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Regarding the News with 16 Bit and Pig...


Wasn't Pig the only reason we had a working stream at NEC last year? and he's banned this year?
This. Seriously, the man may have single handily prolonged the life of Injustice. There's a lot Pig does that I strongly disagree with (emotional over the top reactions to characters -- Scorpion -- or calling for Paulo's head, which even as a big fan of Pig I found to be shameful), but the man does sooo much for the community that the good outweighs the bad. The guy saved NEC last year as far as Injustice is concerned, that alone should give him a pass.
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NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
You're not. It's just that it was completely irrelevant, which makes your subsequent "dude, we're talking about a video game" comment all the more baffling.
irrelevant how?

They were fired..... bad mouthed the owners...... and now want to patch things up and come back.

........ irrelevant how?

This. Seriously, the man may have single handily prolonged the life of Injustice. There's a lot Pig does that I strongly disagree with (emotional over the top reactions to characters (Scorpion), calling for Paulo's head (which even as a big fan of Pig I found to be shameful), but the man does sooo much for the community that the good outweighs the bad. The guy saved NEC last year as far as Injustice is concerned, that alone should give him a pass.
actually no......
he bites the hands that feed him. alot.

Filipino Man

Retirement my ass
There's nothing I hate more than "fuck you, you criticized me (in this case, my event), and therefore I don't like you and there's not consolation. I'm not gonna change for you."

That, to me, is the high school shit.

My analogy is that if you can't take criticism of who you are as a person, you will never improve as a person because you won't know what's wrong and what people don't like about you. Replace person/you with event, and that's basically what BigE is saying, or that's how I interpreted it.

This is really sad that this is happening. I feel really bad because whenever I go to an event (or even watch), Capcom is ALWAYS run better (minus UFGT10, I think Keits was fair to all and SCR actually did its best to be fair as well, but Valle is a Capcom head) and the bias is kinda really real.


That being fired analogy doesn't make sense in this case.

This is more like being a college student, and getting raped. Complaining about it to the school pointing out how other people have also been raped and something should be done to fix this, but being kicked out of the school you paid to attend instead for making it look bad and nothing's changed to make the school safer.

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Except Pig publicly inquired if they were banned in a recent thread BECAUSE he wanted to go. You can say this makes him a liar, or it could mean that he just thought this wasn't worth boycotting and wanted to patch things up?
And if they didnt patch it up then whats your place? It it not our job to get involved in something private, but nothing is private on here because inb4 high school drama. And he PUBLICLY said he would not attend another event ran by KN. Both sides of the story have complete bullshit. I respect a man who keeps his word and I respect someone trying to fix things, in this case it just might take more time, point being let it fucking happen.

Did you even read the OP?
I never replied to the OP :DOGE Just cool qhwuip

There's nothing I hate more than "fuck you, you criticized me (in this case, my event), and therefore I don't like you and there's not consolation. I'm not gonna change for you."

That, to me, is the high school shit.

My analogy is that if you can't take criticism of who you are as a person, you will never improve as a person because you won't know what's wrong and what people don't like about you. Replace person/you with event, and that's basically what BigE is saying, or that's how I interpreted it.
Half of the west coast players are like this, try and argue ares with west coast players in the first few months of injustice.

OG Mannimal

OG "OG Mannimal" Mannimal
I think it was kinda scummy leaking a PM, but I have to say I just about died when ShinBlanka said he was going to sue Bit. Someone needs to study up on their knowledge of the law


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
People get fired from real jobs for way less

grow up
Man, I'm so glad that, in the real world with real jobs they have such a thing as..."Wrongful Termination."
Which a person could use to challenge the firing in court.
Which, you know, Bit and Pig really can't do here.

Real world is shockingly real.


so from what ive read so far pig and 16bit basically stated their opinions about a recent tourney they were in, didnt like it and now they are banned because of it? that sounds pretty childish and maybe slightly abusive of power? idk i dont know all the facts. but if that is the case i feel as thought things should have been settled face to face. if those two had a problem they should have went to whoever ran the tourney and talk about. And vice versa. if you have a problem with what someone said about you or something you did you go to them like a man or woman and see what the problem was. plain and simple. we're all grown ups here (for the most part) so act like it. dont go behind twitter or these live streams and talk about issues you have with something without going to the person the issue is with from the jump.