EMPEROR_SunFire Thanks! That means a lot. I actually thought about that, "should I include her wings?" I wanted the fatalities to not just be a more brutal version of the Supermoves, so I decided to try something else.
But yeah, thanks for the input.
With that said - I just watched all the Fatalities (if you could call it that) for the MK vs Marvel Universe game for the first time. I must say I am shocked and in awe of how similar some of them are to my ideas!
The one with Batman and the swarm of bats is almost exactly the same, it's just a lot more censored. Same with Lex that calls in a weapon strike from his satelite. Catwoman has a fatality there too that is almost identical, save for
her stomping her heel through his head. My gosh.... I should probably have watched that first to see what was actually done before. Maybe I could have come up with something really fresh. I thought the swarm of bats was so experimental
and "out there" you know, I would have never thought they actually used that already