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General/Other - Scorpion The Evolution of Scorpion since MK vs DC

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
- Scorpion can throw a Spear, pull characters close to him and land a free hit, but he can't jump or he loses the window.
- Scorpion can teleport into the other side of the corner.

- Leg Takedown is added to his moveset
- Scorpion can now teleport from the air
- Air throw is added to his moveset
- Scorpion still has the spear.

- Scorpion is redesigned, but looks basically the same aside for strings

MK Trilogy
- Scorpion is given a forward teleport and that's it.

- Scorpion's forward teleport is removed.
- A new mini-toasty special move is added to his moveset
- Scorpion gains a sword as weapon.

- Teleport is removed from the character
- The sword concept is expanded into a single style.
- Scorpion flip kick move is added into the moveset
- Scorpion gains Hellfire into his moveset

- Teleport Kick is added for the first time into his moveset
- The Hapkido Kakato move becomes standard on his attacks

MK Deception
- Pigua is removed from the fighting style.
- Nothing happens

I wasn't here during the MK vs DC era, and is the MK i played the least, so i dunno much about it.

MK vs DC
Scorpion teleport granted a juggle midscreen, and had tracking.

-For some reason in MK9 it becomed his Ex teleport and only granted juggles in the corner, the move itself didn't help him much as it did in MK vs DC, besides the move still had tracking.
- Scorpion Teleport Becomes slower and easely reactable
- Hellflip was part of a string that were mostly never used.
- Hellfire was neutral on hit.
- Scorpion gets a dual spear, and can't be ducked because it hits mid, however you can still D3 under it and he will be about -500 on whiff like a regular spear, Dual Spear had armor
- He couldn't rely much on his strings to start combos, it had to come from NJPs, B2s, and strings into spear.

- Flame Aura is introduced as his trait
- F21 string got a launcher variation
- Hellflip becomes a independent move again, but ppl cry because it feels broken, hellfip is nerfed
- Teleport becomes much faster and MB teleport had block advantage, ppl cried about it, the push back and block advantage was removed.
Spear only granted free hit when meterburned, regular spear ended with a uppercut move.
- Hellfire was much slower than in MK9
- Gravedigger combo was still overhead.

- Teleport now is a kick on ground and punch in the air
- Ex Teleport is propriety of granting juggles midscreen has been returned to him
- It travels much faster than in MK9.
- Teleport has lost his tracking proprieties, and now it can even be canceled post execution to become evasive.
- Scorpion Hellflip is now his breaker move
- Scorpion got a new spear move that lights ppl on fire
- Scorpion now has a flamming uppercut Command move that launches midscreen
- The 111 string from mk9 has been scattered, the final part of the string is now the description above.
- Performing a spear move twice in the same combo, now allows for scorpion to end with a hammered uppercut move ender different from MK9 where the character would be dragged with his face in the ground, or just as similar as a meterless spear in Injustice.
- He now has reliable strings to start combos straight into teleport instead of spear, that expands his combo potential and diversity better.
- Flame Aura now is a special move from Hellfire variation
- Flame Aura deals heat damage if you stand near scorpion from a dash distance away
- His swords now are part of a single variation, where there he has the overhead started
- in TRMK there is a combo string named gravedigger
- Now Scorpion has a string that hops over low attacks
- In one of his variations he has a projectile
- Hellfire is now called Demon Fire
- Inferno Variations allows scorpion to summon demons in the battle field, they can come from 3 different directions.

NRS really did their homework with scorpion, he has been given lots of love.
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He has both Hellfire and Demonfire, they are 2 different moves right? There's one where he summons fire and one where he summons demons from the ground.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
He has both Hellfire and Demonfire, they are 2 different moves right? There's one where he summons fire and one where he summons demons from the ground.
Hellfire is now a name from one of his variations, the old Hellfire move is now called Demon Fire


What does the flame uppercut look like? Is it in the Hellfire variation along with the Fireball?

I just may get the Shoto character I was asking for:REO

lol It's not a shoryuken or anything like that, its a flaming upward punch that knocks the enemy away. Could possibly allow for corner juggles, but otherwise it looks to be a one hitter. Not sure of it's anti-air properties though.

Tony at Home

His existence in Injustice might as well not count. He wasn't made with the same philosophy he was made with in any other MK. Vanilla characters are made to be balanced. DLC characters are made to be ridiculously good so they sell well.

When I look at his other incarnations I see NRS playing a careful game of trying to balance a heavily offensive character in a game with a somewhat defensive-tilt. When I look at Injustice I see a character designed to be overpowered to sell tons of DLC, and then be nerfed to obscurity after everyone had already dropped the money to buy him.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
His existence in Injustice might as well not count. He wasn't made with the same philosophy he was made with in any other MK. Vanilla characters are made to be balanced. DLC characters are made to be ridiculously good so they sell well.

When I look at his other incarnations I see NRS playing a careful game of trying to balance a heavily offensive character in a game with a somewhat defensive-tilt. When I look at Injustice I see a character designed to be overpowered to sell tons of DLC, and then be nerfed to obscurity after everyone had already dropped the money to buy him.
Injustice counts because his MKX evolution clearly has injustice revisions as well, just as everyone agreed that Injustice Scorpion is what MK9 scorpion should have been.

I was thinking, since hellflip is now his breaker animation on ground, the flaming uppercut was introduced to fill the hellflip purpose, maybe NRS didn't liked how the hellflip turned out in IGAU.


The true Grandmaster
This alongside your Subby post is in Shao Khan's voice OUTSTANDING. I'm a die hard Subby fan but Scorpion is always right behind. Thanks to you sir I am having a hard time picking between the two for my main haha

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
This alongside your Subby post is in Shao Khan's voice OUTSTANDING. I'm a die hard Subby fan but Scorpion is always right behind. Thanks to you sir I am having a hard time picking between the two for my main haha
Yeah, i think the posters boys (scorp and sub) look dope now, hope it stays that way, its been a while since both has been top tiers, i'm not sure they're top tiers now, but they look pretty good.