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Useless specials list


I think its a good idea to make a list of useless as of now specials that, I hope, will be fixed by NR one way or another in the future

For example
Sonya Blade - EX Dive Kick : Normal Dive Kick does more damage, since you can combo off it.
Jax - EX d,u+2 : Normal version guarantees EX ground pound, that deals more damage than EX d,u+2.

I'm not sure, but I also think Baraka's EX chop chop does less damage than normal one (you can combo off normal one, and cannot off EX-chop?).


Come On Die Young
Cyber Sub's teleport. Unless the opponent is standing there doing nothing, he'll get hit out of it 95% of the time.

Kitana's pretty kick. I know fake-out kick can sometimes be useful in rushdown strings, but I've come to realize there isn't much use for pretty kick. Its only plus is ex invincibility on wakeup, but ex cutter and ex lift will be better options every time.


"Online is your forte!" - A Wise Man, 2015.
Well, off the top of my head...

Sonya's :enKiss;
Sub-Zero's Ground Freeze;
Liu Kang's Dragon Stance. <----- this is stupid


Cyber sub bomb, the way it stands; Quan Chi's health/damage boost, because of how lucky you have to be for it to be successful.


Come On Die Young
Cyber sub bomb, the way it stands; Quan Chi's health/damage boost, because of how lucky you have to be for it to be successful.
Do you mean the negative edge on it? Because I know it's not useless. EX bomb can be very good too, even though it's underused. I've also seen successful ways Quan's boost can be used.


Well, off the top of my head...

Sonya's :enKiss;
Sub-Zero's Ground Freeze;
Liu Kang's Dragon Stance; <----- this is stupid
Shang Tsung's :enSoul Steal.

Only thing I have to say about that is that EX Soul Steal is the only viable wake up option for Shang because of the armor, and as such is not even close to useless.


Do you mean the negative edge on it? Because I know it's not useless. EX bomb can be very good too, even though it's underused. I've also seen successful ways Quan's boost can be used.

Well, I guess I mean impractical. The freezing I think should be absolute, not only if he's neutral, and negative edge is ridiculous on it. Removes his poke game competely with me, as I use a pad and it's not very good(completely broken atm..).

As for Quan Chi, it's very tough to get it in and actually use it being successful.. I use to mess around with Quan Chi and that was one thing I wanted to test, because I couldn't land his higher hitting combos accurately. You have to make the opponent turtle completely and even then it's easy to just be hit out of it without more than 2% health boost or a one second, no hit damage boost.

I'm not doubting EX Bomb, I think that's VERY useful. Very nice IMO..just the standard bomb doesn't sit well with me.


IMO even if a special has one use (like cyrax's buzzsaw which is used for his reset) then its not useless.

Theres not actually that many 100% useless specials tbh: 1 is ofc Quan Chi's skeletal boost.


Come On Die Young
As for Quan Chi, it's very tough to get it in and actually use it being successful.. I use to mess around with Quan Chi and that was one thing I wanted to test, because I couldn't land his higher hitting combos accurately. You have to make the opponent turtle completely and even then it's easy to just be hit out of it without more than 2% health boost or a one second, no hit damage boost.
I don't know how to do it since I don't play Quan, but one of the guys I practice with mains Quan and uses it after a certain knockdown combo. From what I saw, unless the opponent has a teleport wakeup option Quan gets the boost for free.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
I thought his ex knife was somewhat useful since it his mid :L
Let me just clarify

Ex-knife: 5+ damage from reg, but doesnt help combos are hitboxes, waste of meter

Ex-Choke: Was supposed to have armor but it doesnt :(

Ex-Ball: Easy punishable, adds +1 damage in combo

These are pointless because they are a waste of meter


"Online is your forte!" - A Wise Man, 2015.
Only thing I have to say about that is that EX Soul Steal is the only viable wake up option for Shang because of the armor, and as such is not even close to useless.
Oh, it has armor? Didn't know! lol
Well then, I'm taking it out of my list.


I don't know how to do it since I don't play Quan, but one of the guys I practice with mains Quan and uses it after a certain knockdown combo. From what I saw, unless the opponent has a teleport wakeup option Quan gets the boost for free.
Maybe a super face splat, where they stay down for like 2 full seconds. But I don't know of any, and it has the same properties of invisible reptile or smoke. Hit on block and it's gone.


Praise Sheeva
Sheeva's air grab.

Sheeva's ground stomp.

These moves need to be changed somehow to be useful. I almost never use them, air grab grabs air most of the time, and ground stomp is too damn slow to be of any use.

Mileena's b2 and f2 are useless too, although I do like the idea of getting extra damage for her bite move if the sai is still in the opponent. However, since Mileena relies heavily on sais to zone and build meter, this is moot.

Interesting idea though, its like the devs were trying to give her an alternative sai-less approach, but didn't quite get there. Maybe that's why she doesn't have too many moves that use her sais like kitana and jade?


What a brilliant idea for a topic to discuss :D

This is applying the logic that a useless special has no use.

Quan Chi's Skeleton Boost is a waste of programming

Scorpion's Takedown (if he at least had advantage off hit so he could formulate the next attack I would be happy)

Sonya's Enhanced Kiss
Well, off the top of my head...

Sonya's :enKiss;
Sub-Zero's Ground Freeze;
Liu Kang's Dragon Stance. <----- this is stupid
Dragon Stance is okay. I use Dragon Stance 1 (the launcher) in corner combos. Dragon Stance 3 (the overhead) is sometimes useful if the opponent is staying on the ground after a knockdown, since Liu Kang's other overheads can't hit a grounded opponent.

I would say Liu Kang's EX fireballs are kinda useless. As far as I can tell they just do more damage and have no other special properties, and the extra damage they do is never going to be an efficient use of meter.