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WW3 Imminent, or are we already there?


undefeated online evo champion
I live in Russia and I have relatives in Ukraine ,thanks to internet I can hear the news people are fed in US and compare them to the ones fed to Russians. They are completely different. For example no one in States mentions that the whole Ukrainian situation started with outside "western" sponsorship of radical groups within Ukraine. And I personally know a lot of people from Crimea, who are more Russian then Ukrainian and when the actions of anti-Russian radicals started to threaten their safety were all for Russia to step in. At the same time Russians never talk about Crimean local government figures being in close contact with Russia or other bullshit they feed people here.

You don't see the point: blaming one nation or another is pointless and stupid. The Governing structures of these countries are the ones who have a lot to gain from military conflicts, while idiots from both nations will scream at each other or even go to war to kill each other to "protect" their nation !!!!Our governments is what our people need to be protected from!

The former Ukranian government was oppressive, not the current one. You know, the one Russsia invaded. And the "radicals" are actually Russian troops in unmarked uniforms. Some of them are legit Ukrainian citizens, but they have been trained and armed by the Russian military, and have been promised something in return for their loyalty to Russia

If the U.S. is funding them now, it's to fight off Russia. We would never send out own military, though.


Do not provoke a god
US causes the problems though dont they?

ISIS are fighting a state basically started by and representing what the US stands for.
Actually, ISIS is a group of sunni muslims fighting shiite muslims in a conflict spanning a millennium and a half. Also, if you are talking about iraq, they in no way represent what the US stands for today


its looking bad. countries and groups need to try to understand each others point of view instead of putting more and more pressure on the opponent and try to win. These are mostly small groups' actings, like governments and organisations, its not the people who want war...
yes but there are too many children and not enough easter eggs in the basket, something's gotta give.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Here's a simple salution... Pull ALL our foreign and military aid from the rest of the world and watch it destroy its self. Then it's our for the taking.

Sense when has any other country EVER came to the aid of the US?
Answer: NEVER
When has there ever been a war in the past 100 years on US soil started by anybody?
Compare that number to the number of wars that have been started anywhere in the world in the past 168 years by the USA: 38

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Actually, ISIS is a group of sunni muslims fighting shiite muslims in a conflict spanning a millennium and a half. Also, if you are talking about iraq, they in no way represent what the US stands for today
ISIS are fighting against the US trained Iraqi "army" are they not?


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
US didn't have concentration camps they had isolation areas in California because we didn't trust the Japanese until the war was over, we essentially gave them a little community. No where near concentration camps. Lol.

And even then it was a portion of Japanese living on the West Coast that participated, and I think we took away their citizenship or something.
Tbh that sounds a lot like a distinction without a difference. Just me though


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
Not all concentration camps were like Bergen-Belsen and Auschwitz. Those are def extremes. If that's what you are referring to. Calling it an isolation area seems like we're just playing semantics here,That's all. I'm not disputing the historical fact just that's the way it sounded
The Japanese-American camps were concentration camps.

The Nazi camps are more accurately described as "Death camps" than "concentration camps" though. If you start just referring to them as that, you don't need to say they were the same thing as each other.

But the camps in California were textbook concentration camps. The connotation of the word may have become more extremely negative than it already was- but they were still concentration camps by definition.


ҜømbÄŦ Ħøu&Ŧøπ
I feel like with the now wide use of the Internet and the free flow of communication (Information and Misinformation), the way people are 'governed' or wars are fought are completely different now than they were 50+ years ago (Excluding Nuclear Weapons). Oil isn't as important as people still believe it to be either, with Tesla Motors releasing all of their patents to the public, allowing for the mass expansion of electric power vehicles, which makes the transportation of product and goods viable without solely relying upon oil.

Secondly, we live in a entertainment and consumer entrained society now, which thrives off of the newfound ability to immediately communicate with others at a given second. This is the biggest boon the general public currently has in the prevention of another World War, which is why it is important in my opinion that we keep the flow of information going by promoting Net Neutrality, otherwise companies that provide our infrastructure will continue to only act in the interest of corporations. If this trend continues, we'll suddenly find ourselves stuck in the middle of modern day slavery worse off than where we are now.

See for example:

While what is happening with Israel/Gaza/Ukraine/China/Russaia/Insert-Country-here is notable and worth mentioning as potential catalysts to a WW3, it's important we don't lose sight of freedoms granted by the innovation of technology. Although the MSM (Mainstream Media) does not represent the opinion of the general populace (They've lost viewer ratings over recent years at an immense scale), it does a good job of diverting attention away from the very issues that exist in our own backyards, in the very same fashion imagined and written by authors such as Huxley and Orwell.

Now here's some food for thought- What if WW3 turns out to be something entirely different and blindsiding such as Corporations and Private Military vs the People?


The end result was different, like you put, but it's still discrimination in a similar fashion.

yes and no, it's discrimination and wrong... one was based on a pretty irrational safety precaution and infringement upon rights... probably also rooted in some form of hatred.... on was an irrational mass hatred and mindless slaugther. both were wrong but similar fashion is a bit of a stretch


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
I feel like with the now wide use of the Internet and the free flow of communication (Information and Misinformation), the way people are 'governed' or wars are fought are completely different now than they were 50+ years ago (Excluding Nuclear Weapons). Oil isn't as important as people still believe it to be either, with Tesla Motors releasing all of their patents to the public, allowing for the mass expansion of electric power vehicles, which makes the transportation of product and goods viable without solely relying upon oil.

Secondly, we live in a entertainment and consumer entrained society now, which thrives off of the newfound ability to immediately communicate with others at a given second. This is the biggest boon the general public currently has in the prevention of another World War, which is why it is important in my opinion that we keep the flow of information going by promoting Net Neutrality, otherwise companies that provide our infrastructure will continue to only act in the interest of corporations. If this trend continues, we'll suddenly find ourselves stuck in the middle of modern day slavery worse off than where we are now.

See for example:

While what is happening with Israel/Gaza/Ukraine/China/Russaia/Insert-Country-here is notable and worth mentioning as potential catalysts to a WW3, it's important we don't lose sight of freedoms granted by the innovation of technology. Although the MSM (Mainstream Media) does not represent the opinion of the general populace (They've lost viewer ratings over recent years at an immense scale), it does a good job of diverting attention away from the very issues that exist in our own backyards, in the very same fashion imagined and written by authors such as Huxley and Orwell.

Now here's some food for thought- What if WW3 turns out to be something entirely different and blindsiding such as Corporations and Private Military vs the People?
It already is. Monsanto owns 90% of the globe's seed and Nestlé is trying to privatize drinking water....
Secondly, we live in a entertainment and consumer entrained society now, which thrives off of the newfound ability to immediately communicate with others at a given second. This is the biggest boon the general public currently has in the prevention of another World War, which is why it is important in my opinion that we keep the flow of information going by promoting Net Neutrality, otherwise companies that provide our infrastructure will continue to only act in the interest of corporations. If this trend continues, we'll suddenly find ourselves stuck in the middle of modern day slavery worse off than where we are now.
This is the phenomena known as Globalization. And yes, you're right, it makes major war practically impossible.

It prevents war in more ways than one though- not just by creating a web of interdependence, but the exchange of information itself, regardless of the actual content of the information- has a liberalizing effect. Exposure to other ideas is almost equally as powerful as adoption of those ideas.

In addition to Democracy preventing war, historically ANY political system between two nations- if it was similar; whether monarchy, oligarchy, dictatorship, etc- makes those countries slightly less likely to go to war with countries with similar political systems. Even when countries reach very different policy conclusions- they are less likely to allow these to lead to conflict if they reached those conclusions by the same political system method. It has an empathizing effect- most strong with Democracies, but even in non-democracies, it still has some war-prevention effect.

Globalization is similar- mere exposure to the processes of other countries, ideas, media, video or whatever kind of information, decreases hostility- regardless of the opinion of those ideas.

Sorry, forgot to include source:

Werner, Suzanne (2000). "The Effect of Political similarity on the Onset of Militarized Disputes, 1816–1985". Political Science Quarterly

Basically, her paper found that political similarity had the empathizing effect to prevent war, whether between two autocracies or two democracies (though to not again, much stronger with the latter). The empathetic effect is related to understanding of each other's decision making process- which globalization via the free flow of information as you stated, mimics quite accurately.

The empathetic effect is best described as being less hostile to an action you know had rational roots (and of course, this happens most when the rational roots are similar political systems)- it means the opposing actor comes across as less unpredictable, and therefore less dangerous.
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A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
yes and no, it's discrimination and wrong... one was based on a pretty irrational safety precaution and infringement upon rights... probably also rooted in some form of hatred.... on was an irrational mass hatred and mindless slaugther. both were wrong but similar fashion is a bit of a stretch
Mass hatred led to slaughter. I'm pretty sure the USA had a mass hatred for the Japanese, and vice versa.

OG Mannimal

OG "OG Mannimal" Mannimal
It's funny how History changes based on where you learn it. That's the interesting thing about history, unless you were there you are simply taking someone elses version of the events. And even then if you were there it's your version, through your eyes it could be completely different through someone elses.

In the US we are taught that the world could not survive without our heroic efforts. That Hitler was the worst and what he did to the Jews was inhuman (and it was), what we don't really touch on is the concentration camps we had for the Japanese, this goes largely ignored in our history books. In North Korea they are taught that they won the war. In Britain you're obviously taught that you would have defeated Germany with or without our help.

As such I try to base my theories (that's all they are theories) on logic. Most of the time I find that what makes the most sense is conflict in resources. Oil and Iraq is an obvious example. But even if you look at Isreal vs. Palestine the media preaches that it's a battle over sacred holy lands, they never mention how crucial water is as a resource there and how the area of Land being fought over resides over a huge water table. Similarly many of these conflicts are deemed important for humanitarian reasons, the Ukrain and Russian conflict and why the world should get involved. But look at Syria, that country is still a mess 1700 deaths in the last 2 weeks, but the media isn't covering it. Why is that?

TLDR; History is a Bill as are the media portrayed reasons countries get involved in conflicts.
I don't know where you get your history books from, but the ones I studied from mentioned American wrongs (Japanese internment camps in WW2, My Lai Massacre in Vietnam, etc...).

But I agree with you that history is all about perspective, and if you only see it from one way then your view is flawed.
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OG Mannimal

OG "OG Mannimal" Mannimal
Here's a simple salution... Pull ALL our foreign and military aid from the rest of the world and watch it destroy its self. Then it's our for the taking.

Sense when has any other country EVER came to the aid of the US?
Answer: NEVER
Um... No. American Revolution ring a bell? There are others as well, but I figure we might as well start at the beginning.


cr. HP Master
Fucking lol. I've come to the conclusion that no matter what the U.S. does we will not be liked. When allies ask for our help and we give it, we are hated. When we don't help, we are hated lol. It's a lose-lose. During the time, I bet Britain was thankful we gave support due to the amount of casualties. Now I'm reading comments like, "we would've won anyway." Well, that's not the point. The point is that lives were saved and the casualty numbers were lowered for you. That's what allies do in a dire time of need.

To those that say, "lets stay out of everything and mind our own business." Sadly, that is impossible because we will always need something that our allies can provide. If we were to simply turn our backs on our allies when they feel they truly need us that will make things a lot more complicated for us in the future. Our allies have something we need or want and we do what we can to protect whatever that is. It's simply how the world works.

As far as the current events causing WWIII, it is very possible. Personally, I hope it doesn't come to that because I think it's silly to kill. There is too much pride in this world over things that are truly insignificant in our short amount of time.
Reactions: JLG


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
I think we are too interdependent as mentioned above. Too many people stand to lose too much. Will there be armed conflicts that erupt yes but I think a massive world war fought on the global scale MIGHT be a thing of the past especially in the Information Age.

And if we are talking about global problems and war and whatnot how about we address the scary fact that Ebola virus is running fucking rampant in Africa and may have even hit a large metropolitan city bc someone fled a quarantine zone? That shit scares me more than anything

It doesn't matter what religion you are, it doesn't matter how much money you have, it doesn't matter what country you are from. Ebola will kill you dead and fast.


Fucking lol. I've come to the conclusion that no matter what the U.S. does we will not be liked. When allies ask for our help and we give it, we are hated. When we don't help, we are hated lol. It's a lose-lose. During the time, I bet Britain was thankful we gave support due to the amount of casualties. Now I'm reading comments like, "we would've won anyway." Well, that's not the point. The point is that lives were saved and the casualty numbers were lowered for you. That's what allies do in a dire time of need.

To those that say, "lets stay out of everything and mind our own business." Sadly, that is impossible because we will always need something that our allies can provide. If we were to simply turn our backs on our allies when they feel they truly need us that will make things a lot more complicated for us in the future. Our allies have something we need or want and we do what we can to protect whatever that is. It's simply how the world works.

As far as the current events causing WWIII, it is very possible. Personally, I hope it doesn't come to that because I think it's silly to kill. There is too much pride in this world over things that are truly insignificant in our short amount of time.
noone lieks the u.s. because look at our fucking political process jesus christ. and our ipads and fuckign other stupid shit liek that. atleast people from great britain have personalities... but i'm usually prettier than them.