But what makes you think the guy deserves a million dollars, much less $5 million for this? What did he lose? Nothing other than prettier graphics which in no way impact how the game plays. Was he harmed in any way? No. Was he lied to? Sure, it would seem that way. But if he truly wanted to experience real 1080p and it means that much to him, he should know to be a PC gamer to achieve that and not rely on consoles.Sure, in this case it's just about petty graphics. But that doesn't change the fact that they often lie about gameplay too.
The most obvious example is how they hyped Kinect to be really revolutionary and amazing. Of course now when they try to lie about Kinect 2 nobody believes them anymore because we all know it's gonna play like shit. But it's the principle that any company can just say anything and make false promises to sell their product without any real backlash aside from complaints after purchase.
5 million is between 1/6 and 1/20 of the budget of a small triple A title. It really isn't that much for a big gaming company especially if they've sold more than a million copies. 3 million copies sold at 60$ is 180 million profit. Maybe they should've asked for a little less but I would not ask for less than a million.
I don't agree with being lied to about anything, regardless of how trivial it is. But suing for an absurd amount of money over something like this is just that: absurd.
I don't think it will uphold in court at all simply due to the amount that he's asking for. The main thing I would question is where he got that amount from and exactly why he feels he's entitled to that amount due to being lied to about a video game's resolution.