Smoke - invsible, smoke through, air teleport, land in fatality
Kabal - Dash cancel infront of opponent and press 2 or d1 (makeshift nut punch)
Ermac - Enhanced Teleport
Favorite Signature Finishers:
Chris G - Reptile - Full screen invisible, enhanced slow ball, double elbow dash for invisibleaciduppercutality
Predatorv6 (XBL) - Jax - du4,back dash, du4, back dash, back dash, du4, du4... (sweet football celebration dance)
Rocksrob (XBL) - Noob - Blackhole, grab...both opponents splat, but the puddle stays at losers feet...looks kinda cool
Hey...anyone ever think they're getting teabagged but then a stage fatality comes out and you're like...oh nvm you prick...I thought you were being salty. haha.