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Them Last-Minute MLG Predictions Thread, If You Dare


undefeated online evo champion
Whatever happens, it's going to be Theo and Jupiter GFs. I it doesn't, then this tourney is just one big phony imo
This MLG production values sucks so far, I don't know what it is. I'm annoyed at the fact that there is no clear cut answer if the actual tournament is happening on MLG.tv/FGC or MLG.tv/LevelUpLive

As far as I know, it was said that LevelUpLive will be streaming side tournaments and "Play The Pro" crap.

Where are the professional booths that we had for MK9, that made it seem like a sporting event, where is Tom Brady and Ultra David.


Administrator and Community Engineer
This MLG production values sucks so far, I don't know what it is. I'm annoyed at the fact that there is no clear cut answer if the actual tournament is happening on MLG.tv/FGC or MLG.tv/LevelUpLive

As far as I know, it was said that LevelUpLive will be streaming side tournaments and "Play The Pro" crap.

Where are the professional booths that we had for MK9, that made it seem like a sporting event, where is Tom Brady and Ultra David.
Lol, calm down -- the MLG bracket hasn't started yet.
I think Theo is going to take it IMO, he's just been really solid in and out of the states. Should be good, looking forward to the matches


Ive seen the leprechaun
I think kdz and arma are getting top 8 but Jupiter will win toss sonic fox in there for my prediction of half of top 8


why would you have an injustice side tourney running at the same time the real tourney is supposed to be on and the simply label it injustice as opposed to naming it something that makes it clear its a side tourney. All its going to do is cause confusion.


I am your god
Wow MLG ain't what it used to be. Delays delays delays, lack of brackets, messed up brackets, streaming air. I
Guess money does not breed success. Guess KH vs all themselves 1st round only to get to second round to play more KH is good bracketing? It's like KH weeklies for them. I hope you all learn a lesson from this display of E-sports


Dojo Trainee
The Inj Stream seems to be the only one with delay Melee and COD... breaks are not even 1/5 of the time of the break on the Inj stream. So either there is some kind of problem or the guy who runs the stream has no clue what he is doing.
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I am your god
Hope all you realize now they don't care about you. I hate to be the mean guy. Your a prop that is a filler for there real games SC2 and COD


Scrub God Lord
East coast will take this shit free, don't be surprise if you don't see west coast in top 8
Master KDZ winning this without a doubt


Now is your chance to stake your claim as a clairvoyant hero or go down in a pool of unfortunate shame. You have 25 minutes.

-Upsets -- Who will surprise everyone and channel a heroic performance that goes down in infamy
-Winner -- Who has the goods to come out on top of this heap
-Who will be surprised or go down early in the fray
-Matchups -- Who will win if certain players meet

Tune in & Let's go! www.mlg.tv/fgc
Upsets: 2.5 hours only streamed two series by the same players in a back to back salty runback
Placers: Slayer
Who will go down early: Syknis, twice
Matchups: Superman vs Aquaman


I write too much.
Wow MLG ain't what it used to be. Delays delays delays, lack of brackets, messed up brackets, streaming air. I
Guess money does not breed success. Guess KH vs all themselves 1st round only to get to second round to play more KH is good bracketing? It's like KH weeklies for them. I hope you all learn a lesson from this display of E-sports
We also have 4 C88 guys playing each other 1st round.

From watching this (Or the lack of it), I'm really happy I didn't spend money crossing the country to attend this.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Hope all you realize now they don't care about you. I hate to be the mean guy. Your a prop that is a filler for there real games SC2 and COD
SC2 tournament had the same issues and was also delayed similarly. It's not JustUs :)