Scott The Scot
Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
I really like this advice, although I feel I have given the wrong impression - I've played mk9 a bunch and I understand the combo system like smokes reset death combos are a piece of cake, and I know the notation for fighters. My problem is that IGAU feels different from mk9, it feels like a different pace and the combos feel like there's a lot of waiting before inputting the next string or special, oh and the pokes seem different or not as effective, and the layout of the controller is different (like 2 punch an kick buttons). My problem is that I'm having trouble adapting to this game and that I'm trying to play like it's mk9 but it appears that's not a viable way to tackle this game. Thanks for the advice btw I really really appreciate itThere are combo videos for virtually every character. You can learn pretty easy just from watching them and copying them.
What I love about Injustice compared to MK is the fact there is no block button to hold - you just hold back or back-down to block. The majority of fighting games use this system. But a lot of people like the block button too.
My advice is do the tutorial, slowly. Read and understand everything.
Go into practice mode with your character you want to main, and just get a feel for the controls. Learn the stages, where the interactables are, which sides transition to a new area, and how the clash/wager system works. So say you have a PS3:
Square - Light attack, also known as "1"
Triangle - Medium attack, also known as "2"
X - Heavy attack, also known as "3"
O - Individual trait. These vary from hero to hero. IE Superman gets a temporary damage boost, while Batman summons mechanical bats he can launch.
And to do wall bounces, you simply hold back and 3 or forward and 3. So that means back + X, or forward + X. This sends your opponent across the screen. They bounce off the "wall" and move back towards you, or they bounce off the ground right in front of you. It allows you to continue combos longer that you normally couldn't.
If you know about MK9 EX moves the Meter Burn system is cake. It's basically the same. You do your special movie, say for instance: d, f, 1. So that means down, forward + Square. On the last press you also hit the meter burn button, which I can't remember right now. Basically a powered up version of the move. Meter burns also can help extend combos, and they do slightly more damage. For example, Aquaman's trident rush does a normal damage auto combo, while his MB version extends the hits, and does significantly more damage.
I could type a whole manual, but you'll learn all this in the tutorial. Just learn the basics. Eventually do single fights from very easy, and move up a difficulty whenever you feel ready.
Just don't try to play by button mashing. This game takes practice and memorization. My girlfriend after 2 weeks still is too lazy to learn special moves or how to do combo juggles. She just mashes buttons, and wonders why every hit I do connects, because she forgets to block. But she's also very impatient and expects to learn something new in 60 seconds flat.
After a couple solid hours of practice, and maybe a few light single matches against the computer, you'll start to have to think less and less. You'll just know where the interactables are, when to meter burn, etc. You'll learn basic bread and butter combos. All of which will definitely help for MKX in the future.
It just depends. Obviously you got into the game a little late - there are several weekly/bi-weekly casual sessions with other players all around the US. Many skilled players will gladly help you. There are a handful of tournaments left for Injustice, and unfortunately this game will be shelved due to the hyped release of MKX. I suggest you watch the stream of CEO 2014 live next weekend. Just to see how the game is played at the highest level. Or check out UFGT 10 or Winter Brawl 8. You'll be surprised how much you take in just from watching.
But it's a great game even if you just want to play casually. It gets a lot of hate from people, but 95% of the time they got mad because it took too long or too much effort to learn.