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Character Introductions


bye felicia
We had one of these for Injustice clashes, figure its time for an MKX one. Feel free to fill in gaps, and if you can a reference to where you heard it, that would be boss. Since there's only so many to be heard / seen during development, feel free to sound off about your favorites, what you think they might mean or even post your own imaginary dialogue (as long as its labeled as such to avoid confusion).

Cassie vs.
Cassie (Kombat Tether)
C1: Funny
C2: You know what's funny? Your face!
C1: Dude, you just insulted yourself

D'Vorah (Twitch E3 Demo)
C: I wasn't expecting you, D'Vorah
D: What do you expect now?
C: An easy win and I'm very sure

Johnny Cage
C: Lets go dad
J: Breaking your old man's heart
C: And maybe your face

C: Cage match
J: You didn't just say that
C: I am your daughter.

C: Not cool, dad.
J: Think you need a timeout
C: I'll put you in the corner first.

Kano (Kombat Tether)
C: "Scum."
K: "Baby girl, first swing is on me"
C: "They're all gonna be on you."

Kano II (Kombat Tether)
Kano: "[Inaudible] again."
Cassie Cage: "[Inaudible] don’t try it with me!"

Kitana (NRS Tumblr)
C: Princess...
K: Your very presence mocks me.
C: Sorry, did you just say "kick my ass"?

Kotal (NRS Tumblr)
C: Nice miniskirt.
K: A joke at my expense?
C: Nah, it's yours for free.

Quan Chi (Kombat Kast 4)
C: Hey humpty dumpty
Q: Only a fool would speak to me thusly
C: Only a dork would say "thusly"

Raiden (Kombat Kast 3)
C: Help me conjure green energy, okay?
R: You have not your father's gift.
C: You kinda suck as a mentor.

(Kombat Tether)
C: Reptile...
R: Sweet young flesh
C: There'll be no tasting it.

Reptile (Kombat Tether)
C: I feel sorry for you.
R: My race will return in time.
C: I meant 'cause of your face.

Scorpion (Brazil Game Show)
C: So I finally meet Scorpion
S: You will not enjoy this encounter
C: More than you will

Scorpion (Kombat Kast 4)
C: Scorpion...
S: Your end is near
C: Ya best keep your hands off it.

D'Vorah vs.
Cassie (IGN E3 Demo)
D: Puny weakling
C: Look who's talking, maggot mouth
D: Perhaps I'll eat your tongue first
(Thanks, @Sindelia)

Ferra/Torr (Day 1 Trailer)
D: You offend this one, Ferra
F: What lady bug do about it?
D: Exterminate

D: The hive greets you
G: I despise claptrap
D: Then let us not delay

Johnny Cage
D: Explain yourself.
J: I'm just a guy who hates bugs.
D: This one will enjoy your death

D: The impertinent earthrealmer
J: Haven't bugged you have I?
D: Impertinent and unamusing.

Kano (Kano Trailer)
D: Kano...
K: Hello, my lovely
D: You repulse us, hideous one

Kitana (Kombat Tether)
D: Pompous Edenian!
K: Filthy Kytinn!
D: This one will enjoy your death

Kotal (Kombat Tether)
D: Kotal...
K: With which face do you see me?
D: We seek greater power than yours.

Kotal II (Kombat Tether)
D'Vorah: "[Inaudible] Kotal Kahn.”
Kotal Kahn: "[Inaudible] not angry with you."
D'Vorah: "How can I [Inaudible] don’t listen [Inaudible].”

Raiden (Kombat Tether)
D'Vorah: "You waste time with words."
Raiden: "I can protect you D'Vorah."
D'Vorah: "Protection? It's pointless!"

Scorpion (Kombat Tether)
D'Vorah: "Your [Inaudible] nemesis.”
Scorpion: "[Inaudible]"
D'Vorah: "Ignorant just as [Inaudible]."

Ermac vs.
Johnny Cage
E: Johnny Cage
J: Oh, goodie.
E: We understand your fear.

E: The actor
J: but I'm gonna direct your death scene.
E: You cannot kill what is already dead

Kitana (Kombat Kast 3)
E: We know you
K: We have fought before, construct.
E: The memory is gone.

E: You betray your realm
M: I was born to rule Outworld
E: All traitors must die.

Scorpion (Kombat Kast 4)
E: We too were born of sorcery.
S: Do not compare yourself to me.
E: Very well, doomed one.

Sub-Zero (Kombat Kast 2)
E: Sub Zero...
S: The emperor is gone, you are free.
E: Come, feel his presence.

Erron Black vs.
Erron Black
E1: Mind games don't work on me
E2: There's an obvious insult there.
E1: You'd best shut up and draw.

Kung Jin
E: Ready to eat lead?
K: Trying to cut down
E: Well here comes a double helping.

Kotal Kahn
K: Vermin
E: Something wrong, Emperor?
K: I renegotiate our agreement.

Ferra/Torr vs.
Cassie (IGN E3 Demo, Kombat Tether)
F: Your eyes, such pretty!
C: Got a thing for eyes, do ya?
F: ? (... each get one!)


F: We take bug lady's place
D: Never
F: Never and now!


G: Ferra/Torr.
F: Four arms.
G: You are a worthy opponent

Johnny Cage

F: Torr am upset
J: He's got a monkey on his back!
F: Monkey's claws cut deep

F: Beg now!
J: It's the all new pocket psycho.
F: Torr close mouth for good

Kotal (Twitch E3 Demo)
F: ? (... we kill Kahn!)
K: ? (... your purpose . . .)
F: ?

Kotal II (IGN E3 Demo)
F: ? (... Khan!)
K: You exist only to serve me
F: We be boss now!
(Thanks, @Doombawkz)

Kung Jin (KK6)
F: You no hurt we
K: I don't want to, but I can.
F: No can. Smash, Torr!

Kung Lao
F: Hat man!
K: Shall I knock you off your perch?
F: We keep hat and shiny teeth!

Raiden (Kombat Tether)
Ferra: "We remember lightning hand."
Raiden: "Then you know I can help you."
Ferra: "Maybe talk, but not now!"

Sub-Zero (Twitch / PS E3 Demo)
F: You no (mess with / match for) Torr, Freezy!
S: ? (Beasts have nothing . . . )
F: ? (You are no . . . )

G: D'Vorah
D: We will taste victory.
G: You will taste Shokan Fury.

Johnny Cage
G: Johnny Cage
J: Don't you owe me some sunglasses?
G: Here is what you are owed.

Liu Kang
G: I nearly bested you
L: With the aid of Shang Tsung's magic.
G: That is a lie!

Sub Zero
G: Sub Zero
S: Defend yourself.
G: I intend to, Cryomancer.

Erron Black
J: I really don't like you
E: I really don't care.
J: As long as we're straight on that.

J: My dad's bigger than yours
C: My dad beat up Shinnok
J: Well played.

J: Raiden, you surprised me.
R: As will your enemies.
J: Then they'll get some of this.

Jax vs
Jax: I can't protect you forever
Jac: I can protect myself
Jax: I guess we'll see about that.

Johnny Cage
Ja: What do you want, Cage?
Jo: Thought you could use a workout.
Ja: Aren't you busy making another shitty movie?

Sonya Blade
Ja: I'm not rejoining special forces.
So: Not even to protect Jacqui?
Ja: Leave her out of this

Johnny Cage vs.
Cassie (Kombat Tether)
J: Think you can take your old man?
C: Not a problem.
J: Then show me.

J: We are training hard today
C: The mission didn't go that bad
J: I may vomit with pride

J: You're a good looking kid
C: 'Cause I take after mom.
J: Well, I'll try to avoid your face.

J: Creepy Lady
D: The hive wish to taste you
J: Hope they like eating through a straw.

J: D'vorah
D: The bag of meat will spring a leak.
J: Hey, I'm a person, not an object

Ermac (Kombat Tether)
J: Hey Mac
E: We will end you
J: We? Is your mother joining us?

J: The mummy returns
E: You annoy us, Earthrealm fool
J: That supposed to make me feel bad?

Johnny Cage
J1: This is embarassing.
J2: Don't beat yourself up over it
J1: Wow, I am annoying.

J1: What are you, my good looking stunt double?
J2: I was about to ask you the same thing.
J1: Well lets see who's who

J1: There's a good looking guy.
J2: You're perceptive.
J1: Lets get this party started

J1: Just steer clear of the face
J2: Don't mess up the hair
J1: Deal

J1: Is this for real?
J2: How many of us are there?
J1: There can be only one

J1: You gotta be kidding me
J2: Nope. I'm you
J1: Then who am I?

Kano (Kombat Tether)
J: Didn't you throw me off a bridge?
K: Guilty as charged.
J: It's payback time!

J: Scumbag
K: Tosser
J: You're gettin' a punch down under

Kitana (Kombat Tether)
J: Hellooo nurse!
K: You're going to need a nurse.
J: Hot, but can't trash talk

J: Kitana
K: I have bested you before, Cage
J:I was being nice those ten times.

Kotal Kahn
J: Sup, Montezuma?
K: Your heart will burn in my hands
J: Are you mad at me?

J: Sure you want to do this?
K: The sky foretold your demise.
J: Whatever you say, Nostradamus

Kung Jin (KK6)
J: Gonna test ya, Jin
K: Gonna give me an a++
J: Or be flat on your a-s-s.

Kung Lao
J: What'r ya doin here, Lao?
K: I wish to test your stamina
J: Well ring the bell, son.

Quan Chi
J: Hey chuckles
Q: You will pay for your insolence
J: Cue ball, corner pocket

J: Quan Chi
Q: My sorcery is insurmountable
J: Your fly's open

J: Fifty bucks says I win
R: I do not wager money
J: Then I get to wear your hat

J: Your holiness
R: This is not a time for levity
J: Good, cause I can't fly

J: And how are we today
R: Be forewarned, my anger is great
J: Nothing worse than a cranky frog.

J: Reptile...
R: You wish for agonizing pain?
J: Sure, why not.

J: You a revenant, Scorpy?
S: I am what I've always been.
J: Sure didn't answer my question

J: Listen to me, Hanzo
S: You talk too much
J: Who are you? Everyone I ever met?

Sonya Blade
J: Talk to me
S: That would mean you'd have to keep quiet.
J: You're right, never mind.

Sub Zero (Kombat Kast 5)
J: Ice to see ya
S: Must everything be a joke?
J: Yeah, it does.

J: You lost Coldilocks?
S: I've found what I sought
J: Well I hope you brought snacks. / Thought you'd be looking for the three brrrs

J: You really want this?
S: More than you know.
J: Fair enough.

Kano vs.
Cassie (Kombat Tether)
K: Over here, sweetheart
C: Your grandmother wants her teeth back
K: ?

Cassie II (Kombat Tether)
K: Past your bedtime, ain't it?
C: You'll be the one taking a nap.
K: Come tuck me in

Cassie III (Kombat Tether)
Kano: "[Inaudible] your mother."
Cassie Cage: "[Inaudible]"
K: ?

D'Vorah (NRS Tumblr)
K: Still angry with me?
D: ?
K: ?

Ferra/Torr (Kombat Tether / Clueless Gamer)
K: "You talk too much, Torr."
F: “Me Ferra, him Torr!"
K: "Whatever."

Johnny Cage (Kombat Kast 5)
K: Why are you eyeing me?
J: So there's ice cream in Outworld, chubby?
K: That's your last go at me!

K: So how's Sonya?
J: You stay away from her.
K: I don't like your attitude.

Kano (Capsule Computers' Preview)
K: Well, look who we have here
K: One of us is a fake
K: One of us will die

Kotal (Kombat Tether)
Kano: "[Inaudible]"
Kotal Kahn: "[Inaudible] joining of the realms."

Kung Lao (Kombat Kast 2)
Ka: I love a good hat.
Ku: Do not provoke a Shaolin.
Ka: You toss your shoes as well?

Mileena (KK6)
K: You're done, Mileena.
M: You betray me too?
K: I prefer the winning side.

Mileena (KK6)
K: Mileena...
M: I want my gold back, Kano.
K: Sorry, no refunds.

Raiden (Kombat Tether / PAX Demo Reel)
K: Hmm, the big cheese
R: This will not end well for you
K: Get your crystal ball fixed

Reptile (Kombat Kast 3)
K: A lizard man...
R: I will tear your flesh
K: So its a go-er.

Kenshi vs.
Ke: You're a scoundrel.
Ka: Says the deadbeat dad.

Ke: Even for you, that was low.

K: You will feel Sento's bite.
M: The anticipation is killing me.
K: No, that would be me.

K: Mileena.
M: Do you see into my head?
K: All will once I cut it off.


K: Think your skills surpass mine?
T: I know so, dad.
K: Prove it.

Kitana vs.
Cassie (Gamespot's Look At New Moves)
K: You have something to say?
C: You're down in one hit.
K: A prediction that will prove false.

Johnny Cage
K: Is your name still on your chest?
J: Tattooed, why?
K: Your ego knows no bounds

K: ugh, Cage.
J: Want some of this?
K: I'm very certain no one does.

Kung Lao (Kombat Kast 3)
Ki: Kung Lao...
Ku: You seek a challenge, Kitana?
Ki: Yes, but you'll do.

Mileena (KK6)
K: You are unfit to live.
M: Shao Kahn disagreed.
K: His realm thinks as I do.

Mileena II (KK6)
K: ??
M: You care too much for me.
K: I do not wish to soil my hands.

Quan Chi (Kitana/Kung Lao Trailer)
Q: Finally found a way to kill me?
K: I know of many.

Raiden (Kombat Tether)
K: Thunder god...
R: I grow tired of your insolence.
K: You should lie down.

Reptile (Kombat Kast 3)
K: Reptile...
R: You will fall before this day ends.
K: Not to you.

Scorpion (Kombat Kast 3)
K: You've strayed from Quan Chi's side?
S: I am no longer bound to him.
K: And you are weaker as a result.

Kotal vs.
Ermac (Kombat Kast 2)
K: I thought us allies, Ermac.
E: We will oppose the Emperor.
K: Now, you will perish.

Ferra/Torr (Capsule Computers)
K: Join me.
F: You want to enslave our people!
K: I wish to restore you.

Johnny Cage
K: My fury will be brought to bear.
J: Bring all the bears your want. / Bring it soon, I got dinner plans.
K: Now you will perish

K: You are Cassie's father
J: Thats me, Kotalingus
K: How did I surmise it?

Ko: What is the secret of your powers?
Ke: My secrets are my own.
Ko: Share them with me...

Kitana (Kombat Tether)
Ko: Join my cause, Kitana
Ki: I trust no Kahn.
Ko: Then you will be destroyed!

Kung Lao (Kombat Kast 2)
Ko: What is the meaning of this?
Ku: Must everything have meaning?
Ko: I will kill you for sport.

Raiden (Raiden Trailer)
K: You have no chance, Thunder God
R: Thunder blots out the sun!
K: Temporarily. . .

Kung Lao vs.
Ermac (Kombat Kast 2)
K: Does your mind remember?
E: All since our creation.
K: Then you will remember this.

K: What are you?
F: Look too long, hurt eyes.
K: I will win with them closed.

Johnny Cage
K: Why are you here, Cage?
J: To tell you Zorro's mom wants her hat back
K: Any hope for mercy is lost.

K: Johnny Cage
J: Have i got a surprise for you
K: You'll be silent from here on?

Kung Jin (KK6)
KL: You provoke me?
KJ: I just want to test myself against you.
KL: You are not ready.

Quan Chi (Kombat Kast 2)
K: Quan Chi...
Q: Enjoy your last breaths.
K: I have prevailed before, demon.

Reptile (Reptile Trailer)
K: I have no quarrel with you.
R: I will tear your flesh.
K. I now have a quarrel with you.

Sub Zero (Kombat Kast 4)
K: A dead man walks.
S: You will know the sting of winter.
K: You have found your demise.

Liu Kang
L: Ask my forebearance.
E: We do not grovel.
L: Then you will end.

Liu Kang
L1: Illusions are petty magic.
L2: This is no illusion.
L1: Death will reveal the truth.

L: So it begins...
S: Looks that way
L: It will end soon enough.

Mileena vs
M: Mindless fool.
E: You no longer serve the emperor's will.
M: I serve my own.

M: You served Shao Kahn well
E: Our loyalty to him is. . .
M: ...no longer required.

M: Any final words?
K: How bout reconstructive dentistry?
M: Obnoxious til the end.

M: Telepathy and swordsmanship.
K: Two ways to die, take your pick.
M: I'll pick your flesh from my teeth.

Kotal (KK6)
M: Elder gods damn you
K: The elder gods reward strength.
M: Then I will have my due.

Kung Lao (KK6)
M: So... you and I?
K: Do not even think it.
M: You're right, you're unworthy.

Quan Chi vs.
Q: Have you no ambition, Ermac?
E: We exist to serve the emperor.
Q: Then die serving him.

Johnny Cage
Q: I have found you, Johnny Cage
J: Did you bring cupcakes?
Q: No, Death.

Q: Johnny Cage
J: I Got something for ya
Q: Impress me.

Kano (Quan Chi Trailer)
Q: Fool...
K: I do worst, sorceror.
Q: You shall see my worst.

Kung Jin
Q: Fool
K: I'm a Shaolin Warrior
Q: You will belong to me.

Kung Lao
Q: Liu Kang's shadow.
K: In skill I equal him.
Q: In my service you will surpass him.

Scorpion (Netherrealm Twitter)
Q: You will bathe in hellfire
S: I was forged in it!
Q: ?

Sub-Zero (Capsule Computers)
Q: I have your brother's soul.
S: ?
Q: ?

Raiden vs.
D'Vorah (Kombat Tether)
R: "Step aside cretin!"
D: The emperor suggests YOU do it!"
R: "I do not heed the emperor".

R: Leave now, Ferra
K: Rip out his glowy parts!
R: I foresee a different result.

Johnny Cage (Kombat Kast 5)
R: You followed me
J: You need me here.
R: Has anyone ever agreed with that statement?

R: Johnny Cage
J: Ray-diddy
R: You weary me

Kung Lao (Kombat Kast 2)
R: Kung Lao...
K: Forgive me, Lord Raiden.
R: I forgive your impending failure.

Liu Kang
R: No, Liu Kang
L: I give you no choice, Raiden
R: So be it.

Quan Chi (Kombat Kast 4)
R: Quan Chi...
Q: My dark magics will overwhelm you.
R: Lightning cuts through the dark.

Quan Chi (Kombat Kast 4)
R: Crawl back to the Netherrealm
Q: I will give your friends your regards.
R: Do not mock me, Quan Chi.

R: Hanzo Hasashi
S: Do not interfere, Raiden
R: I do what I must.

Takeda (KK6)
R: I sensed your arrival
T: Because I wanted you to.
R: I'm clearly in the presence of greatness.

Reptile vs.
Cassie (Kombat Tether)
R: Delicate one
C: Say goodbye to your teeth.
R: I prefer feisty prey.

R: I do not fear your power.
E: Then you are a fool.
R: Let us begin.

Johnny Cage
R: You dare approach me?
J: Despite the smell
R: You will be my latest victim.

R: The actor...
J: Just like you, working for scale
R: Killing you will be a pleasure.

Kitana (Kombat Kast 4)
R: Return to court.
K: Outworld was never my home.
R: The Kahn demands it.

Kotal Kahn (Kombat Kast 3)
R: We must work together!
K: First I test your strength.
R: I know your weaknesses.

Quan Chi (Kombat Kast 3)
R: Quan Chi...
Q: The last of a forgotten race.
R: Your last memory will be of teeth.

R: For Zaterra!
S: For the Shirai Ryu!
R: For the final time (unintelligible)

Scorpion vs.
D'Vorah (PS4 E3 Demo, Kombat Tether)
S: Come no closer
D: The hive wants to taste you
S: ?

Ermac (Kombat Kast 2)
S: I sense Shao Kahn in you
E: Our creator is part of us
S: I will remove him.

Ermac (Kombat Kast 4)
S: Ermac...
E: We serve Outworld and its Emperor
S: You will fall by my hand.

Johnny Cage
S: My kunai will be unleashed.
J: Yellow harpoon? So cute. / And shoved up your ass, sideways.
S: Your mockery is at an end

S: Johnny Cage
J: Tough day at the office, dear?
S: your humor only makes this easier

Quan Chi
S: You betrayed me, Quan Chi
Q: Your rage betrayed you.
S: Enough!

Raiden (Kombat Tether)
S: "You must restore my family!"
R: That ship has sailed."
S: ?

S: Out of my way, Lizard.
R: Come and move me, Scorpion.
S: I'll move your heart outside your chest.

Scorpion (Kombat Kast 4)
S1: Hold, Scorpion
S2: The sight of you offends me
S1: Your death will be swift.

Sub-Zero (Day 1 Trailer)
Sc: Murderer. . .
Sz: I tire of maintaining our innocence
Sc: I will relieve you of your burden

Sub-Zero II (PAX Demo Reel)
Sc: Sub-Zero...
Sz: Prepare to rejoin your clan
Sc: I will send you to hell, Lin Kuei
(Thanks, @Wetdoba )

Sub Zero
Sc: Sub Zero
Sz: You have eyes, but you will not see
Sc: I will see you die.

Sonya Blade vs.

S: You won't escape this time
K: Escape? And miss all the fun?
S: This won't be fun.

Sub-Zero vs.
D'Vorah (Kombat Tether)
S: ?
D: "Your times passed, ice maker."
S: "My day has finally dawned."

Ermac (Kombat Kast 2)
S: How many souls do you harbor?
E: We wield the might of thousands.
S: Yet you have no heart.

Ermac (Kombat Kast 2)
S: Ermac...
E: Your soul is corrupted.
S: Not corrupted, freed.

Johnny (Kombat Tether)
S: You approach me as a foe?
J: Nah, I'm just outta ice cubes.
S: There are times where I regret our alliance.

S: Do you not recognize me?
J: How'd you get uncyberized?
S: One benefit of Quan Chi's process.

S: We once fought together
K: Much has changed since then.
S: Yes, a pity.

S: You're a formidable warrior.
K: Now <intelligible>, Sub Zero
S: But you lack conviction.

Raiden (Kombat Tether)
S: Why do you reject my aid?
R: I am their protector, not you!
S: Earthrealm needs better protection.

Raiden II (Kombat Tether)
R: "Sub-Zero..."
S: "Fear their powers Raiden."
R: "That is my challenge…”

Scorpion (IGN E3 Demo)
Sz: For the Lin Kuei!
Sc: For the Shirai Ryu!
Sz: To the death!

Scorpion II (PC Games Preview)
Sz: Shirai Ryu Dog...
Sc: Lin Kuei Scum!
Sz: Death is more honor than you deserve

Takeda vs.
Reptile (KK6)
T: Oh, you been rolling in trash?
R: Respect me, human.
T: I'm serious, you smell awful.

Reptile II (KK6)
T: Reptile...
R: I will rip out your throat.
T: Settle down.

Scorpion (KK6)
T: What have you become?
S: I have returned to Quan Chi's service
T: Then the Shirai Ryu are your enemies.

Big up to The Kombat Tether (www.thekombattether.com) for a bunch of these.
Another shout out to @Dark for several clarifications and updates.

At least until the game comes out, I will endevour to update as new ones are revealed.
Last edited:


All too easy...
After subzero says prepare to rejoin your clan, scorpion says "i will send you to hell."
Thats the only missing part I know. All this dialogue so hype though, I really want to know that subzero and raiden one about being earthrealms protector(?).


bye felicia
After subzero says prepare to rejoin your clan, scorpion says "i will send you to hell."
Thats the only missing part I know. All this dialogue so hype though, I really want to know that subzero and raiden one about being earthrealms protector(?).
Updated. There's actually a couple more in the E3 demo vids that you can hear but literally can't make anything out so I didn't bother. D'Vorah says something about the hive in one with Scorpion, and there's a lot of random F/Ts and Sub Zeros. Unfortunately the part where Sub crushes his ice and Ferra pounds Torr's back really makes it hard to discern from whoever asking Ed about fatality meetings for the 50th time. I only included the ones where I could make /something/ relevant out, like the fact that F/T work(s/ed) for Kotal, and Kano and D'Vorah have a history.


I want Kronika to step on my face

If you think about it, most of the missing lines could actually give some hints to the story. Maybe NRS purposefully noised them out, and it's not the noise of the environment that didn't allow the guys to hear what they were saying.


bye felicia

If you think about it, most of the missing lines could actually give some hints to the story. Maybe NRS purposefully noised them out, and it's not the noise of the environment that didn't allow the guys to hear what they were saying.
Thus far the Gamespot E3 demo vids are the only ones that are blatantly missing game audio, but I think those are just crappy recordings off a stream (totally missing an input channel). There's also a weird scripted gap in the D'Vorah vs Kano bit that seems unintentional too. All the other vids thus far have had (as far as I can tell) no doctoring to the audio, and just been hampered by the interview discussion over top or just been outright muted.

Which is not to say the practice might not eventually come to fruition, but at this point I just think its crappy luck.


blink-182 enthusiast
I hope all the characters have character specific stuff for each other this time around and for IGAU 2 as well.

That's one of my favorite things about IGAU, like when you hit Bane with Joker's crowbar and Joker yells out "WRESTLING'S FAKE!"


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Nice though I thought that German PC vid Sub said :Shirai Ryu Punk! not dog? Didn't sound like Dog. IDK.

But awesome update man!

Brutal Chimney

vaporus punching bag
That's Sub Zero vs Raiden one sounds really fascinating. One would assume he's talking about the earth realm warriors. it seems like SZ is looking to take on more of a mentor role this game. It's possible he could be taking on the lead fighter position like Liu Kang once did.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
"You exist only to serve me" is Kotals missing line vs FT. I never fully catch the first part of FT's thing, but I think it's like "We overthrow khan" or aomething.


Ah found the thread. Was going to make a new one, thought this was deleted or something. Anyway here are a few inaudible ones cleared up, and some new ones missing from the thread:
Sub Zero: For the Lin Kuei!

Scorpion: For the Shirai Ryu!

Sub Zero: To the death… <-- Change from inaudible

Raiden vs Kano:

Kano: The big cheese.

Raiden: This day will not end well for you.

Kano: Get your crystal ball fixed! <--Change from "checked"

Cassie Cage vs Scorpion: Source:

Cassie: So I finally meet Scorpion.

Scorpion: You will not enjoy this encounter.

Cassie: More than you will.

Cassie Cage vs Kano: TKT dialogue partially wrong. Source: https://soundcloud.com/thekombattether/cassiekano?in=thekombattether/sets/mortal-kombat-x-dialogue

Kano: Past your bedtime ain’t it?

Cassie: You’ll be the one taking a nap.

Kano: Come tuck me in.

D’Vorah vs Cassie Cage: Dialogue a bit wrong:

Cassie: I wasn’t expecting you, D’Vorah

D’Vorah: What do you expect now?

Cassie: An easy win and

Quan Chi vs Scorpion: Source(assumed to be dialogue): https://twitter.com/NetherRealm/status/519251220427325440

Quan Chi: You will bathe in hellfire.

Scorpion: I was forged in it!

D’vorah vs Sub Zero:

D’Vorah: Your time’s passed, ice maker. <-- change

Sub Zero: My day is finally dark.(has finally dawned)

D’Vorah vs Raiden:

D’Vorah: You waste time with ____ <-- change

Raiden: I can protect you D’Vorah.

D’Vorah: Protection is pointless.

Raiden vs Ferra/Torr:

Ferra: Do you remember lightning man?

Torr: *Roars*

Raiden: Then you know I can help you. <-- change from inaudible

Ferra: Yeah, you talk ____

Scorpion vs D’Vorah: Source:

Scorpion: Come no closer.

D’Vorah: The hive want to taste you.

Scorpion: ____

Kano vs Kano: Source: http://www.capsulecomputers.com.au/2014/10/mortal-kombat-x-hands-on-preview/

Kano1: Well, look who we have here.

Kano2: One of us is a fake!

Kano1: One of us will die!

Ferra/Torr vs Kotal Kahn Source: http://www.capsulecomputers.com.au/2014/10/mortal-kombat-x-hands-on-preview/

Kotal Kahn: Join me.

Ferra/Torr: You want enslave our people!

Kotal Kahn: I wish to restore you.

Quan Chi vs Sub Zero: Source: http://www.capsulecomputers.com.au/2014/10/mortal-kombat-x-hands-on-preview/

Quan Chi: I have your brother’s soul.


Ya'll stingy
quan chi to raiden: your death will strengthen my realm!

and i thought kano said to him "do your worst, sorcerer" i do worst doesn't make sense...

edit - woops dark beat me to it.


Kombat Kast Variations:

Kotal Kahn:


Kotal Kahn: Let us agree to disagree

Quan Chi: Where are you from?

Ferra/Torr: We no remember

Quan Chi: __ your soul will__

Scorpion: I shall have ___

Sub Zero:

Scorpion: ___ or anybody’s ___

Kotal Kahn:


Kotal Kahn: You will join me ___

Kano: Kotal..

Kotal Kahn:

Kano: Nothing personal, business.

Quan Chi: D’Vorah..

D’Vorah: This one seeks power. Yours.

Quan Chi: Let us shed your mortal blood

Kotal Kahn:

Quan Chi: I don’t know who your referring to

Kotal Kahn: You will not __ me

Ferra/Torr: ___ buglady ___

D’Vorah: Never

Ferra/Torr: ___ now

Netherrealm studios vine:

Raiden: Leave now Ferra

Ferra/Torr: Rip out his glowy parts

Raiden: I foresee a different result

Scorpion: You betrayed me, Quan Chi.

Quan Chi: Your rage betrays you

Scorpion: Enough!

Cassie Cage: Nice miniskirt

Kotal Kahn: A joke at my expense?

Cassie Cage: Nah its yours for free


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
Cheers thanks for this man
Makes me think SZ plays a big role in this the way hes talking to Raiden,
could it be possible he is being chosen by the Elder Gods to protect Earthrealm

btw Quan Chi vs Kano is not "I do best...." it is "Is that your best....."

Edit: why the fuck is my profile saying im a Noob again lol