If MB B3 is beating you then this means you're probably trying to do trait pressure by first dashing in unprotected and using f2.
The best way to remove their ability to mb b3 you when you dash in for 50/50 pressure is dash (while in dash animation) swipe while moving in to cover the dash and instantly do 124 or 11d2 or b12 or 3 palm
The #1 way to get MB B3 everytime by your opponent is to not cover your dash w a swipe or always using f213 or f2 version of some sort
GL in no form or fashion out zones ZOD. You can sit for weeks and days ducking rocket, a whiff rocket = free trait
rocket and MB on your body so it grants GL plus frames in no way allows him a free TURBINE in, no, this is a gimmick. Record gl doing this and you'll find that you can Side arm mb him after blocking the rocket mb, recover then let him turbine in thinking he is now in and you can side arm mb which on hit grants a free dash in d12 palm on block, a mb laser grounded on block , ground zod ball into mb laser mb blocked, dash in throw check, backdash, jump back zod ball in air followed by a charge laser to hold him in place all this buys time for you to call trait out and do mix ups or chip.
After b13 mini gun GL can NOT lift, jump, d2, d3, b3 mb, b12, b13, rocket, or anything but walk back and jump over because after b13 mini gun a just frame f213 will stop all these options and ZODs next best option is palm but it can be mb b3'd
You should never be trying tp play footsies at all w gl, and w a life lead or even match you should be be frustrating him w your trait full screen away and zoning, chipping, and using the ed of trait to generate a slew of zod balls on screen which do chip, build meter for mb laser all in which this buys you time to repeat the same frustrating process of getting in. Remember slow zod ball or med zod ball half screen or further blocked into mb laser is a true block string. So two blocked balls into mb laser into slow ball into side arm all keeping him perfectly still is essentially enough to generate another trait.
Dealing w oki:
Generally blocking low (d1, b2, b1) and backdashing every follow up except cg is the way to go. After blocked OH, b23 or venom you can rest assured most will do 1, OH punch, up venom or something like this and a parry will teach them tey have to respect you in the neutral game more. If you start then doing b2 in these situations then you have to show them you're willing to just NJ after those attacks are blocked because a NJ 1/2/3 will beat out b2,b1,d1 low options they will start using because they fear your parry
Other wake up options are wake up parry, wake up backdash (not very good in mu though), and NJ if you expect a CG
Bakdashing is huge to buy time and call trait, slow balls frustrate bane players and cause them to jump , bane has one of the worst jump arcs in the game thats free to trip guard w laser mb all day into side arm shot, slow ball and then try to repeat the process all buying time for trait.
Jump back whiffing 2 in the air and then after whiffing it doing a mb zod ball fast or zc will make the bane player react, he will see you jump back whiffing a 2 and dash in and usually after you do this you can cancel a whiff jump back 2 into a zc to reverse screen positioning or a mb zod ball fast to hit him dash up and juggle him in a combo.
When dashing back if you see him hella dashing forward to you chances are he will eventually do a CG, oh, or up venom while chasing you throw out a mb b3 while dashing back to eliminate this and slow the bane down.
Be able to parry in between up venom mb two hits or delayed (hold the mb b3) in between two hits.
GL loses to zod 3-7
bane is 5-5 or 6-4 zod favor but it can seem unwinnable sometimes. Remember even the best ZOD players start out rounds vs Banes and will lose a whole health bar but even then you can still easily win.
My final advice is dont listen to one word breakin wordz says about anything as he is one of the most clueless people in the forums.