unlike most tier charts or mu charts the one i'm making is well...both...it records all the mus in the game which I've looked up and researched and adds up all of the characters numbers which allows me to calculate their average mu number and organize every character into an order and figure out which characters are legitimately top and low tier.
to read this mu chart you should go along the vertical list of characters and look along to see a number: for example if i go along from bane and look at H31 i can see the number 8 meaning that bane wins 8/10 against Grundy hence its an 8-2 mu, this also applies when looking along the Grundy row to AE8 where a 2 is present to show that Grundy wins 2/10 games against Bane.
Obviously mus are controversial but here's my source of information for the mu numbers already recorded:
Flash: Zyphox's mu chart and HoneyBee's mu chart
Zod: Relaxedstate's mu chart
Lex: my personal opinions as a lex main and Rev0lver's mu chart
Raven: Blind Ducky's mu chart
Aquaman: Theo's mu chart
Ares: Mr.Aquaman's mu chart
Doomsday: Eldriken's mu chart and WhiteBoi's mu chart
Shazam: MFKAOZ's mu chart
Batgirl: Pan1cMode's mu chart
Bane: Kyu (aka oNe87_Muscles)'s mu chart
KF: PTH RM Astronout's mu chart and xKhaoTik's mu chart
MMH: EMP Jupiter's mu chart
Zatanna: Deg's mu chart
Cw and HG: RainbowPride69(aka oNe87_Arkham)'s mu charts
Nw: FOREVER ELITE's mu chart and personal opinions from DJA_Homies and HeroesNZ
Lobo: Capt. O2's mu chart
Batman: Forever King's mu chart
Green Lantern: Fred Marvel's mu chart,MidTierHarley's mu chart,BunLantern's mu chart.
Black Adam: Clark Luthor's mu chart
Harley Quinn:Laos_Boy's mu chart
WW: Filipino Man's mu chart
Deathstroke: RedRaptor10's mu chart
Green Arrow: 7L's mu chart.
SG: Mikemetroid's mu chart.
Cyborg:I used a respected cyborg player's mu chart however he didn't want to be quoted here.
Scorpion: What non-scorpion players say about the scorpion mu.
Joker: Kentucky's mu numbers and Vengeance's mu numbers
Superman: What non-superman players say about the scorpion mu.
Sinestro:Telekinetic being's numbers+what non-sinestro players say about sinestro mu
ok...here it is ALMOST finished. I just need your help to correct any wrongly entered mus, please please please...no upplaying, no downplaying just be honest and truthful. I'm actually surprised by a lot here but it may well be true...