I'll be saying, wish they didn't give raiden a midscreen teleport, and sub-zero an armor aura, or what is the point of anti-air laser when upball is already there.... or man how come anti-airs aren't good again... where is my footsies... WHY IS D'VORAHH BATGIRL V2 I HATE SAFE 50/50s, i wanted to teach insanexcarnage a lesson about fighting games!!!!
But i'll probably play it exclusively for over a year, buy all the dlc and only play 2 of them... go to a tournament or two.... enjoy the game more if it wasn't mk9v2 but not know it... and sit here on tym, with a beard, hopefully no hair-loss, hopefulyl a really hot girlfriend or two... and bitch and moan about the lack of fundamentals some characters demand and how they could have done this instead of that.... why didn't they add this or that... what is the point of this variation it adds no functionality... why am i so free at streetfighter when i allegedly think i have solid fundamentals... i only win because my character is broken....
Yup... i realize i don't know anything about these chars yet...