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Post the top 5 underrated characters in your opinion.

Feel free to give reasons why. Also #1 is the most underrated.

5. Liu Kang- Great mix-ups and rushdown game. Only thing he lacks is good wakeup.

4. Rain- A lot of people don't like him but I like he's a strong character. Negative edge affects him a lot.

3. Cyber Sub-Zero- IMO the best rushdown character in the game. Only bad thing is that all of his bad matchups are upper tier characters.

2. Sektor- In most tier lists I see, Sektor is near the bottom. I think he is upper tier because he has so many tools to win.

1. Skarlet- She does incredible damage and has a lot of tools to win. I think she can compete at high level play. Only bad thing is that she is tricky to learn.

What are your top 5 underrated characters?


Target Acquired
1. Baraka - People constantly remark on how bad Baraka is, when in reality Baraka is a good character, not many people put the time into him to explore his traps and resets.

2. Kenshi - When Kenshi first came out everyone was talking about him, but it seems like this has all died down, Hopefully we can see some good Kenshi gameplay in upcoming tournaments.

3. Sonya - Sonya has been pretty much slept on for a while, recently some good players have shown what Sonya is capable of, IMO Sonya is one of the best characters in the game.

4. Nightwolf - Nightwolf is a great character that isn't getting the representation he deserves in tournaments, more people need to be playing him.

5. Sektor - Sektor is a great character. Just like Nightwolf he isn't getting the representation he deserves not enough people are playing Sektors at tournaments.


Come On Die Young
5. Nightwolf - Ranks consistently high on tier lists, yet not many people bother with him. He's the one char who I feel is going to start becoming big and be a regular opponent.
4. Cyber Sub - Again, always high in the charts but low in players. From my understanding he has negative edge problems, but despite that, his parry and dive kicks are always excellent.
3. Skarlet - Even with a nerf, she's going to be a great character. Very hard to deal with at times, more people need to try her out.
2. Quan Chi - If you think he's garbage, you haven't played a dirty Quan Chi player. If you can build meter well, his ex rune trap will piss people off.
1. Sonya - I'm feeling more and more that Sonya is A-tier. I don't know if it's just dislike for the character herself, or what, but she is very deadly.


5. sektor - very tough kombatant, definitely not low tier, but so few people use him i barely know the matchup

4. quan chi - tied for best mix ups in the game, sucks with wake ups and no good "get off me" special. His one overhead starter needs to be committed with mind control which is very punishable.

3 liu kang - another one tied for best mix ups, no good wakeups, great rushdown, decent anti air with iafb and decent zoning with low fireball

2 shang tsung - very dangerous at full screen, if someone uses soul steal and knows how to use the kombatant you're using, you're screwed. difficult to master

1 jax/sonya - i've seen high level play with both kombatants yet I never see them online, I barely know the matchup.


1 - Jade - i feel her exglow hasn't been explored fully to its potential and i can see new tech being found for her if people took the time to learn her. Her boomarang resets are a good tactic and if she had the right following she could be fullly explored.

2 - Sonya - She has 40 and 50% meterless midscreens AND can end the combo with the opponent standing into her stance which they HAVE to block or they'll eat about 10-15% more damage depending on whether she'll do the overhead or low. a good projectile and pretty quick attacks. She lacks in low/overhead combo starters but her mixups make up for it. I dont know what it is but people seem to forget about her when it comes to the female chars.

3 - Jax - Really great rush down and prolly has the best low attack in the game next to liu kang. Has devastating corner combos with meter. There recently has been some real good jax players popping up but not nearly enough to get some solid tourney information out of.

4 - Baraka - Has great wake up options and plays a good 'get teh fuck off meh' game but has a hard time getting in. Once barakas in medium to close range you'll have a tough time getting him off of you. I think he's got a bad rep from the get go of the game but is eventually going ot be played more.

5 - Sektor - Has crazy damage output and great EX moves (extu homing missle) and control the air. Has alot of safe jump oppurtunities and very quick attacks but has a hard time shaking pressure off. I main sektor so i know his full potential. He can be so dominating during matches that you have to be turtling against him in fear of a 40% air to air combo and watch out for upmissles.

G4S MinotaurLord

Wielder of Toxins
5. Sektor - We've seen what Sektroll and other pro players are capable of. This guy is serious business in the right hands.

4. Baraka - Like other people said, his pre-initial patch hate has kinda carried over and it's not all deserved.

3. Sonya - Bullshit good combos and an even more bullshit air attack.

2. Kenshi - My 2ndary, his hype went ghost as soon as rain was announced. Ridiculous mix of zoning with good attack strings and anti-wakeup. In my experience this guy rips through your average cyrax.

1. Skarlett - I've seen a million videos online with absurd combos and resets and not a single player on psn that I've run into can handle this girl worth a damn. I don't know whether or not people are avoiding her in fear of what this legendary (read - mythical) patch might do to her, but she's dirty business.


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
1. Skarlett
2. Rain
3. Quan Chi
4. Sonya
5. Night Wolf

Despite what competitors are saying about 4 and 5, people still don't believe them. I don't know why. They're good both on paper and in practice.

On a sidenote, so many people saying Baraka. He still sucks. The hate from pre-patch carried over because it is rightfully done so. The only new things from Baraka are the ones from the patch. People are still discovering new things for other characters, Sheeva included.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Cant figure out a decent order, but it goes like this: Sektor, Jade, Kenshi, Skarlet, STRYKER.

The red robot's EX TU can lead to untold amounts of suffering, and his juggle/missle combos are superb; Jade's staff is unfuckwithable in the proper hands, her 2x shadow kick has JC's beat, and no one ever expects the stray boomerang; Kenshi's anti-zoning game is one of the best in the game, and his tele-attack strings can leave an average player baffled; if Skarlet can still do after the next patch the things she can do now, im going to make it a point to put her in the lab and figure her out just because shes nasty as can be, a real challenge to learn, and not many will know what to do against her other than pray for luck; Stryker's toss-up strings between the baton attacks, 2-ranged grenade tosses, and anti-zone gunshots make me wonder why he isnt far more popular. He could be better, for certain, but he doesnt get nearly the credit he deserves.


I was about to say, if these lists don't include Sektor across the board, then change your minds! But I see all of you have a good head on your shoulders!

5. Scorpion
4. Shang Tsung
3. Sonya
1. Dy-lawn (cuz he spits hot fire, mon)
Well my picks are

1) Baraka- Most people I run into think Baraka is a push over.

2)Jax- In the right hands he can be a difficult player to beat.

3)Sektor -Agree with the previous reply's

4)Nightwolf - I rarely see people play him so my tactics to defend myself with a player good with him is bad.

5)Skarlet - I myself did not play with her till a very good player (he was on a 42 game win streak in a full lobby) I saw him beat people down when he used her. I had to admit he was rotating to different fighters and was real good with many of them. I began using her and with new hits and combos I found he she is a force to reckon with.

It's just a shame I can't play with her as much as I want because people are too lazy to download the FREE Comparability Packs. :mad:


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I know right ^ Jade is a bitch when used well lol

1. Sektor-very underrated and can hang with nearly anyone when used right, his missles and mix of high low game on top of the fact that you can zone and turtle with him makes him very competitive as well as his speedy teleport uppercut.

2. Smoke-Even BEFORE his resets of late were discovered....the guy still has beastly combos anywhere from 30%-45% with one bar, even more with 2 in some cases and near the wall he's deadly as well...combined with the fact that his invisibility is great cover, his teleport being one of the best in the game makes him deadly to deal with.

3.Jade-I don't use her, but I must say everyone who uses her very well has given me a rough time. While she's easier to deal with compared to Mileena and Kitana for sure.

4. Skarlett- She's very unpredictable, I think an aggressive Skarlett can give you headaches and be a bitch with her dash cancels, her delayed knife tricks.

5. Ermac and Scorpion- Yes, I'm serious....ever since his nerf he's been dropped down, dropped by a ton of players and he's yet to win any major so save the "Ermac's TK push is broken" bit lol, they nerfed that too and as an Ermac player I think he's underrated since he can go toe to toe and beat the Raiden's and KL's of MK9 while it's far from easy, it's possible.

Scorpion-HIs hellfire, trickly teleport and save Jump ins with 111 give for great mix ups with his low take down, he throw mix ups after jump ins on block or even on hit, he's got some nice 35%-40% combos off one bar, very tricky and can turtle with him.


This list isn't in order of how unused or underrated the character named is.

1) Cyber Sub-Zero: no true presence in a major(that I remember). Has great potential with bomb setups and meter usage. Dive kick is over-rated in my opinion... very hard to use practically except for EX(are you really going to burn meter on a dive kick, unless it's to finish him? I'd hope not..)

2) Noob Saibot: I don't know, I just feel like someone is out there waiting with some sort of untechable 100% reset with noob.. his true mindgames with his clones(not just mindless spamming, timing it well) are a bitch and it's sad I don't see more of it.

3) Scorpion: his vortex is awe-inspiring, I've played a few online and got stuck and had to use EX moves with invincibility or armor to get out. A couple flawless against me with a good scorpion.

4) Skarlett: Who knows. I've never seen any sort of gameplay with her, let alone high level. Dash cancel kunai are a bitch to get past and that's all I really know about. She's #1 underated in my opinion.

5) Jax: His ground pound cancels are a bitch to deal with. Played against 2 Jax mainers and it's murder. He's really hard to overcome.


Sonya - I know, I know, there are good Sonya's out there, but I find that a lot of people are not threatened by the character as they should be. She is a mean bitch on rush down and will pressure you until the end. I prefer to think of her as "Johnny Cage lite" minus the EX Kick armor (ie the way Cage should have been)

Nightwolf - Yes, everyone know he's top tier, but there is just a lack of quality Nightwolfs. I mean, there are a few, and they always stand out, but as it stands, it's as if people forgot the character even exists. I mean, he is a beast in everything, and I can't believe people don't play as him more (I'm actually picking him up now).

Jade - Probably one of the most underrated and undiscovered characters in the game. Yes, it is surprising to see a good Jade and perhaps that's why she gives people trouble, because no one had enough experience to figure her out. At the same time, she has a lot of decent tools to be good.

Baraka - All jokes aside, he can be a pain in the ass in the right hands.

Quan-Chi - Sure, low tier and all that but a good Quan Chi is beastly.


5. Noob - Used correctly, Noobs a dick. (from what I'm told)
4. Sektor - Juggling all day every day with mixups
3. Baraka - Not a single person takes him serious these days
2. Sheeva - Had a local TYM Sheeva kicking my ass last night since I was thinking he'd just spam telestomp.
1. Quan Chi - Mixups, Mixups, Mixups, Trance, Resets. Quans got shit to contend with, just gotta know how to use it.