Well let's see where do I begin. Well for starters the Harley vs Batman match up is one that I have a great deal of experience in due to how long I've fought this Match Up both online & offline (we have numerous Batman players in ATL & I've fought the best of the best Batman players).
Basically what will make this match hard for your "typical Batman" is that Batman is forced to play very patient due to the strong nature of Harley's zoning game. Your "typical Batman" who thinks they can just trait up & rush in without a logical approach will easily crumble at the feet of my Harley (evil laugh). What also makes just rushing in like the "typical Batman" tough is that since Harley will spend most of this fight shooting & throwing cupcakes at you she will almost always have meter to just PUSHBLOCK you away in the event you get in or have Bats at your disposal.
From full screen Harley has the edge in zoning & will easily beat out any Batarang zoning since I will hit him with my gunshot & still have time to block or even avoid the Batarang all together. Now Batman however can easily avoid MB Cupcakes due to his double jump (I still like to use em so you end up full screen anyway). Basically Batman will have to make reads on my zoning & maneuver his way through an obstacle course to get in but it is not all hopeless as it seems.
Excellent Bat management & usage is super key on making your approach. You can use the Bats to cover your approach to make it to me safely but you must be smart about it otherwise Nimble & Small Harley Quinn will just make the Bats miss by either overhead gunshots or crouch under them (from a certain range). Now when it comes to Jumping in on Harley.
Your "typical Batman" loves his J2 & abuses it like it's the greatest thing on God's green earth. In an air to air exchange Harley's J1 will crush Batman's J2 every time unless you pull J2 SO EARLY that your making a read on my air to air (which if you guess wrong prepare to eat a B22 to a full combo punish). You want to use J1 for air to air vs Harley & mix in the Glitter when you jump so that way you can trick me from time to time.
In a ground spacing battle with normals Harley will out range Batman due to her B2 but you can use it against her & jump in if you think she will use it since her recovery on whiff from B2 is bad. Batman can also easily punish Tantrum Stance 1 with his Standing 1 combo starter to whatever it is you wanna do. @
DarthArma @
AK RM Blake anything else you wanna add that I missed?