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Does anyone know anything about recording gameplay with commentary and posting it to YouTube?

Hi I have 2 questions about video game commentary.
Not just fighting games but all console gaming

1. I've done some online matches and I talk and I say funny things that makes people laugh, I'd like to be able to record it with my face and post it like this guy does
and be able to edit it and upload it to youtube. I was wondering what I need exactly to do that.

2. I just bought a PS4 but now that I have it I realize that PS3 and Xbox360 have wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more games than PS4, so theres less games I can make a commentary on.

Also I to be honest I'm not that blown away with the quality of the videos that are uploaded.
I can still return my PS4 and then maybe get an older Xbox 360 then I have a lot more games I can comment on.
Good idea or bad idea?

thanks for any feedback. :)


Salt Mine CEO
There's actually a really helpful tutorial that Maximillion did on his channel for recording both game and player can in the same recording. I would head to his channel to look at the video. I would link it, but I'm on mobile now.
There's actually a really helpful tutorial that Maximillion did on his channel for recording both game and player can in the same recording. I would head to his channel to look at the video. I would link it, but I'm on mobile now.
Thank you so much. checking it out now, I like Maximillion's channel a lot

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
I've been making videos for the internet in various places since 2005, let me tell you this is very easy.

To condense the long-ass answer that I could type out with every minor detail:
Basically you'll have your recorder recording your game seperately from everything else. I recommend the Hauppauge HD PVR. You will hit record with the software you are given with it which is Total Media Extreme 2. Then with either your camera or webcam you hit record with whatever software you want. Then with your external microphone (which is highly recommended) you hit record with that in an audio software - I use a Blue Yeti Microphone and the freeware Audacity. Now that everything's recording you just perform. Then when your finished stop everything from recording and open up your editing stoftware - I use Sony Vegas 8 which is my preference. Then you simply import your gameplay footage, audio track, and camera footage then put them on 3 seperate tracks. In Vegas Pro each track works like a layer so obviously you have your gameplay on the bottom then the camera above that track. Then you pan/crop/zoom/move your camera to where you're happy with it. Sync up the audio to the camera and that's pretty much it. It's very easy but can be very time consuming if you're a perfectionist and want to really create a quality product. Other video editing softwares will probably differ from how I've described it.
Yeah it's pretty easy, get an Elgato HD to record the gameplay and you're going to want a webcam (or just regular digital camera I guess) to record your face. You'll have to set up lighting to illuminate yourself properly, hopefully you can rig something up with things you have lying around your house. You'll want a dedicated microphone to record your voice separately from the game, the Blue Snowball and Blue Yeti are amazing for the price. You'll need to play the game audio through the headphones though so you don't have feedback from the game going into the microsphone. Basically once you've got all this and have all of your recordings from a game, you're going to have two audio tracks and two video tracks. Luckily, the game video/audio will be synced for you, but you're not going to be that lucky with the webcam and microphone recordings. You're going to have to cut those down and sync them, then put them up in vegas (assuming you are totally legally buying that one) and sync everything how you need, then render + upload. Keep in mind that you're going to have to invest a few hundred dollars (over a thousand if you want to actually buy sony vegas) into getting the equipment you need to do this. I haven't even mentioned your storage requirements for backlogging all your gameplays and all of that. Good luck