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CEO Rooming


The CreepFather
What up TYM! I just finished registering for IGAU at CEO. This will be my first tournament so I am completely in the dark when it comes to where to meet any IGAU players, getting some casuals in before or after the tournament and the rooming situation. If anybody can fill me in on where/when I can get some casuals in with my fellow TYM users I'd greatly appreciate it. Also if anybody is willing to room me and my buddy for most likely one night we'd be forever grateful, if not if anyone is still looking for a room let me know so we can discuss how we'll be going about this. I'm looking forward to meeting/playing all of you and having a badass weekend! See ya there!


I wasn't planning on getting a room since I only live about an hour and change away, but now I'm kinda thinking about it just so I can go out drinking and not have to sleep in my car before driving back.


The CreepFather
I wasn't planning on getting a room since I only live about an hour and change away, but now I'm kinda thinking about it just so I can go out drinking and not have to sleep in my car before driving back.
Yea I live about 3 hours n some change away I just wanted to stay a night to hang n play with some peeps