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any1 has any tips in freeze mage?
trying to learn to play it, but its so damn hard
It's really not that hard to play. Mulligan for card draw that's what you want first and foremost. Try to do the math to see if they can pop your iceblock before using board wipes. If they can't pop you that's an extra turn you can save your board wipe on. The only real tricky part with the deck is turn 4, sometimes it's really smart to drop a doom sayer on turn 4 to prevent their 5 drop. Don't waste burn on killing creatures the deck does a finite amount of damage you can't afford to waste it. Also if the class you're up against doesn't have healing or hero abilities that increase surviveability you may not need straza to win, don't hesitate to burst them down.

Freeze mages hardest matchup is control warrior. You must remove the armor smith if played otherwise the warrior will gain too much armor and winning the match becomes impossible.

I run Freeze mage with Pyroblast but running it with Archmage Antonidas offers the possibility of having more potential damage.


The meta is super slow. Largely in part to the new naxx cards. Sludge belcher and the taunt ghoul mainly. Even loatheb.

A lot of warrior druid and shaman on my end.

Ive been running a handlock build with sludge belcher and eggs. So much board control with big threats and sludge belcher fits the deck since it baits out a lot of removal and lets you sit at low hp like the deck wants to be doing. I haven't tried loatheb in handlock yet but wouldn't be surprised to see him added since he can protect your fatties from removal


"Cheap Grubber"
The meta is super slow. Largely in part to the new naxx cards. Sludge belcher and the taunt ghoul mainly. Even loatheb.

A lot of warrior druid and shaman on my end.

Ive been running a handlock build with sludge belcher and eggs. So much board control with big threats and sludge belcher fits the deck since it baits out a lot of removal and lets you sit at low hp like the deck wants to be doing. I haven't tried loatheb in handlock yet but wouldn't be surprised to see him added since he can protect your fatties from removal
Unstable Ghouls aren't common except in control warrior though.

Yep, Belchers are great in Handlock.
Oh, you'll also see more midrange hunter passed ranks 10. Probably pally too
Yeah, I'm playing midrange hunter atm.


I Protect The Fridge!
Haha I barely tried the new warlock Zoo (not big fan of rush style decks tbh) and people started raging on me :p


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Lots of stuff, and I wanna remake my expend the hounds deck but I can't until Mad Scientist comes out in 2 weeks.



Trust me, I'm a doctor
currently rank 22 and not climbing at all. Maybe I'll get to 20 for my free card back so I don't have to bother anymore :p


Green Lantern Corps.
Currently bouncing between 11-10. Some of the RNG i've hit recently makes my blood boil :(

Edit: On the bright side however I'm getting used to the current meta somewhat so it does give me high hopes of reaching legend this season albeit maybe towards the end as the ranks become easier to climb.
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Green Lantern Corps.
I honestly just want the card back, only one I have liked so far. It is fun playing constructed though although sometimes rage inducing I take a break when that happens. You on NA or EU btw man?


I Protect The Fridge!
my goal is to get in the top 100 legend this season, highest finishing spot was 200 and somthing
I never reached legend, but I was wondering, does reaching legend 100 for example means YOU ARE the 100 and you have to keep fighting for your rank? so if you haven't played for 2 days you will find yourself rank 1500 for example? I really don't know how things work here :D


This game is more infuriating that Injustice online.

At least with that I had options and could actually fucking try defending myself.

With this I just get shut the fuck down at EVERY turn.

Is this really all this game is?


False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
I never reached legend, but I was wondering, does reaching legend 100 for example means YOU ARE the 100 and you have to keep fighting for your rank? so if you haven't played for 2 days you will find yourself rank 1500 for example? I really don't know how things work here :D
I doubt you could drop that much but yes, people can pass you up and knock you down in rank if you don't play. Like you can't get 100 a few weeks away from end of season and just quit. You will probably be like top 500 at best, if not less