AK elitegoomba
On 2nd thought, Strong Belwas for sure
Cept, ya know, hes been dead since then.I voted Tyrion
but the person I would main is not on this list.
Syrio Forel.
Taking out dudes with real swords, with wooden ones, since 2013. (or whenever this series started, I don't really watch it lol)
doesnt make him any less awesome.Cept, ya know, hes been dead since then.
Yes I agree he is awesome, Your post still doesn't make sense. (Taking out dudes with real swords, with wooden ones, since 2013. (or whenever this series started, I don't really watch it lol)doesnt make him any less awesome.
plenty of awesome characters are dead in that show
He got DAT command grabI love how Hodor has more votes than Ed Stark.
Didnt want to sound too much of a dick doing that, but its an epic quote. it needed correcting.Shitttttttt. That's a blowup.
Bran would be a one time projectile, you'd have to pick your moment to use him carefully as he can't get back onto Hodor until the round finishes.a Hodor/Bran combo could be like Ferra/Torr
i was thinking Bran would be able to do some quan chi mind control type moves on the opponent.Bran would be a one time projectile, you'd have to pick your moment to use him carefully as he can't get back onto Hodor until the round finishes.
damn son hahaJaqen H'ghar would body you all free.
He is the MMH of Game of Thrones.
Well coming to think about it...
MMH is a shapeshifter - Jaqen changes his faces. Check
MMH's weakness is fire - The only time we saw Jaqen about to die in the show was about to be burnt alive. Check
MMH has OP zoning - Jaqen easily killed those two men for Arya from a distance. Check
MMH's real name is J'onn J'onzz, starts with J and contains an apostrophe - Jaqen H'ghar. Check
MMH can teleport -. Check