We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
This week the Break had a total of 11 entries Open the Pages to see who entered.
Notable Mentions:
Indecisive Celebrates his Birthday by coming to the Break
Buupiter Returns to the Break to get some practice in before EVO
Revolver Flies down in his Money suit in an attempt to Bribe his way to first place
Grr's Venom has finally recharged and is ready for battle
People Missing:
Icy was not able to find his Wings so he was not able to make it to The Break
Lilth and Oxygen were not able to make a surprise visit to The Break this week
Claude Von Stroke decided that MK 9 Practice was more important. #G4S
For those of you who want to watch all the matches i would suggest you go here:
Top 3 Matches:
Winners Finals: Darth Arma vs. KDZ
Losers Finals: KDZ vs. Grr
Grand Finals: KDZ vs Darth Arma
INSERT TOP 3 PICTURE HERE...................
First Place: KDZ (Superman)(Wonder Woman)
Second Place: Darth Arma (Batman)(Dick Grayson?)
Third Place: Grr (Bane) (Joker) O_O
The Empire continues to shoe its dominance as this week top 3 yet again has two of its members in it.
Challonge Brackets:
Ultra Street Fighter 4:
For those of you who want to watch some Ultra SF then you are in luck because a good amount of the matches were streamed for Ultra this week. Below is the link to Jaxel's YouTube Channel were you will be able to view some of the SF Matches from this Week.
8 On the Break is Located:
Address: 340 North Ave, Dunellen, NJ 08812
Phone: (732) 752-8880
The Tournament is Hosted by KDZ Every Tuesday at around 8:30pm 9:00pm. The Tournament is also Streamed by Jaxel over at 8 Way Run. And the Brackets are made and called by Hacker. Please Make sure to support the stream by following, Subscribing, Turning off ad block, or subscribing to his YouTube channel. Tournament entry is $10 Dollars. With no venue fee. Thats right. NO VENUE FEE. Stop by and play with some of the best Injustice Players the Area has to Offer. Meet new people and level up. If you are in the area you should also check out the Break which holds many different games. And is home to the Break Steak Special.
Shout Outs:
Id like to give a Shout out to @KDZ for getting a cake for my birthday. That made my day dude. Thank you very much. ^_^.
@STORMS @CrimsonShadow @AK RM Blake
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