i tried explaining in the post above. all you need is that one turn to dramatically improve the match-up vs rouge. I bet almost every control deck will run loatheb for a while. mana wraith is not a good answer to miracle for so many reasons, the main one being spells.It's a 2/2, but add one cost to Leroy and he no longer gets to come out 3 times. Also fucks up zoo. As far as fucking up miracle, my money is more on the Thad brothers since removing both of them at their moderately low costs isn't good for rogue, and Thad is probably redic. Loethebb will only stop them for one turn unless you make a deck specifically based around recycling him... Which is possible.
His effect is a battle cry, so honestly you can keep someone tied down and off the spell train for a good while just bumping him back to the hand.
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