 6-4 (with a side of derp)

MMH 4-6

Nightwing 5-5

Raven 4-6

Scorpion 6-4 (after the great CEO nerfs)

Shazam 6-4 (with a side of derp)

Sinestro 4-6 (becomes 3-7 almost 2-8 when he gets trait)

Solomon Grundy 6-4

Superman 6-4 (after all the nerfs & if you can zone well with Harley)

Wonder Woman 5-5 (with a side of derp)

Zatanna 4.5-5.5???

Zod 4-6

Well guys these are my numbers.


16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Killer Frost beating Doomsday 7-3 is probably a bill. Parry freeing up DD is meta 1. Most of what DD is doing now a days loses to parry.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Aquaman out footsies Flash badly. That matters more than the oki.

Catwoman is a bill of goods.
i still don't think he does. if flash has to approach then yeah, but if aquaman has to approach me then its the opposite. just walking back and forth right outside his b2 range is the best place to be. it give you time to react to a dash up, and dash under his jump in, make j2 whiff and trip guard and whiff punish b2 if he throws it out. he can't FTD, he can't really do anything at that point. the problem is when flash players get to eager and approach aquaman even though they have the life lead. at WB i lost to brady for top 8 winners, then to make top 3 i beat him because i just kept walking back and let him hang himself.


Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
ZOD vs martian 4-6 at worst
sinestro vs martian 4-6 at worst
hawkgirl only beats grundy and nightwing 6-4 at best
hawkgirl possibly loses to catwoman 4-6
hawkgirl beats flash 6-4
hawkgirl vs ZOD is 2-8 not 3-7
hawkgirl loses to superman aquaman and GREEN ARROW 4-6
hawkgirl sucks
lex beats catwoman 6-4 at best
zatanna only beats bane 6-4
shazam loses to bane 4-6
black adam vs aquaman is 5-5
zatanna does not beat sinestro
bane could possibly lose 4-6 to ZOD and sinestro
lex does not beat aquaman nor martian
doomsday does not beat martian or sinestro
flash does not beat aquaman
batman does not beat sinestro
ares could go even with sinestro

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
ZOD vs martian 4-6 at worst
sinestro vs martian 4-6 at worst
hawkgirl only beats grundy and nightwing 6-4 at best
hawkgirl possibly loses to catwoman 4-6
hawkgirl beats flash 6-4
hawkgirl vs ZOD is 2-8 not 3-7
hawkgirl loses to superman aquaman and GREEN ARROW 4-6
hawkgirl sucks
lex beats catwoman 6-4 at best
zatanna only beats bane 6-4
shazam loses to bane 4-6
black adam vs aquaman is 5-5
zatanna does not beat sinestro
bane could possibly lose 4-6 to ZOD and sinestro
lex does not beat aquaman nor martian
doomsday does not beat martian or sinestro
flash does not beat aquaman
batman does not beat sinestro
ares could go even with sinestro
How does Batman not beat Sinestro? He literally takes away everything that makes Sinestro good: B12, fear blast, guessing with the trait, and his AA. Sinestro's only chance is to land a hit or a knockdown and go for a vortex. That alone does not make it an even match.
Reactions: PPJ


I only use characters with wakeup scoops.
Aquaman struggles against a certain character if said character has an 80% lead.

Aquaman has no options against Shazam and Flash

Grundy is top 5 and is like Cyrax with armor

Which glasses-wearing, Armenian idiot sold people those bills?

Kinetic Balding1

Day 1 Phenomenal Cyborg
Cyborg beats scorpion 6-4. I can just sit back and punish everything he does. Cyborg does more damage then scorpion's 10% two bar into reactable punishable vortex. Cyborg even anti-airs scorpion very well. Once cyborg gets the lifelead theres no way of scorpion coming back because of his poor damage even with 2 bars and everything being full combo punishable. Scorpion is limited to just magical reads for low reward.


She has answers for his zoning, footsies and wakeup game but they all require meter. The meter game is so bad in that match. I don't think people consider that(and how bad he fucks her up on knockdown).
it's super risky for her to throw out mb catdash, because of mb orb... so if she tries to get in normally i can punish her... without meter she is fucked... she needs meter to get by zoning and meter to do anything upclose. but... if she catches me i am fucked.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
it's super risky for her to throw out mb catdash, because of mb orb... so if she tries to get in normally i can punish her... without meter she is fucked... she needs meter to get by zoning and meter to do anything upclose. but... if she catches me i am fucked.

If she catches you then you still have a great wakeup game against her...