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Come On Die Young

Sorry I haven't posted anything of real importance in a while. But I want to talk about some things I've been developing and using recently.

Trait pressure: I found what I think is a pretty good reset situation with trait on, or for any other situation where you can throw mb probes out. So, for example, say you have trait and hit a mb vacuum, then go for something like b2~mb probes (I'm not sure if that's better or doing it naked would work better). From here, they're most likely not going to move. However, some characters can avoid probes really well in the air and will try to jump over you. So, directly after the probes are out, do d2~mine. You can hit or block confirm the d2 into the right distance for the mine. On hit, throwing a far mine will let you get a full combo with the probes (d2~far mine, probe hits, j3, mine hits, b3 etc). On block, you can go for a close mine for a f2 setup, or a mid mine for a reaaalllly good 22d1 setup, and the mb probes will trap them into this. The problem with close mine is that if, for some reason, they block the d2 but not the probes you won't be able to hit them into it, and it's harder to confirm that after it happens. But, on the other hand, if you throw a mid mine and do 22d1, you can only get CC or another setup if they don't block the overhead. Instead of d2, you can also use s2 which for some reason is a better AA half the time than d2, and corp charge them into far mines for less scaling, but this is more difficult and inconsistent.

Fullscreen zoning stuff: When I have the opportunity to zone, when I have trait for example, my main strategy has been to limit their mobility to give me unblockables. When they're at absolute fullscreen, instead of trapping them with probes, I throw a far mine and use the regular orbital strike. If it's started at fullscreen, or at least in the short range where the OS will hit them whether or not they walk back, most characters' only option here is to backdash the unblockable. This is better than throwing missiles especially against characters like Batman who can easily avoid it with double jumps. Some characters with airdashes or moves like Lobo's divebomb can escape this, but this will generally have to be done preemptively or the OS can track, and you can bait this and aa staff charge them into the mine. When the mine hits, you really can't do much with it since they're fullscreen, but you can set up a probe, backdash to put them back at fullscreen, and repeat. What you do after is really all situational and based off how the player is reacting to it, but using mines as keepaway traps rather than just setups for combos is becoming crucial to his play.

Corner traps: Another thing I've been doing is, when I push the opponent to the corner, placing a mine so that if I go in and they try to jump over or use anything advancing on me, it will throw them into the mine. @AK Smarrgasm's black adam supered onto my mine once, just wanted to mention so you could make fun of him. These setups are pretty universal, and using closer ones that you can stand on top of work really well too, since they both provide crossup setups and will catch the hitbox of a ton of moves if they try anything (for example, say i jump and raven tries to SC/lift, lol raven ur in a mine now).

Background bounce stuff: The trait pressure thing might also be a really good alternative to the normal close mine->f2 unblockable setups off background bounces if they don't have stuffable wakeups, especially since it would work without trait and without as much risk. (for example, combo into bg bounce, mb probes, d2/s2~mine).

In addition to that, I'm seeing normal mid mine placements into 50/50's working well of bg bounces too. The advantage of this over the closer mine+f2~vacuum unblockable is the meterless damage potential, and the swag potential. b2u3/f2 into a mid mine can be combo'd pretty obviously. hit confirming a b13 into probe into a mine works really well too (example: bg bounce, mid mine, b13~probe, mine hits, b2, probe hits, b3, etc).

I'll add more later. I just wanted to write this out before I go to class

@GGA pimpimjim
@egp_wonder_chef (jk ur banned lol)
@whoever even still plays him ;_;


Ive seen the leprechaun
idk if this is known or whatever but this isn't groundbreaking or anything but if you hit an opponent with 1,1,2 (before any gravity from a combo) you can throw out a mid mine it'll catch alot of wake up attacks if they don't tech roll because the mine won't be active. you can hit confirm throwing out the mine and still have time to block almost all wake ups.

If you cancel into the mine immediately then you'll have time to do a jump attack/block/lance blast/corps charge the opponent. for a combo or pressure if they block

If they block the mine you get a,free jump attack that'll catch most reversal attacks forcing them to block and guess your 50/50. Or instead of jumping in you can throw out a probe/trait up and still have time to block alot of reversals.

If you're opponent starts tech rolling alot throw a far mine and the same general thing happens. If they tech roll and you threw a mid mine jump attack. It may avoid the wake up and hit them.

The best part imo is when they dont wake up and the mine is active between you and your opponent if you started doing anything after throwing the mine you'll be able to immediately start lexs toy game.

Instead of throwing the mine you have tons of options. If you immediately trait up you have time to get to level 2 while forward dashing and still be able to armor a f/b 3 this catches even lexs corps charge and gives you 2, hits,of armor for wake ups or,itll just hit the non trait armor and you'll still have trait up.

Now alot of this is sacrificing a good amount of damage but its a change that your opponent might not see coming and be caught off guard. Lex has so many tools that's they should be wary of doing anything.


Come On Die Young
Instead of throwing the mine you have tons of options. If you immediately trait up you have time to get to level 2 while forward dashing and still be able to armor a f/b 3 this catches even lexs corps charge and gives you 2, hits,of armor for wake ups or,itll just hit the non trait armor and you'll still have trait up.
I don't do 112~mine a lot because I usually like them further away (like f2~mine instead) but I definitely like using this if I don't have meter for a full combo.


Ive seen the leprechaun
I don't do 112~mine a lot because I usually like them further away (like f2~mine instead) but I definitely like using this if I don't have meter for a full combo.
Yea its not something to do all the time its just another option that lex has in his arsenal. I also tested 112 on an opponent with the most gravity i could get and i still had time to block a, wake up after (using lexs corps charge as a wake up)

its not something to do all the time but there's so many set ups to do after, i actually got the idea playing the cpu lol


i like the idea behind punishing people with fast jump animations. i do seem to have a problem keeping someone like wonderwoman grounded after mb probes, she can usually dash punch to avoid em anyways.

also i wanted to ask, after i land the usual unblockable prode into beam, whats your common follow up? ive been throwing mines out a lot. but i feel some characters with movement wakeups (flash) dont really give me enough time to do much if theyre close to me. should i just be triat backdashing?


Come On Die Young

I've pretty much spent the past 24 hours in the lab since I never practice and found some stuff.

1. The ambiguous blocking why-didn't-i/we-think-of-this-before tech (or you did and I'm an idiot for not paying attention)

MB probes, air corp charge over the opponent to reverse their blocking. It basically works like Zod's trait slap air charge, except we can full combo it. I can see it being really useful in a lot of situations with trait up. The only problem is that Lex is so big that it can be hard to charge over some chars. HOWEVER, with jump attacks, it can be REALLY stupid. You're basically mixing up whether you're going to j2/j3 or air corp charge, all of which lead to a full combo.

2. Crossup corp charges

If you corp charge on the ground (it doesn't work as well in all situations because they can get up from CC quicker in a lot of combos), you can dash up and instant air corp charge to cross up. This will literally cross them up and hit them, not just go behind them. It will also reverse wakeups, but doesn't recover any quicker than usual so I'm thinking it's best done with trait up to mixup b1/f2/IACC

3. Corner reversal thing

This sounds stupid but it works so w/e. Dashing up on regular orbital strike reverses wakeups in the corner. There are definitely ways to get this but it won't happen often. I just thought it's worth mentioning.

There's more I found that I forget right now because I've also spent the past 24 hours drinking and smoking stuff.

@GGA pimpimjim


I write too much.

I've pretty much spent the past 24 hours in the lab since I never practice and found some stuff.

1. The ambiguous blocking why-didn't-i/we-think-of-this-before tech (or you did and I'm an idiot for not paying attention)

MB probes, air corp charge over the opponent to reverse their blocking. It basically works like Zod's trait slap air charge, except we can full combo it. I can see it being really useful in a lot of situations with trait up. The only problem is that Lex is so big that it can be hard to charge over some chars. HOWEVER, with jump attacks, it can be REALLY stupid. You're basically mixing up whether you're going to j2/j3 or air corp charge, all of which lead to a full combo.
This was found a long time ago BUUUUUT at the time probes hadn't had a buff yet to allow them to juggle so it wasn't actually useful and I don't know if anyone ever mentioned it again.

I know it works off of B3>dash forward>U3>MB probes>jump CC


Come On Die Young
This was found a long time ago BUUUUUT at the time probes hadn't had a buff yet to allow them to juggle so it wasn't actually useful and I don't know if anyone ever mentioned it again.

I know it works off of B3>dash forward>U3>MB probes>jump CC
Yeah I figured it had to have been found before. Like I don't think they realized how big the probe buff would be haha.


i Use a modded cyber now
So i realized that against stationary wake up characters (and most others) a good bnb when near the corner (lanterns might kind of distance) is ending the bnb with an u3xxmb missles, when they land all 3 hits of the missles are timed perfectly to hit a tech roll or wake up attack past invincibility frames. You get a jump in and its pretty much a legit reset. If you ever need extra damage it works mid screen as well, it cannot be tech rolled and wakeups don't have enough invincibility to escape it. On hit you can Activate trait, throw out orbs/mines etc. I enjoy using it.
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Come On Die Young
So i realized that against stationary wake up characters (and most others) a good bnb when near the corner (lanterns might kind of distance) is ending the bnb with an u3xxmb missles, when they land all 3 hits of the missles are timed perfectly to hit a tech roll or wake up attack past invincibility frames. You get a jump in and its pretty much a legit reset. If you ever need extra damage it works mid screen as well, it cannot be tech rolled and wakeups don't have enough invincibility to escape it. On hit you can Activate trait, throw out orbs/mines etc. I enjoy using it.
I know I've sometimes used it but does it work differently than when you're actually in the corner? In the corner almost all u3 missile setups can be tech rolled and jumped out of


i Use a modded cyber now
I know I've sometimes used it but does it work differently than when you're actually in the corner? In the corner almost all u3 missile setups can be tech rolled and jumped out of
Yes they work differently, it may have to do with the travel time in the air out of the corner, test it out, it can't be tech rolled or jumped.

Golden Gun Fun

Zoned on a Tuesday
Hey guys I'm not actually a Lex player so this may be known but I was messing around with a cool combo with lex, and in the combo I do back 3, jump 3, into super. I saw it did MASSIVE damage and I found out why. The combo reset between the first and second hit of his super. But here is the insane part, I put the AI on always block and it couldn't block even though the combo reset for huge damage.


Come On Die Young
Hey guys I'm not actually a Lex player so this may be known but I was messing around with a cool combo with lex, and in the combo I do back 3, jump 3, into super. I saw it did MASSIVE damage and I found out why. The combo reset between the first and second hit of his super. But here is the insane part, I put the AI on always block and it couldn't block even though the combo reset for huge damage.
Yeah, this is known, it happens any time you hit them low enough to the ground with enough gravity.

It's really easy to get in basic corner combos (for example, 112, b2, 11, 11, d1~super)

The max damage I've found with it so far is about 87% (I say about because I can't see how much the first hit of the super scales to) - b2u3d3 into mine, b3, j2, b2~bg bounce, super


Come On Die Young
That's handy. How would you get max damage w/o a bgb?
You should be able to get it off of almost anything. The problem is just that you're not getting many launching situations midscreen without meter when there's no bg bounce. Something like a mine hit, b3, j2, b2 super should work (i think i tested this not 100%, don't cancel b2 into super but try it as soon as you can after the b2 hits).


I found something i think is new:

Midscreen Corps Charge Cross-up:

22, MB vacuum - B3 - j2 - u3, corps chrage

Depending on the height on wich the j2 hits, you'll end up either in front of them or behind them, but it can be very ambiguous as you can hit the j2 high but delay the up 3 to prevent the cross up. If you have trait up it could be huge as you can safely go into your 50/50 with B1/F2.


Ive seen the leprechaun
so idk if this is new tech or not BUT if it is let me know and ill try to make a video for you guys....2 things

1) i found out that corps charging a standing opponent gives you the same knockdown advantage whether or not you just did a full combo to the opponent. so if you do a combo and end in meter burn vacuum(to leave them standing) 2,2 corps charge it acts as if you had just done 2,2 corps charge without gravity

2) that being said after a 0 gravity corps charge if you dash in and then do an iacc it will cross up....and itll reverse most wake ups and miss you (unless the wake up hits behind them)

the cross up is harder to do on large opponents but 100% do-able

@GGA pimpimjim


Come On Die Young
2) that being said after a 0 gravity corps charge if you dash in and then do an iacc it will cross up....and itll reverse most wake ups and miss you (unless the wake up hits behind them)

the cross up is harder to do on large opponents but 100% do-able

@GGA pimpimjim
Yeah I use this a lot. It's fun. It works the same way in the corner too just without the dashup. Also depending on how you knock them down you can do instant air reverse corp charge since in some situations you're already on the other side when you leave the ground. But you can mostly see this to know how to do it. The good thing about it is that when you make them aware of it they'll start just holding down which opens them up to overheads

KC H0oKsw0rds

iK A B A L
Hey guys I'm a CW techie but have recently been falling in love with Lex. I just wanted to share a corner ambiguous j2 setup I found about a month ago in the lab; I don't know if it's known or viable. It is an ender you can apply to any corner combo using MB vacuum.

Example: 112 b2 11 11 u3vacuumMB

After the vacuum, you nj2 air CC

If you hit them at the neck with nj2, the air CC will splat them and leave you standing directly over them for an ambiguous nj2 50/50 situation nearly identical to Grundy's MB WC setups.
An early nj2 will cross them up whereas a late one will not.
This setup reverses wake ups as well.

Any thoughts?

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I can't record anything so you can go ahead if you wish to make a video or something.

Hopefully you've understood what I've posted lol and I don't care about credit so long as the info is out there. I was also working on j+1/j+2 off ending with 2, 2, d+1 (where d+1) whiffs but realised the opponent can tech roll :rolleyes:.
If your on Xbox I can record for you:)
Hey guys I'm a CW techie but have recently been falling in love with Lex. I just wanted to share a corner ambiguous j2 setup I found about a month ago in the lab; I don't know if it's known or viable. It is an ender you can apply to any corner combo using MB vacuum.

Example: 112 b2 11 11 u3vacuumMB

After the vacuum, you nj2 air CC

If you hit them at the neck with nj2, the air CC will splat them and leave you standing directly over them for an ambiguous nj2 50/50 situation nearly identical to Grundy's MB WC setups.
An early nj2 will cross them up whereas a late one will not.
This setup reverses wake ups as well.

Any thoughts?
This sounds really good actually. I'll definitely try this out.