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BRADYCAST - Hating on MK9?


"Thanks" button abuser.
Great, now I have to stay awake 20 minutes more just because everything MK related. Specially coming from you, Tom.

3:00 am, there I go.


Good shit, and a very interesting watch. It's been known for a while that there are bugs in the game. I mean, even when I play online with some people and something will happen I will go, hey, let's go to a different game and see if that works... And no, something that becomes a guessing game "will it come out" or "will it not." I mean, look at Freddy with projectiles randomly going through them, sometimes I doubt that was a rational design choice by NRS.

I'm sure everyone understands that hey, when you're in the heat of the moment and you lose you're probably not saying the most rational things. Everyone, when they're upset speaks like that, and yes everyone would be pissed if they lost to a glitch.

Thanks a lot for bringing these things to life and having our back with NRS even if some trolls don't respect what you do and do stupid shit as a thank you.

I think the issue I think with s1lent stream wasn't that, it was some people talking about "exposing the game" for what it was on a larger scale. I am sure you communicate with NRS you point these things out in a very professional manner, which was not the case with the alleged "exposing" of MK, and we all appreciate that. I thought those arguments were pretty damn stupid "would he or wouldn't he" debates reveal nothing. But I'm sure everyone understands that and it's in the past. This just kind of seemed inspired by that since you brought up some names in question from the last part.

Once again, thanks a lot for doing what you did (if you in fact stopped like you claim). The living guide, NRS communication etc. For what it's worth I'm sure the real MK community has nothing but respect for you unlike the trolls who just try to get at you just for the reaction.
Yeah the record feature has alot of issues. If you record the dummy doing things and then play it back you can sometimes perform specials with your characters, its not consistent though and I've never been able to actually move my character. Before I understood what the record feature actually did i was attempting to test Liu Kang ex parry against Johnny Cages from full screen Ex Shadow Kick. Kept trying the parry and it only came out twice but I could never like move my character or anything else.


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
First a couple things specifically about the content mentioned by Tom:

(1) EX Move Invincibility - The difference between invincibility on start-up (Frame 1) and invincibility on start-up (Frame 3) is a small difference that will definitely be noticed by tournament players, but may not seem significant to a programmer... and that's assuming that you're actually talking to the programmer that determined when invincibility starts... and that's assuming that the NRS representative you're talking to is even a programmer. Overall, as long as the game is consistent on when invincibility starts (eg: Always on Frame 3), I don't see why NRS should have to verbally inform players of this, instead I think it is up to the players to repeatably test and learn this for themselves, then share with the community.

(2) Practice Mode - Okay, this looks broken, but easily fixed. I'm guessing that when a player inputs commands, the controller relays them to the system with precise timing (let's just say 1/10 sec precision, just so we have numbers). The "record" function records inputs, not the actual match, but it likely doesn't record the timing as precisely (let's say 1/2 sec precision, but again, I'm just making this up). And when the inputs are played back with imprecise timing, sometimes that small fraction of a second results in the player in the corner ending up on the wrong side of their opponent, and sometimes resets don't replay properly. So how does this get fixed? The recording function needs to have more precise timing bins. This can actually be fixed with a rather small patch, assuming I'm correct and assuming NRS is aware of where the problem lies.

Now on to something a little more critical. Tom, I really enjoy your Bradycasts because they are informative and you manage to keep a pretty level head. However, when I tune into STBL, you seem to work yourself into an absolute frenzy within a few minutes of the show starting. I haven't heard any recordings of you saying anything inappropriate at a tournament, but I've seen you saying some pretty critical things during the opening segment of STBL. Comparing Bradycasts to STBL is like night and day, without a joke. I don't know why there is such a difference, but I'd recommend whatever is working for you during Bradycasts, use that for STBL.



Good vids, and i just hope nrs will fix mk9, cuz this mk is special and i want it to be perfect when it comes to gameplay, A few days back me an my friend played some matches offline, and there was same sub - kabal bugs, like when you do ex dash and im geeting up with wake up clone, the momentum glitches , kabal wakes up in the corner, it was after the latest update guys, I dont have a camera to record that and put in here, but I hope someone of you will try to catch that bug, thanks.
Quick shout outs to Tom Brady, I have learned a lot from your gameplay with sub men, you inspired me to switch from my main whitch was kung lao, to sub, cuz I always liked sub from mortal kombat 2 times, but when i first played the game, sub looked like too slow , You showed me how to play and be aggresive with sub, thanks man, keep up that good stuff.
First a couple things specifically about the content mentioned by Tom:

This can actually be fixed with a rather small patch, assuming I'm correct and assuming NRS is aware of where the problem lies.
I think their fully aware of the problem with the training room however one of the NRS guys who answers questions for the MK Valley stream on Thursday's already stated their not and can't patch the training in MK9. However we will see a much better version in MK10. I personally think part of the reason is because of the amount of space their giving to patch things on the Xbox.


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
I think their fully aware of the problem with the training room however one of the NRS guys who answers questions for the MK Valley stream on Thursday's already stated their not and can't patch the training in MK9.
As someone who used to regularly test new automation code for a company that made microchips, I can tell you that this is likely BS. I cannot tell you how many times I heard a programmer tell me that something "wasn't possible" simply because they didn't want the extra workload. Saldy, most people didn't understood code well enough to call the programmers on it.

Root Problem: Training doesn't record the match, it records the inputs. This won't be changed for MK9, because it involves a complete overhaul of the training mode.

...however, like I said, the problem can be fixed using the current programming code, just with smaller input timing bins.


Dojo Trainee
Thank god somebody understands why the flaws in MK are bigger than the flaws in the other major fighting games. When Aris first mention inconsistencies people wrote him off as a hater, but now its plain as day that Aris was right from the beginning. Flaws like these are fatal to a serious "tournament" game.


mk9 is a lucky game
totally random in most of the already solid fighting game mechanics but still played at high levels

while NRS can't be bashed because it us that bring the game to tournament and bet money on, i hope they will fix the most of this crap

and i always agree to anyone saying that it's not kunglao that ruin this game but all the bugs and glitches and the randomness

sometime i like to compare mk9 too gears of war since they use the same engine (unreal)
if you played the 3ps i mentioned, you should know how random its hitboxes are and how shots won't register properly
(shotgun not killing point blank reminds me of that whiffed sub overhead in the first vid)
may be an engine issue?


Frost Warrior
Hmmm.....good listens so far. I enjoy your "BradyCasts".

Hopefully NRS does see the issues so far and fixes them.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Now on to something a little more critical. Tom, I really enjoy your Bradycasts because they are informative and you manage to keep a pretty level head. However, when I tune into STBL, you seem to work yourself into an absolute frenzy within a few minutes of the show starting. I haven't heard any recordings of you saying anything inappropriate at a tournament, but I've seen you saying some pretty critical things during the opening segment of STBL. Comparing Bradycasts to STBL is like night and day, without a joke. I don't know why there is such a difference, but I'd recommend whatever is working for you during Bradycasts, use that for STBL.


Also keep your friend off the mic, eddie whatshisname......theres a good way to handle yourself and a bad way and eddie only knows the bad apparently.

he was so obnoxious


The Coolinator
That stuff's hilarious. Brady's trying to be tactful and constructive but his frustration kept bleeding through. It's like watching a dude try to talk to his wife when the relationship is just about over and can't be salvaged because she's incapable of changing.

Tom: All right... I know that I've gotten out of hand and have been overly critical at times.

Tom's Wife (we'll call her Mary Kate. MK for short.) drools.

Tom: Stop drooling. Now... it's very unbecoming when you drool and I feel like I can't take you out in public.

MK drools some more and wipes her chin with the back of her hand.

Tom: See this what I'm talking about. This is the most retard, repugnant, stuff I've ever seen in my life. What the hell is wrong with you?

MK keeps drooling.

Tom: Look... I went a little too far there and I apologize. I know you're trying to work on this and I'm sure you'll fix it eventually.

MK drools and audibly farts.

Tom: For Christ's sake... why can't you just be a functional and polished individual? This is horrific. No other women is this unpolished. All right... I'm being overly critical and I apologize.

I understand that you shouldn't piss or crap where you sleep and all but sometimes you gotta call a spade a spade. If it's a PR thing than whatever but companies need to be held accountable for shoddy coding and poor design decisions or they'll try to slide by with minimal work and little to no post release support. NRS has given us more than the average post release support but they're too slow with bug fixes and exploit removal. I understand that because of the way Microsoft runs things that most developers try to pack as many things as they can into one patch and it therefore takes longer to roll out but couldn't they roll out hotfixes on the PS3 version as often as they like?


Cock Master!!
i just want to say that these are some concerns i brought up at power up and ect and you just waved it off and said just learn the game dan blah blah blah so its kind of funny hearing you complain about some of the stuff now... either way im glad its being noticed more so now..


Hey Tom,

I do not intend to waste anybody's time but there is a train of thought honking out the dark tunnel of my left ear so I need to change the semiotic semaphore to green here. My favourite color. For this intro to make more sense, do read on, in your own time.

I'm not new to fighting games, it's just been a very long time, so by skill I'm new to fighting games. For all the sense that makes.
I was 10 years old when MK2 came out and I was spending time with the family in Italy during the debut of MK1 and 2 too (the only place nearby with an arcade in the late 80's and early 90's), and I fell in love with the series so much that I had MKs on SNeS and later on PSx on both of which a bunch of friends and neighbors used to play with me. But those people are no longer interested: they grew up, I didn't.

I do not compete because there is zero scene in the country where I live. There's not even a PSN Store in my country, to begin with. So I play online and I'm a one-character person: that one character happens to be the single most (or probably second most) bugged and hard-to-get-around character in the game: Jade. I mean only Sheeva seems to be less used than Jade.

I cannot speak for the game as a whole because as you can see I'm a noob, nowhere as versed as most people on TYM.com, but I did notice all these issues from the beginning and when I opened my mouth I was told to, literally, stfu because I don't know what I'm talking about. Well guys, it seems like the Green Girl's Gamer has hit a snag with all the nag, once again.

Just a taste of all I've seen posted on themortalkombat.com (not a single response from NRS in any of those threads, mind) about issues as follows but is not limited to:

- The inconsistency in game mechanics, that some moves seem to have a (neither tolerant nor beneficial) mind of their own where they may or may not decide whether they will choose to work just this once or not. Quite frustrating.
- The fact that there are enough characters in the core game without DLC to worry about, two of which are vastly underused due to issues with their balancing.
- Practice mode which doesn't even work through the online feature where it would probably help people a lot if it did. (Adding Practice to Private Match under Multiplayer would make me cheer and jump around like a ditz)
- Topped with the policy to release more and more characters (one of which makes not one quarter of a sense to be in the game) before the existing ones get fixed to have equal opportunity at winning as Kung Lao does.

Any wonder that more fanatic players than myself just proclaim "MK9 sucks" (Sorry NRS, they did say that to me) and quit?
My vote is: Stop with all the DLC characters and balance Jade and Sheeva out so I don't feel like pulling the plug every second match I play with my favorite character.

Next DLC character they include should be Jason and then Pikachu.
The little yellow sh*t is scarier than the whole cast altogether so far.