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The 2014 Injustice Tear List. (IRS Approved)


This mean you don't like me?
This is the final destination Injustice Tear list that I feel would benefit our community. It is irrefutable, but I am welcome to discussion. Part of what adds to this list's immaculation is the fact that I will not only list characters and their tear production ability, I shall explicate in great detail.

So without Freddy Adu, let's go:

S tear:
Deathstroke, Aquaman, Cyborg, Killer Frost, Batgirl, Bane, Matian Man Hunter.
High Tear:
Zod, Flash, Black Adam, Batman, Doomsday, Harley, Sinestro, Zatanna, Green Lantern
Mid Tear:
Wonder Woman, Lobo, Grundy, Raven, Lex, Superman
Only tears if you don't know the matchup tear:
Joker, Shazam, Ares, Catwoman, Scorpion
D tear:
Green Arrow, Nightwing

Explanation of the S tear:
Deathstroke:From the April 2013 to April 2013, Deathstroke has been the go to spammy character that new players gravitate to. By new I mean those new to fighting games as a whole. Simply due to the nature of his projectiles, this was inevitable, and as you can imagine, many a lobby were cleared out due to his gunshots.

Cyborg: Cyborg is on the list because it is impossible to watch 12 years a slave without crying, thus his tear production is very high. Had a discussion at work with a man (white) who felt that Chiwetel Ejiofor was robbed at the awards ceremony. How fitting, because if you use a teleport character, Cyborg is robbed of a chance to live.

Aquaman: Very strong footsie tools, From the Deep, and a trait that is an indefinite combo breaker in a game that isn't Killer Instinct have brought many tears to the table. Let me tell you a funny story about Aquaman I relayed some time ago:
"It's very interesting the characters I use now and the characters I thought I'd use/looked cool prior to the game coming out. Never knew who the hell Black Adam was, but thought he was badass and figured I'd use him. Raven was on the top of my list, and is the only character I stuck with post launch. However I was very pleased with how Aquaman looked. I know NRS intentionally made him a badass due to the flak he usually gets. I thought Ares and Killer Frost were going to be no name punching bags. I got the game and thought, eh, Aquaman looks cool, I think I'm gonna main him.

Popped the game in and went into training mode, with my 4 year old watching.

"Daddy, daddy, can you use the princess?" (She was referring to Wonder Woman)
Rickyraws: "Uh sure thing, honey, but first let me try out Aquaman. He's the king of the ocean, you know!"
Honey: "Oooooh wow! Like Ariel?" (She didn't know how to express Ariel's father in the little mermaid, but I knew)
Rickyraws: "Yes honey, like Ariel."

The hall of justice blew me a way and was instantly one of my favorite stages as I started to practice what Aquaman could do. I trident rush MBed
Rickyraws: "LOL well, I guess he's this game's Honda!"

I thought the name and animation of From the Deep was so badass and MBed it to see it hit the opponent in the air. I b12xxFTD but never thought to follow up with b12FTD Mb afterwards. I kept messing around and eventually landed my first 40% combo. Didn't know what his trait did, as I'm stubborn and like to figure things out on my own terms. The 40% was very stylish.

Rickyraws: Honey did you see that? The lighting came from the-
Honey: Dad, Shut the fuck up! You use AQUAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!

Petrified, I proceeded to main Frost and never looked back."

Speaking of which:
Killer Frost and Batgirl: Killer Frost has earned me threats upon my life as well as threats upon my well being. Like Batgirl, she makes the opponent guess, which can be very frustrating and scary during tournament. And scientists have determined that 8/10 people who complain about her slide do not in fact know how to block low. Interestingly enough, time and time again, Hawkgirl players have accused me of counterpicking when I user her (my main) against their feathered caitiff:

Bane doesn't play by the rules of the game, like a kid who doesn't count all the way to 20 before he starts to search for you in hide and seek. Martian is self explanatory. Even though Flash is another character with 50/50s that makes you guess, he doesn't receive half the flak the others do, partially because he looks cool as he's doing it. If Batgirl was some badass knight or a robotic ninja, people wouldn't hate her as much as they do now. She knows she's a pain in the ass and laughs at you upon transition. "So you like to be kicked in the head?" so disrespectful.

Explanation of the High tear:
I don't think many will take issue with this list

Explanation of the Mid tear:
Grundy and Lex can bully unaware players, and they can land some heavy damage pretty quick. Wonder Woman's b2 into Super is a disconnect magnet, and nothing makes a person cry more than having a full stick of butter ready to clash, only to be hit with 40+% of unclashable Lobo damage.

Only tears if you don't know the match up tear:
Eh. Scorpion is not what he once was (an S rank super saiyan tear producer) and Joker IMO is good, but still not tear inducing. More often than not if you see a Joker get you in the corner and do some crazy setups on you, you're impressed more than anything.

D tear:
These characters have received the D. They produce an enormous amount of tears, but not like the others; they make you cry FOR them.


@DarthArma @Syknis

Green Arrow is only on this list because of his clash quote "How's your sister, whore?"

Hawkgirl is excluded from this list because....well....come on let's be serious here, no one who plays Hawkgirl actually likes using her


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
Ricky you forgot Supes! He was the king of producing tears pre-patch and although he is not as good as he was, OTG divebombs over and over are hilarious, especially when your opponent doesn't know its an overhead. "Superman is OP!!! This game sucks!"


Since we are talking about Tear experience i'll share my story.

Online I would play Supes in a manner of i want to punish you, put you in corner, maybe zone you if you're far, and pretty much play in a somewhat lame manner (though i try not to). This result in me getting a load of messages from people complaining how i should

"Stop zoning like a lil bitch"
"Stop picking Superman"
"Go buy Tekken because its a real man's game that forces me to fight"
"Go see them in SF"
"Play they're friends who like totally have way better Superman than i do"

So even when i pull out my Green Lantern He is apparently still in the category of No-skill spamming character like Supes.

From my personal experience Green Lantern tear is mainly about zoning and how he is a boring braindead character that requires spamming.
Meaning that i get constructive criticism and evaluations from fellow online players in the form of a message looking like:

and great advice from good ol chaps like:


Imagine a twelve year old's voice:

"You are th- the Woarst Green Lantern Oh mayyyy gaah! You suk man you only win becus you spam, join my party"

I surprisingly never got any messages about Supermans corner game but i have gotten multitudes of ragequits.

"This guy picked Superman what a try-hard"

I guess im a try hard for wanting to win. Still its all fun though, well for me can't say the same for others.


This mean you don't like me?
Since we are talking about Tear experience i'll share my story.

Online I would play Supes in a manner of i want to punish you, put you in corner, maybe zone you if you're far, and pretty much play in a somewhat lame manner (though i try not to). This result in me getting a load of messages from people complaining how i should

"Stop zoning like a lil bitch"
"Stop picking Superman"
"Go buy Tekken because its a real man's game that forces me to fight"
"Go see them in SF"
"Play they're friends who like totally have way better Superman than i do"

So even when i pull out my Green Lantern He is apparently still in the category of No-skill spamming character like Supes.

From my personal experience Green Lantern tear is mainly about zoning and how he is a boring braindead character that requires spamming.
Meaning that i get constructive criticism and evaluations from fellow online players in the form of a message looking like:

and great advice from good ol chaps like:


Imagine a twelve year old's voice:

"You are th- the Woarst Green Lantern Oh mayyyy gaah! You suk man you only win becus you spam, join my party"

I surprisingly never got any messages about Supermans corner game but i have gotten multitudes of ragequits.

"This guy picked Superman what a try-hard"

I guess im a try hard for wanting to win. Still its all fun though, well for me can't say the same for others.
Everyone online wants me to join their party when I beat them. I realized after innocently doing so once during MK9 that this is a trap. Never again.