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Things you were excited for that turned out to be a major disappointment

Vulcan Hades

Almost every movie I watch. Especially the "masterpieces" that get praised a lot and when I watch them I'm like "k this is kind of average".

I'm less disappointed in video games because I don't buy/play many of them and I'm not easily fooled by trailers. I only buy games I already know I enjoy playing and the few games I buy I play them to death. There's not a single game I own that I haven't played extensively. No steam sale bullshit for me. I don't care if you show me an 8 game bundle costing only 2$ for a limited time. If I'm never going to play them more than 5 minutes then it's pointless and a waste of money.


Who's coming to Ghana?
there's no difference between that game and super mario. I mean let's be logical: it all about some dude running around stealing gold.


Justice 4 Firestorm
Assassin's Creed 3 was the least fun game I played recently. Most of the time I couldn't get past the title screen.

Intro movie was dope tho.
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