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The Kitana Prime appreciation thread

Filipino Man

Retirement my ass
Can I just give a shoutout to @Kitana Prime for being the best member of the NRS community?

Like the man supports almost every tournament (even with bad airport luck), has the most positive attitude, is really good at the game, plays a fan favorite character, has the best Harley win pose IRL, and just brings a positive vibe to every group he's in.

@Cal-EL may be the roman reigns, but let's remember who started the shield - Seth Rollins and that's Kitana Prime.

Thanks for being awesome :)

And yes KP, I always feel good when I hit cheap WoWo shit on people :)



Master of Quanculations
Chilling with people like Kitana Prime is one of the many things I wish I could experience an an american tournament. All these people from totally different backgrounds that are united through a passion for fighters. I want to meet them all. Instead I'm stuck with idiots like @Cossner .

Kitana Prime

Top-tier at everything but the characters I choose
I love @Filipino Man .
And honestly when they're in attendance, I've always felt like an honorary SoCal guy, the way I super get along with all of them.

But then again, I seriously get along with everyone...initially at least. I'll accept whoever for whatever you are. The only thing I don't like is constant negativity. I will separate myself from you after that.

Community first. Always. I dont care if you're @SonicFox5000 (who is my legitimate son...or little brother at least) or a day 1, 2014 backyard casual who just found out what a d1 is, I will spend my time and full attention with you if you are even slightly interested in NRS games. No one player is more important than another and 'we' are in this together.

At EVO, a guy (who Im sure doesnt post here) came up to me and told me how I inspired him to come to EVO and future tournaments. How? I didnt know how to react. Me? Why? Im slightly paraphrasing here but this was his response:

"Just by being you. I want to meet people like you and how you describe these events on screen really pushed me into coming. I'm having so much fun and I'm glad I came, thank you."

He thanked me for his EVO experience up until that point. Granted this was Saturday night before I helped start the epic backflip/cartwheel/NRS animations segment that will never be forgotten by ANYONE who witnessed it. This guy hadn't experiencee finals yet.

To that guy: Thank you. The people are the reason why I can continuously choke tournament matches I should win and feel good after. (...well hours later)

Btw, @GuamoKun @rev0lver @Hysteria @Blind_Man and everyone else, I have an appreciation thread apparently, get in here kthxbai

Hruza Da Bruza

Must Mash Harder!!!!!
I 100% agree. I have Only had the chance to meet @Kitana Prime twice (KIT and UFGTX) but both times he is a very easy guy to talk to and very approachable and always a blast to see at tournaments. If loves this community and will do anything for it, which is exactly what a community needs to survive. Can't wait until KIT 2015 which is going to be hype as Fuck!!!!

K Prime for President!