Superman is a easier charcater and better but not by much. I feel like Adam hasn't been fleshed out as much as Superman at this point in the game and the really dirty stuff that is known like corner/midscreen cross up divekicks, corner/midscreen f3 cross ups, corner wake up reversals, cross up dive kicks off interactbles etc hasn't really been seen in play because of the lack of Adam players out there now. Yea Adam was hit with the nerf hammer pretty hard but I still think his back dash is decent, forward dash is still good, his walkspeed is fucking great, still hits pretty hard with 45-55% meterless combos, 50% divekick cross up corner combos. The b23 u2 buff gave him some more set ups, being able to b3 off of the cloud was another underrated buff especially since you can mb the cloud from full screen dash up get 20-24% with a b23 u2 set up and I still think that lightning bomb is underused....Oh yea he's fucking plus on block on a lot of strings without trait. With trait those same strings become even more plus while some negative ones become plus. Adam still a good character imo just not shit compared to those great days before the patch.
I still voted Adam just to be different tho