Shao... No... It should've been me...
It should've been me...
GOD DAMMIT! Why wasn't it me?
Why did you have to go and die on me...
After all we've been through... After all was said and done...
Why did we have to lose you... Of all the people in the world...
Of all the people in our unit... You were the one I was striving to protect...
You had so much life ahead of you... So much to give back to mankind...
What do I have left? I surrendered my humanity, I lost everything...
You were the last thing on this world that I had.
You reminded me of my brother, you know... My younger brother.
Always so skilled, always so talented... So much potential, but we lost him...
He is the reason why I gave up my life to the military, why I modified my body...
To better protect those who couldn't protect themselves.
And yet I couldn't save him, save you... I couldn't save anybody.
You'll never know it, but you were truly family to me. All the missions, every shot fired...
All to protect you, brother. All to make sure we could see this war end together.
It kills me to think... we were so close. You saved more than just our unit, you saved this whole world.
And what do you have to show for it? A grave on a hill, resting by your fallen friends...
I should probably let you know, but once the war ended I found myself a wife.
I wanted you to be my best man, but... Well I guess I don't have to tell you.
I was worried I wouldn't fit in a tux, but they reversed my modifications. I'm about your size now.
She was one of the civilians we saved, together. You won't believe it, but...
I'm going to be a daddy, man. I'm going to have a family again...
Its a girl, we found out. I got to name her, I think the name Lyn sounds great.
My wife wasn't too excited, but she understands. Serenity Lyn, born of the peace you died for.
She won't understand for a while, but maybe one day I'll tell her about her uncle Shao Lyn.
Try not to roll over in your grave too much, brother. I know its cheesy, but that's how it is.
I wish you could see this view, its really not bad. A hero of humanity could do a lot worse...
Anyways I wrote everything down in a book for us. I'll make sure no one forgets you...
My brother... Please be at peace.
I'll come back and see you again soon, alright? Try not to go anywhere.
*As Doom leaves, a makeshift tombstone can be seen at the base of the rifle*
To (@Shaolin 19 ) Shao Lyn
A Brother, A Hero, a Friend
The Paragon of Humanity