Shark Tank
I don't actually play these games
I feel like with the now wide use of the Internet and the free flow of communication (Information and Misinformation), the way people are 'governed' or wars are fought are completely different now than they were 50+ years ago (Excluding Nuclear Weapons). Oil isn't as important as people still believe it to be either, with Tesla Motors releasing all of their patents to the public, allowing for the mass expansion of electric power vehicles, which makes the transportation of product and goods viable without solely relying upon oil.
Secondly, we live in a entertainment and consumer entrained society now, which thrives off of the newfound ability to immediately communicate with others at a given second. This is the biggest boon the general public currently has in the prevention of another World War, which is why it is important in my opinion that we keep the flow of information going by promoting Net Neutrality, otherwise companies that provide our infrastructure will continue to only act in the interest of corporations. If this trend continues, we'll suddenly find ourselves stuck in the middle of modern day slavery worse off than where we are now.
See for example:
While what is happening with Israel/Gaza/Ukraine/China/Russaia/Insert-Country-here is notable and worth mentioning as potential catalysts to a WW3, it's important we don't lose sight of freedoms granted by the innovation of technology. Although the MSM (Mainstream Media) does not represent the opinion of the general populace (They've lost viewer ratings over recent years at an immense scale), it does a good job of diverting attention away from the very issues that exist in our own backyards, in the very same fashion imagined and written by authors such as Huxley and Orwell.
Now here's some food for thought- What if WW3 turns out to be something entirely different and blindsiding such as Corporations and Private Military vs the People?
The Pepsi vs Coke world war is coming. The argument of the taste can only be decided by blood and high dextrose.