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You're on a desert Island. You're in pirate territory. Which 5 community members do you take with u?


Joker waiting room
Goldfish to cook/clean LOL. That would usually be considered pretty sexist but man does that girl know how to cook! Ok I admit I've never tasted her little cup cakes but they do look delicious. :)

Forever King > Rico Suave. Because King isn't going to throw you around or stab you in the back (lulz).

Lilith for reproduction purposes (basically to have an army of little forever king jrs).

P2W the medic to revive me, FK, Goldfish or Lilith.

And probably m2dave for entertainment and because he is a teacher. So he could educate my army of FK jrs so they would be both smart and strong.

I think I have the best possible party members.
If your plan is to stay on that island long enough to have little kings running around then you done fucked up somewhere.
1. Mikey_mike1993. He my bestie and I gotta take my best is
2. EMPR SunFire so he can distract the pirates by hoing it up
3. Rampage254 BC he always seems to have food for some reason
4. Sonicfox for comedy and since everyone else is following the blacks die first rule I'll follow it to since I'm not all the way black
5. DJA_HOMIES BC he grew up in da hood and know what to do in a difficult situation
(P.S. I'm a noob and don't know how to tag ppl ;))


1. forever king becuase he swole af.
2. rico same reason.
3. rampage for no reason
4. goldfish for the same reason everybody else picked her.
5. 16 bit so if goldfish dies(likely i would die early on because im black) or her food sucks or it comes down to cannibalism i have enough to eat.


@BlackBryan - sounds like a pirate name. Played Kano in MK so he knows how to think on his feet with limited resources.

@Seapeople - a person of the sea.

@GGA Wafflez and @RiBBz22 - if we have to resort to cannibalism, at least we can eat delicious sounding Smoke mains.

@CrimsonShadow - like Black Bryan, also sounds vaguely piratey. The perennial optimist, he would attempt to unify the group only to be the first to be eaten.

Icy Black Deep

Still training...
  • Lord Decay: The Muscle
  • Rico Suave: More Muscle
  • Darth Arma: Chief negotiator
  • Chemist for Hire: Having a chemist seems kind of niche but potentially critical
  • Perfect Legend: Increases odds of rescue because when the TYM staff sees that his Twitter updates have stopped they'll commence a world search to locate their main source of front-page articles.
I don't have to include KDZ on my list because he'll make it to the island on his own--he's super washed up.

I was going to include people I don't want to die to avoid survivor's guilt, but the scenario doesn't say uninvolved people will die so they can stay safe at home.
Trapped on an Island filled with harsh nature and everything is trying to kill you?

I'm surprised no one else is bringing the Aussies.


And @ whoever else lives on the death island (Australia) where giant spiders is an actual thing that exists.

If they can survive there they can survive anywhere. My chances are best with them., and their comparatively-long cutting equipment to fight off the pirates with.


Dead Kings Rise
@rev0lver as the guy to accept we're all gonna die

@Sajam so I won't be the guy with the scruffiest beard

@GuamoKun because he'll find a way for all of us to turn up

Noobe for killing any animals we find with his bear fuckin hands so we can eat

@Tm_whiteboi so I won't be the whitest person on the island and so he can give me back my headphones. Also watching doomsday players suffer is always good for me


A spaceman
@Cage Redfield I need someone to talk anime and match up's with. And since he plays Lobo. He can hunt with his Nuclear Shotgun and Hook Chain.

@JustPressingButtons I need another person to talk match up's with and he's from New York. So he know's about dat thug lyfe. He can also hunt since he play's Lobo. Or!!! He can d1 poke the pirates and be annoying as fuck since he also plays Nightwing!

@Zoidberg747 I need someone to talk music with.

@Rickyraws Your black (apparently). I need that "Token Black Guy" in this group. Since you also play Frost, you can freeze all the pirates and vortex them to death and d1 xx Slide us to safety.

@Cossner He's Mexican. So he can communicate with the savages's! Is this racist...? Whatever.
He can start fires with his Fire Arrows since he plays Green Arrow. He's also the designated Ditch guy! ...Because he play's Arrow.