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Who is the best move seller in wrestling: Past/Present?


blink-182 enthusiast
Not related to the thread, but I turned on RAW for the first time in forever and I have to ask....

What up with the double-title belt? They can't just give Cena one belt to walk around with? It looks so dumb.
they merged the titles recently, I don't think they've decided which belt they're going to use to signify the wwe whc title from either the wwe one, the big gold belt, or possibly a new one


Kytinn King
A little over-selling is fine, but when you see RVD get hit with a DDT you feel it in your neck. Ziggler is good too, second best imo.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Current- AJ Styles (Watch his match with Okada from G1 CLimax a couple wks back)

Hell I was watching some WCW Great American Bash from '88 on the Network for "$9.99" a few days ago, Koloff/Sting vs Arn Anderson/Blanchard.

Awesome selling, and holy hell, get this, they "worked" the limbs. P.S Lmao @ RAW last night, that "affair" angle was ass fn retarded. I have to get blitzed to watch the current product.

Shoutouts to IPAs to get me through Brie Bella. Fn buzzed, wrestling in 2014 is ass.

Cesaro saves us! Oh wait...
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Kitana Prime

Top-tier at everything but the characters I choose
Ziggler then Rollins for current

HBK for 'past' im an admitted AE baby.

Honorable underrated mention: Randy Orton. Great at EVERYTHING in ring .... but bores the shit out of people elsewhere.

But the realist underrated seller: Evan Bourne

Guy was a fucking ragdoll who sold perfectly

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Diamond Dallas Paige

the diamond cutter move was done almost any way possible most versatile and hype at the time
Selling means making your opponent look good. It's not the act of a guy doing his finisher.

For example, when Rock had a Stone Cold Stunner done to him, he would flip backwards in ridiculous fashion. That's how he "sold" the move.

Anyway, on topic - a lot of people are saying Ziggler. Ziggler is great, but he's a little over the top with his selling. If I'm saying all time, I'd have to go with Flair. Flair made his opponents look like fucking GOLD. I don't think people understand how many stars Flair made simply by selling for them. Sting would not have been the legend he is considered to be today without Flair making him look like an absolute monster each and every match.

If I'm picking current guys who sell like champs, I'd go with Rollins, RVD, Slater and Ambrose, just to name a few. HBK was another all time great at selling (aside from that joke of a match against Hogan), but he's no longer an active wrestler.

Honorable mention:

And...just for good measure...



Kytinn King
Current- AJ Styles (Watch his match with Okada from G1 CLimax a couple wks back)

Hell I was watching some WCW Great American Bash from '88 on the Network for "$9.99" a few days ago, Koloff/Sting vs Arn Anderson/Blanchard.

Awesome selling, and holy hell, get this, they "worked" the limbs. P.S Lmao @ RAW last night, that "affair" angle was ass fn retarded. I have to get blitzed to watch the current product.

Shoutouts to IPAs to get me through Brie Bella. Fn buzzed, wrestling in 2014 is ass.

Cesaro saves us! Oh wait...
I agree AJ Styles is a good one too, and you are right, that is the dumbest angle to even put Brie in. I mean c'mon the affair angle makes no sense for a character like Daniel


Kytinn King
Ziggler then Rollins for current

HBK for 'past' im an admitted AE baby.

Honorable underrated mention: Randy Orton. Great at EVERYTHING in ring .... but bores the shit out of people elsewhere.

But the realist underrated seller: Evan Bourne

Guy was a fucking ragdoll who sold perfectly
Fuck I forgot about Evan, I enjoyed watching him get thrown and end up in awkward positions