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Make or Break list for MK X

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
This thread is confusing.
We already know the movement risk reward is there somehow, i just hope there is no safe 50-50s, and of course every launcher should have to be punishable, same with teleports.

What i really expect to go is the release check system, this one has brought serious inputs handicaps problems both in MK9 and IGAU, any player should've be able to feel the character moving or attacking at the instant he presses a button, not 2 frames later, this handicaps lots of stuff.

MK9 AA compared to IGAU AA pre-patch, injustice had pretty bad AAs in the beggining, we had to request for a buff on D2s for it, yet Aquaman was basically the only character with the most respected AA.

The community already adressed how powerful air game was, Colt has listened and delivered by adding recovery frames on whiff for every jump attacks, and not only that, jump attacks now have less active frames and they pull off their legs or arms after a time, you will have to telegraph your jumps well, if you want to do air games, in fact, every single normal in this game looks like it has a much better range compared to MK9 and IGAU, we haven't seen anyone with t-rex arms yet, so AA should be good too.

so far the game hasn't been released, we haven't played any character, we can't assume character x y z needs armor or buffs yet.


first of all i didn't call anyone a scrub, i point out the scrub mentality MK only players that because something is different, its automatically bad. you don't feel in control of your character because you most likely did not develop the INJ way of movement, and probably didn't give it a chance to gain the high level knowledge you need to move in that game. some characters have shit movement, and its most likely because they have other tools to compensate, unless you're joker lol lbsh there are plenty of MK players that didn't give INJ a shot, and complain its because of this or that, when at a high level and understanding, most of those things aren't even a problem. i feel more in control with flash than any character in MK9, and it all comes down to personal preference, and if you don't have high level knowledge on both sides, how can you argue one is better than the other? (not saying you are, just some people in general)
I literally cringe anytime someone says "scrub". It reminds me of smoknbuds4lifexXx on xbox live.

Anyway, it is a preference. But when your character is locked into an animation such as a long dash, you literally do not have control over them. That's a fact. And I fucking hate it. I've played injustice from day 1 till now. I've given it every chance to change my mind. I feel like it's a step backward in some regards and forewards in others. But to me the movement is a jarringly choppy.

Also I can have an opinion of which one is better. Regardless of my level of knowledge, be it high or not. Until the god of the video game universe comes down from the heavens and hands us mere mortals the Bible of fighting games I, and others, will decide which is better.

I understand you love the game. That's awesome. But a lot of us find it random, sloppy, and not fun to play at high level.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
I literally cringe anytime someone says "scrub". It reminds me of smoknbuds4lifexXx on xbox live.

Anyway, it is a preference. But when your character is locked into an animation such as a long dash, you literally do not have control over them. That's a fact. And I fucking hate it. I've played injustice from day 1 till now. I've given it every chance to change my mind. I feel like it's a step backward in some regards and forewards in others. But to me the movement is a jarringly choppy.

Also I can have an opinion of which one is better. Regardless of my level of knowledge, be it high or not. Until the god of the video game universe comes down from the heavens and hands us mere mortals the Bible of fighting games I, and others, will decide which is better.

I understand you love the game. That's awesome. But a lot of us find it random, sloppy, and not fun to play at high level.
and the counter argument is a lot of us find it fun, rewarding and very competitive. also almost all the fighting games i know you can't cancel your dash, MK9 is one of the few that do. also yes you can an opinion on what you like more, but without going through every variable an opinion on which is better is a pretty baseless opinion wouldn't you think? its like asking which game is better, marvel or SF to a person who has played both but only for a few days and has no fighting game back ground, their opinion will gear towards the one they found more fun and easier to pick up, doesn't make his opinion on either one a very thought out valid one.


What a day. What a lovely day.
It's sad that you can't express your opinion on this site without being called a "scrub" or "whiner" (granted, the OP could have come across a bit less caustically).

We're trying to welcome more people into the community and they see threads devolve into something like this?
- Bad netcode. These aren't the arcade days where theres an arcade with your favorite fighting game practically everywhere and you can just show up and level up. The netcode needs to be good enough to be able to learn matchups and practice the actual matchup, what works, and what doesn't. Nothing beats offline but something reasonable that translates what you've learned to offline. Playing under quicksand or lead boots conditions is a no go for me.

-Incorrect or lack of frame data and lack of hitbox displays. I want to know whats safe and whats not, I also want to know whats throw invulnerable, whats lower body invulnerable (low crush) etc. I also want to see how much range certain attacks have. I normally don't mind if the game doesn't have hitbox displays but with these MK games sometimes the hitboxes and hurtboxes dont make any sense neither from a competetive aspect nor an aesthetic aspect.

- Lack of hit trading.

- Lack of fundamentals ie: Giving Zoners plus frames on normals and strings, giving rushdown characters projectiles and teleports, giving zoners get out of jail free wakeup attacks that can't even be stuffed or punished, giving rushdown characters armor and many more things I don't care to list or the list would be huge.

TLDR I want the game to have good netcode and I want substance over style, not style over substance
how about we all just play what we have and stop bitching if you keep losing then you suck simple don't complain about the game being bad when its you that's bad have you noticed that everytime someone complained about characters in mk or inj shit got worse in the game with other characters because other characters wasn't even explored or played very well so then patches can along and then could possibly kill the game. ive never complained about how characters were broken I still play its the player that makes the difference that's all that matters it takes time and effort to create your mix ups/tech its up to you to trick your opponent but simple let netherrealm and pro players take care mkx to balance it
haha #YEEEAAAPPP, why cant we wait for mkx to come out and just play it and enjoy a game that we love? Simple as that. I will play mkx no matter what ppl say, screw the hate.
the complaints you'll most likely hear from competitive players is characters that aren't in mkx but more then likely the game will be solid I think they learned from inj and mk


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
What things will make you quit this game??? What things will severely dissappoint you and deter you from playing it competively???

Most important: Lack of anti-air ability... no anti-airs = no spacing = bad game

1. Safe fifty/fifty vortexes: these are the most braindead form of fighting
2.Anything like earthshaker
3. antyhing liek doomsday's shoulder charge or martian's tp or killer frosts slide
4. Massive damage resets I.E. smoke or cyrax: this rewards people too heavily and fraud players
5.Safe teleports : I.E. someone suggested to me raiden's tp be safe and i got angry as fuck
6. safe armor: such as sonya's cartwheel.... the only characters who really deserve armor are characters liek ferra torr.... not characters that are mobile rushdown chars.

If this game rewards scrubby players in the long run i might give up. Injustice is its own broken game but its a handicap game. I want footsies. I want a game where players like woundcowboy and dab will beat you 50 times in a row if they are better than you because the game rewards the smarter player. I am assuming this si extremely wishful thinking.
Players like Dab and Wound will still beat the average Injustice player 50 times in a row. There is a reason why good players are doing well in tournaments. As gimmicky as you may think Injustice is, no one that is "unskilled" or "scrubby" is winning majors.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
It's just doomsday's shoulder takes away from the fun parts of the game in my opinion and just reduces it too a guessing game. There's no baiting and whiff punishment and mind games, only guessing.
I'm sorry, but you're not correct. Doomsday's post-shoulder meta isn't just guessing. Once you establish that you can either block d1 xx earthshaker or backdash it (I believe it was Saucy Jack that told me this could be done), The Doomsday player has to do other stuff for his meter expenditure to be effective. So if he reads the dash, he dashes with you and goes for a throw. Or he jumps. Or he shoulders again. Likewise, once you establish an ability to deal with d1 xx earthshaker, you have to make a read as to what the Doomy player prefers to do.

How is a scenario based on reads not rewarding fundamentals?


In Zoning We Trust
Personally the only thing that would "break" the game for me is multiple characters with the safe meterless damaging 50/50's into another 50/50 loop. No disrespect to the top players, but there is absolutely zero skilled involved in being forced to guess up or down for an extra quarter or more of your life bar because a jab poked you. I've had entire life bars drained because I "guessed wrong" against a Batgirl or a Frost. That is just plain ridiculous and temporarily removes skill and replaces it with luck. Imo this is the most valid of any complaint with good reason and such a thing shouldn't be in any competitive fighting game.

I'm sure any glitches or infinites would be fixed/patched, and I'm begging for a smooth net code, but for some reason I have a feeling it will be.

Anything else is just things I would "hope" for, but would overlook and love the game regardless. But for the love of all that is right in the world, please, no more meterless endless loops because you got hit with a poke. I can't deal with that for another year+.


i am ok with martian teleport and fling easy safe teleport wake ups like shazam

or if there is a safe teleport wake up, it's should be always in same position and let a chance to punish it, not like shaZam teleport run in both sides


I'm just tired of people complaining about inj and making excuses for it that are more about them than the game

Case n point all those guys who say "wait till MKx injustice players,
We'll show u how it's done" when most those guys were crap in mk and inj

It's just annoying as for @Peckapowa he's actually a really good player but I think this thread is an excuse haven for some
Ok but lets be serious here Injustice helps bad players appear better than they really are.


What in injustice cannot be anti aired?
No dude I won't lie, when I bate people to jump on me, sometimes d2 just whiffs or they just beat my d2 out a lot like I will condition the player to jump and sometimes I'll lose on my read that shit rarely happens on mk9 and I'm talking like 1 time out of ten for mk9... IGAU it happens like 3 times sometimes... Have you ever seen me play vs duck and I will be holding down waiting for the jump and I do 2, and I get blown the fuck up aha that's with trait too but I play top tier MMH
So like Kermit said
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I'm sorry, but you're not correct. Doomsday's post-shoulder meta isn't just guessing. Once you establish that you can either block d1 xx earthshaker or backdash it (I believe it was Saucy Jack that told me this could be done), The Doomsday player has to do other stuff for his meter expenditure to be effective. So if he reads the dash, he dashes with you and goes for a throw. Or he jumps. Or he shoulders again. Likewise, once you establish an ability to deal with d1 xx earthshaker, you have to make a read as to what the Doomy player prefers to do.

How is a scenario based on reads not rewarding fundamentals?
That's what he means by guessing... reads are essentially educated guesses.