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Chakk dizzle

That's baaaaane
any1 here using paladin?
been using it for a while and the struggle is so real
I hate shamans, you give them board control and you die...............smh

legendaries bruh
Shockadin is pretty good man. I feel you on shamans though. for this past week I've been running a control warrior deck that I put together and that is such a tough matchup for me. Pretty much need to make an anti zoo deck since thats ALL i'm playing against lately. It's soooooo brain dead


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Shockadin is pretty good man. I feel you on shamans though. for this past week I've been running a control warrior deck that I put together and that is such a tough matchup for me. Pretty much need to make an anti zoo deck since thats ALL i'm playing against lately. It's soooooo brain dead
Shaman isn't braindead, but its very momentum based. Even with zoo, you still have to contend with decently beefy taunts and great AoE clear.

Chakk dizzle

That's baaaaane
Shaman isn't braindead, but its very momentum based. Even with zoo, you still have to contend with decently beefy taunts and great AoE clear.
I meant zoo is braindead not shaman. By the time aoe clear is a factor you have enough mana to flood the board the next round. It isn't really hard to bait it ut either. It is the most mindless thing to play. Also beefy taunts (with the exception of druids) don't come out in time.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I meant zoo is braindead not shaman. By the time aoe clear is a factor you have enough mana to flood the board the next round. It isn't really hard to bait it ut either. It is the most mindless thing to play. Also beefy taunts (with the exception of druids) don't come out in time.
Also not necessarily true. A 4/7 taunt can be done on turn 3, as well as feral spirit, lightning storm, and so on.
Shaman's also have access to a bit of a black sheep card in the form of forked lightning which, while not phenomenal, is a 1 cost cleave that deals with quite a few problems lock can toss.
If nothing else, zoo has to be a bit more careful around shaman because the early stoppers do exist. On top of that, they can't risk all-in strategies because the moment they surrender board control to the shaman the game is over for them.

The shaman can stall early and play for late, with totems and bloodlust holding pretty decent floor space on their own. Zoo can't risk the late since they lack very concrete taunts and late-game power. They have to bank that the shaman lacks any of the slew of cards that play against the zoo-mentality of "flood and go". They have to invest in a point where they can keep pressure while not losing their push power, which again is risky because the shaman isn't bound to late game clears (like the mage/priest) or limited in their means (like the pally/hunter). They can build a normally strong deck and just naturally have that potent removal without having to give way to anything else.

That's not to say the Shaman counters zoo because, as it stands, you do still need to time your removal and manage your board well against the warlock as well. Overload can throw as much of a wrench in your plans as it does for them, so I'd say it has a good chance against the lock but not one that would make you build for it specifically.


That's a statement about zoo in general, if you build any board against them that they can't deal with the next turn, they already lose. The problem in the shaman match-up is that overload doesn't allow you to follow-up so baiting out early removal that overloads them is great. Lightning Storm early is also good because it most of the time it will force their next turn to either be nothing or just a totem which is a win for the zoo deck.

Shaman actually has great issues against Zoo, you need to get a bit lucky with draws from both side. Honestly more in favor of Zoo because Shamans just aren't great at dealing with lots of early pressure unless they draw perfectly against the Zoo's draws.

I would say not to even make decks vs Zoo though, but focus on learning how to shut down Zoo by learning what cards are useless in the match, knowing how to mulligan and when to drop cards to basically die to delay damage so you can stabilize for later. Druids are super strong against Zoo and Handlock which helps, but regardless of what class you play, it's good to analyze how you can manage the opponent each turn. If you basically do nothing in a turn against Zoo, chances are you're probably dead.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
That's a statement about zoo in general, if you build any board against them that they can't deal with the next turn, they already lose. The problem in the shaman match-up is that overload doesn't allow you to follow-up so baiting out early removal that overloads them is great. Lightning Storm early is also good because it most of the time it will force their next turn to either be nothing or just a totem which is a win for the zoo deck.

Shaman actually has great issues against Zoo, you need to get a bit lucky with draws from both side. Honestly more in favor of Zoo because Shamans just aren't great at dealing with lots of early pressure unless they draw perfectly against the Zoo's draws.

I would say not to even make decks vs Zoo though, but focus on learning how to shut down Zoo by learning what cards are useless in the match, knowing how to mulligan and when to drop cards to basically die to delay damage so you can stabilize for later. Druids are super strong against Zoo and Handlock which helps, but regardless of what class you play, it's good to analyze how you can manage the opponent each turn. If you basically do nothing in a turn against Zoo, chances are you're probably dead.
Depends on the overload. By the time some cards become available, the overload can cover its cost going into the next. If I lightning storm off 3 one-drop minions, I still have 2 mana. Lightning bolt, forked lightning, etc can still be done, and when the warlock is down to basically dipping for another then the shaman can roll. Overload isn't the end-all, as I said it can cause problems, but it does make the warlock stop and play his own cards carefully. If you spend time baiting for my removal, I can just build my board until you don't have a choice. If you try to pounce on my field after one spell, and don't pay caution to the next spell on its way out, then you have trouble. Its all on how much the warlock can afford to spend, and if he just hams out to try and take advantage of a storm that came and went or isn't coming, the shaman has his ample time to set up.

As far as the "shamans aren't great at dealing with lots of etc", eh, I'm not so sure on that one but we can have our separate opinions on it.

Yeah I agree not to build specifically against zoo (since for the most part, anything that beats zoo loses to miracle), however I feel like one can construct in a way that makes them strong against zoo given their assets. Zoo has two main things about it: Lack of big removal (things that just outright kill something, like assassinate, poly, or hex), and a dependency on low-cost board dominance with their only real draw engine being a 2-2 for 1. I feel like Shaman is pretty well equipped to deal with it, and I happen to play druid so I know about that line of it. I even enjoy warrior against it because if you can outlast that initial onslaught then you're practically golden and they have a lot of 2 and 3 damage tosses that they can live without.

To be fair, I run a certain kind of druid and "mana wraith" is a part of it. Having the minions cost even 1 mana more kinda spoils the stew for them in a big way.


Scrub God Lord
Shockadin is pretty good man. I feel you on shamans though. for this past week I've been running a control warrior deck that I put together and that is such a tough matchup for me. Pretty much need to make an anti zoo deck since thats ALL i'm playing against lately. It's soooooo brain dead
been rolling with control
just hitted rank 14
only took me a month to learn paladin l0l


Scrub God Lord
miracle rogue is so stupid l0l
this one dude brought jenkins out, attacjed and returned it to his deck like 4 times
I lost like 25 health in 1 round l0l
so stupid


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I personally don't have too much trouble vs Miracle Rogue because most of my taunts have 5 health, basically. Prevents them from going down to eviscerate, and finding the mana to cheese me while toting an assassinate just isn't going to happen. Senjin Shieldmaster is one such card I fondly keep because it has a decent stat balance for its cost, sitting at enough health to not get blunted down without a backstab on deck, and its lovable intro sequence. Plus, it was my first golden card.

So L2TazDingo is more a jest with some backstory on a personal level than an actual statement.


Scrub God Lord
I personally don't have too much trouble vs Miracle Rogue because most of my taunts have 5 health, basically. Prevents them from going down to eviscerate, and finding the mana to cheese me while toting an assassinate just isn't going to happen. Senjin Shieldmaster is one such card I fondly keep because it has a decent stat balance for its cost, sitting at enough health to not get blunted down without a backstab on deck, and its lovable intro sequence. Plus, it was my first golden card.

So L2TazDingo is more a jest with some backstory on a personal level than an actual statement.
what class u play?


Release date of naxx is July 22 next tuesday :D

Quote from Blizzard
Are you prepared to face the horrors lurking within the dread necropolis Naxxramas? Curse of Naxxramas: A Hearthstone Adventure is just about ready to open its gates to the world. There’s a whole host of undead monsters inhabiting the halls of Naxxramas, ready and waiting to defend their lair against Hearthstone’s heroes. If you . . . somehow . . . manage to defeat them, you’ll be rewarded with ghastly new cards for your Hearthstone collection!

Curse of Naxxramas goes live globally for Windows®, Mac®, and iPad® on Tuesday, July 22, starting with the Arachnid Quarter, the first of five creepy wings that will be released weekly after the gates are opened. The Arachnid Quarter will be free to play during the Curse of Naxxramas launch event, which will last roughly a month. Those brave enough to step foot into the Arachnid Quarter during the launch event will unlock it permanently for free. Check out our recent blog for further details on how to access the Arachnid Quarter and the subsequent wings of Naxxramas.