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My Wife Just 10-0d Me With a Doomsday Reference



It only get's awkward if you play Dick.
Such as if your mom calls him Dick Greaseman.
*husband plays Dick*

Wife: Use the "staff" extension this time, sweetie. Your "Escrima" just doesn't cut it for me. It's borderline useless.


This mean you don't like me?
My wife makes unintended Killer Frost references all the time:

"Ricky, you're starting to piss me off!"

"What I don't look good in this one? Does this mean you don't like me?"

"More overtime? I almost feel sorry for you..."

"Hey, watch the hands! I'm not in the mood!"

"Dammit Ricky, you were supposed to call the dentist! Now it's your ass!"

It's all very funny and cute, but it's the "I'll freeze your heart!" that worries me :(
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Original Liu Kang cop.
My wife makes unintended Killer Frost references all the time:

"Ricky, you're starting to piss me off!"

"What I don't look good in this one? Does this mean you don't like me?"

"More overtime? I almost feel sorry for you..."

"Dammit Ricky, you were supposed to call the dentist! Now it's your ass!"

It's all very funny and cute, but it's the "I'll freeze your heart!" that worries me :(
As long as she doesn't throw daggers at you I think you're cool.