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click click <3 new fatal frame!


I'm shy to get too excited for this as there's no promise FF5 will get a US release :/


For the extra geeky, a fan site called beyond the cameras lense does have a fan made patch to translate the previous, Japan only released, FF4 into English. And I don't know about everyone else, but I'm pretty hard up for a decent horror game!

There's a mention in the article about a FF film, but do not become too hopeful - it was first mentioned several years ago and still nothing seems to be happening.

I'm a little bitter over the FF series....long gaps between news, Japan only release on 4 and repetitive, predictable story lines. But OMQ are they beautiful, creepy games! My favorite kind of creepy <3 Any other fans?


I know.. It sucks. But spirit camera was pretty fun on the 3DS. I might buy a Wii U just for this game... They can get really creative with pop up scares on crazy Nintendo consoles lol

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I remember playing a Fatal Frame game on the PS2 (don't remember which one it was, but it had the two twin girls as the main characters).

I played it until I got to one specific part of the game where I saw something and my reaction went a little something like this:

Never played it again after that moment.


King of the Bill
So scurry. Imagine it with Oculus rift? New underwear required after every session


This mean you don't like me?

I long for the day I can play Fatal Frame on Oculus rift.

I'm gonna be getting a Wii U for Smash and the New Zelda. This is icing on the cake if it on Wii U

Tony at Home

My heart kinda sunk when I saw it was for the Wii U....

Not because I won't lay down 200 pieces of bread to buy one just for this game (because I totally will), but because I'm worried about the imminent overuse of the Wii U controller gimmick as the camera... Hard to be immersed when I constantly have to take my eyes off the screen and look down on a controller. Takes me out of the game every time.

Tony at Home

I remember playing a Fatal Frame game on the PS2 (don't remember which one it was, but it had the two twin girls as the main characters).

I played it until I got to one specific part of the game where I saw something and my reaction went a little something like this:

Never played it again after that moment.
I'm actually at this point in Dark Souls this very moment.

Those freaking skele-dogs are cheap as hell...