A few things.
Event Horizon (demon grab) MB corner hitbox "glitch"
After putting this on DMS's wall (currently @
Dark Kent) I realised that I don't think I ever posted this on the forums. @
SonicFox5000 apparently found, and I quote "corner reverse MB trait pull". This might be the thing I didn't post, might be completely different. Hopefully it is different as it would mean yet more Raven tech. Apologies to Fox if I'm just about to steal his thunder, but considering what I found was so obscure I seriously doubt it.
Anyway, push your opponent into the corner and then at point blank do demon pull MB. Then immediately jump in. Congrats, you're now "inside" their hitbox where things get ambiguous as fuck. As they land you have a few options, such as b2 (caused the most weirdness as you advance forward when doing it), jump 3 (will hit as they land if timed right). No, f3 does not cross them. One day I'll find an f3 cross-up setup.
The benefits of this? Yeah not many, especially when you can just go for a normal 50/50 standing reset with a jump-in attack as they land. However, it's always good to know things like this and if pulled out of nowhere could throw the opponent off their game. You don't need to do this raw - any combo that ends with the opponent in the corner and you point blank can be ended with demon grab MB for this setup. The resulting spacing is the same regardless so you can try it just by doing raw demon grab.
As you land while they're still in the air, the opponent has a second to actually see what happened and panic (WHICH SIDE IS HE ON?!?!). Consider it more of a mind-games tool rather than a guaranteed setup.
D2 quick-stand proof of concept
Just did 15 minutes in the lab (I don't actually play any more - just watch the streams) and worked this out. For those who don't know, ending a combo with a d2 will cause them to stand back up almost immediately if you did another d2 in the same combo earlier (the d2s do not need to be back to back). This can catch them off guard for blocking, wake-ups, etc.
These combos are not optimized - they're just to show it in action.
Proof of concept 1 (mid-screen): b3, ji3, d2, ji2, d2~lift. The opponent should land between d2 and lift where they will stand up straight away and be caught by lift. You're at -10 if they block, but they're quite far away (pretty much the max lift range) so a punish is almost impossible (example: Corps Charge can be blocked).
Proof of concept 2 (mid-screen, demon stance): b3, ji2, d2, ji2, d2~grab. Exactly the same as above. Two ji2s are used to change the gravity (ji3 causes higher gravity on the opponent) to take into account the increased start-up times on the grab. If it gets blocked they're far away and you're only -5.
Proof of concept 3 (anti-air): d2~lift MB, b3 d2~lift. As above, but this time you start off with the d2.
Baiting wake-ups after quick-stand
The opponent has to make a very quick choice/guess as to whether they should try and wake up out of the setup assuming they see it coming. This can also be exploited to your advantage. The opponent is far enough away that a lot of wake-ups will just flat out miss and for those that cause the opponent to charge towards you can be countered by just blocking after the last d2 (i.e. don't cancel into the special) or following up d2 with b3/f3 MB. You have enough frame advantage from the d2 to just do a raw f3/b3 - no need to spend 2 bars for the cancel. The armour will kick in by the time they arrive and hit you and hopefully the f3/b3 will punish or at least leave you + on block.