Best: 22 Jump Street or Captain America 2
For 22 Jump Street I laughed more than I probably ever have during a movie and it was much better than the first. Cap 2 had some of the best fight choreography I've ever seen in a movie. It was also a complete step up from the first.
Worst: TASM 2
Its funny because I genuinely think Andrew Garfield is an excellent Spider Man, but this movie sucked. The character development is literally some of the worst I've ever seen and I couldn't believe I was supposed to care about some of the characters in the movie. Some people are listing Godzilla because they were disappointed, but I'm listing TASM 2 because it was, in fact, the worst movie I saw this year.
Godzilla side note: From what I pieced together I was upset about Godzilla lack of screen time, but honestly if he was fighting the entire movie it would lose it's luster quick. The teasing was dumb and the human characters were awful, but any scene with Godzilla I thought was well done. Hopefully next time they'll shy away from the horrendous human characters.