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Breakthrough AK L0rdOfTheFly Is Officially The Nightwing of The World


The lift is strong in this one
So thats whats missing from my game. I just need to use the fly toilet. Interesting. Fuck practicing. Im just gonna poop there before every scraps


I just wanna say I'm on vacation but wanted to send a message to @Shock asking if it were ok to make that match public

@AK L0rdoftheFLY asked me to clip it for him because too many people were asking to see his videos of how he won so said I would and made it public, then5 mins later realized I needed to ask @Shock first and like I've said been been on vacation so haven't had a chance

It's not under monetization and won't be but is unlisted

It is bad ass ed tweeted this and in the description I say follow kn on their twitch address

Just wanted to throw this out there
Absolutely, I have no problems with anyone posting any KN content that is archived on the twitch account as long as proper credit is given so feel free. The only time real permission is needed is for "exclusive" videos that are posted on Kazi's AG youtube page because I give him the content from my hard drive when it doesn't make the live stream, in which case, he's got generally a direct link to those videos on his site and it just needs to be embedded.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Absolutely, I have no problems with anyone posting any KN content that is archived on the twitch account as long as proper credit is given so feel free. The only time real permission is needed is for "exclusive" videos that are posted on Kazi's AG youtube page because I give him the content from my hard drive when it doesn't make the live stream, in which case, he's got generally a direct link to those videos on his site and it just needs to be embedded.
Ok that's awesome

Too many people ask where can they see "XYZ vs XYZ" from some KN events so if you want PM me a front end or something I can add to any I out on my YouTube so I make sure people know where it came from, and nothing u want me to put in the description area

Happy to do it