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Community Real Talk Thread - IGAU and MK9 Players, Please Read


Do not provoke a god
I'll type something out tomorrow. The issue is does it even matter? I'm not a top player so what i say will just get ignored. If i wrote what i wanted to say on lets say REO's account everyone would read it in great detail and love it. If i were to write it most people would pass over because it has more than two lines. I could write something on how to save the community but only a hand full of people would read it. Its really sad. Mr. Aquaman was correct. People praise what these Top Players have to say when a lot of time they whine and complain as much as the next person. But there threads don't get closed. They get praised and people follow what they say. Its the sad truth of this site. And possibly the community. If you don't do good then you are not seen as important. If you do end up doing well god help you if you do not do good at the next tournament or if you are not able to make it to the next event because everyone will start calling you our or saying you are trash. Part of honestly doesnt even want to get top 8 because people would begin to question shit at the next event if i didn't get top 8 or if i went 0-2. I understand what Crimson is trying to do and to some extent i give him an A for effort for trying to help. But to be honest it doesn't even matter. People are going to dislike injustice, People are going to dislike MK. For MK 9 obviously people either disliked it since they stopped playing it competitively or they decided to listen to all the players that said this game sucks/this game is dead and decided to stop playing because of this. Honestly i have fun with MK 9. The game has some fucked up shit. i mean like MB glitch, no trades, things like that. What i don't like is when i go to a fucking tournament the MK 9 players begin talking trash about injustice for no dam reason. Just out of nowhere saying how the game sucks basically mocking us. This kind of shit makes me not want to bother with the community. There is a difference between not liking something and going out of your way to shit on something. As for Injustice i enjoy the game a lot. I will support this game. I consider it my main game at the moment. And i will go to tournaments i am able to go to. Although i have said before that i think the game is going to die when MK X comes out i am NOT SORRY for what i said. When MK X comes out i will continue to play Injustice. I said what i said because i feel like the hate from all the MK players and all the shit that is being said about the game just cause you don't like will end up being its downfall in the long run. I would hope that people still go to tournaments for injustice if you enjoy playing the game. If you do not like the game thats fine. But dont go around saying the game is shit. Its not shit. Your just shit. You dont understand the game. You dont like the characters. You dont like how it plays. Idk. But not every fighting is for you. And not every fighting game has to be the same. NRS did something cool with Injustice. And thats something that i like about it. But as a community if we want to grow then i would say to stop the fucking complaining to some extent. You know what this means. I should not have to explain this. Stop fucking saying X coast doesnt travel. WHO FUCKING CARES. If east coast cant travel to X tournament is cause we either have other shit to do or we cant afford it. Same thing goes for West coast, Mid West Etc. Second stop caring about ranking systems. It doesnt fucking matter whos the fucking best. If you are as good as you say you are then go to tournaments and start fucking winning. Also Stop caring if a tournament is a major or not. Like serious who fucking cares. We will never figure out what makes a major. It should not fucking matter. Technically anything can be a fucking major if enough people show up to it. So go to tournaments even if some player says its shit. Im not calling anyone out with this but seriously experience it for yourself if you can. And if you have issues talk to the TO. Not the person running brackets. Don't make a thread on TYM. Talk to the TO in person. The TO's do their best to try and make the tournament fun for as many people as possible. I have had fun at each tournament i went too. And if i didn't have fun i told the fucking TO in person. And then next time things were better. Its that fucking simple. If they cannot do it ask them why in a nice way. Hopefully they will be able to answer the question. ALSO who cares if the tournament is on what stream, who cares what time it fucking is. If your fucking bracket is at 9am go to bed early. Plan for it. Its not hard. Ive done it before. You probably can as well. As for the Stream if we get stream time NICE. If we don't oh well. Shit happens. Hotels lie to TO's. Complaining and saying the tournament sucks because of lack of stream is not going to help. The stream is no the most important thing about the tournament. And if you think it is then maybe fix your priorities. Tournaments used to not have streams. Remember that time. Ya shit sucked. Having a stream is something we should be fucking grateful for regardless on if are game is new or not. Also the name of the stream gets the numbers. Spooby gets fucking 10K for a local. A FUCKING LOCAL. If Jaxel streamed Next Level he would get like 100 people. Sometimes just the name matters regardless of what game is on. Also if we really want our games to strive we need to start going to tournaments. It doesnt matter if its a local, regional, basement, major, house. WHO FUCKING CARES. A tournament is a tournament. Playing with people and meeting people who love what you love is something to not pass up. If you are able to go then go. Have fun. Not going to these events will help to kill the game. This now brings me to MLG. 64 people. We asked for so much and offered up just 64 people. Thats all im going to say about that. Smash capped their game in 1 week. Ill just let that reality sink in. Their game is 13 years old. And they capped in a week. Also Go read Mr. Aquamans Post because i fucking agree with what he said 100%. He is right so ya this is my long fucking rant. Im going to bed. Peace.
This is THE TRUTH. 11/10 would read again


Regina George of discord
I think people are afraid in this community... Like there are people like me that are still trying to level up, and i'm doing it but slowly, i think SOME top players think they can make everyone who is bad/decent at this game feel bad, and they forget that they were scrubs and were trying to learn one day as well... I will not forget that time when someone made a very legit thread about a tournament and a very well known player told him he had no voice because he had never placed top 8 before... Top players instead of encouraging or helping good/decent players, players who are still figuring things out and newcomers they make them feel bad and leave this community, simple. And of course this makes people stop supporting or never start supporting their games. Top players have big impacts on people like me... When i play a top player and he is cool and he helps me leveling up, gives me tips or encourages me i feel like getting better and better and better, but when i see a top player making people leave or feel like that i just want to leave this place. They also have a big impact on how people see the games... If top players talk trash about their game and make threads about how shitty/OP/broken/boring their game is of course other players will listen to them! I just wanted to write this >_< this is my opinion.


I Got Guiled
Why are the members of this site so easily swayed by the opinions of others? Form your own opinions, play whatever game you choose. Don't let someone else's opinion decide what game you will and will not play.

Having an NRS cup or a WB funded tournament organization will not solve your size problem. Most majors are just a coming together of multiple local communities. What the NRS community struggles with is a local scene, and that stems from a community that only ever came together through online play since NRS/Midway abandoned the arcade community long ago.

The internet and social media really disturbed the manner in which people choose to communicate and relate with each other. If this community wasn't so forum/online entrenched and actually went out to locals or majors and interacted with people face to face, many of these issues would not exist.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
The MK9 era had blow ups, call outs and drama but it was all good and hyped then the new Inj community came and everything went to shit.

I'm not blaming the game but the players.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Crimson, we tried to make something happen with IJS and look how it crashed and burn. The only way MKX will become big in the comptetitive scene is with the help of NRS and WB. We can only do so much buddy.
What happened with Injustice Society?

I keep hearing it mentioned in passing but have never been told what the problem was.


Waiting for Havik
I disagree. The community has the biggest impact on how a game's future will be, regardless of company support or not. If you don't believe me, look at Smash (Brawl+, Brawl-, Project M, etc.) and how the entire Smash community turned a casually competitive game into the competitive powerhouse that it is now.
Exactly, and it is because they love their game, not because they want to promote a product, if people are bored of IGAU or MK9, why they should spent money to play them if they don't want to? To support the "community"? Well, that sounds more like supporting the company that made the game, you can do it if you want to but I think you supported it well enough with the money you spent to buy the game. Let the business men organize and promote events for their games, and you go to those events, pay and play them if you want to. It isn't a community's fault if people don't want to play the game, I mean I understand community members want their game to reach most of people but if yourself as a community member got bored of the game, then it's nobody fault, you want to play something fresh, there's nothing wrong with that. People should play what they want and support what they want, simple as that.

Edit: btw, about MKX, I (like many others) think the game looks freaking awesome, and I want it to have the best playability (for my taste of course) but I wouldn't call people to support it before even playing it! I really don't like the pre-orders thing but have no problem with people doing that, imo people should support their scene and the game if they LIKE the game (something hard to tell before playing it), so this community supportive spirit should be something natural and not manufactured, but I understand some people being real fans, pre-ordering it and spreading the word, etc. But it should grow direct from you and not because someone tells you is the right thing to do.
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RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
Why are the members of this site so easily swayed by the opinions of others? Form your own opinions, play whatever game you choose. Don't let someone else's opinion decide what game you will and will not play.

Having an NRS cup or a WB funded tournament organization will not solve your size problem. Most majors are just a coming together of multiple local communities. What the NRS community struggles with is a local scene, and that stems from a community that only ever came together through online play since NRS/Midway abandoned the arcade community long ago.

The internet and social media really disturbed the manner in which people choose to communicate and relate with each other. If this community wasn't so forum/online entrenched and actually went out to locals or majors and interacted with people face to face, many of these issues would not exist.
well said.


TestYourMight SUCKS
Why are the members of this site so easily swayed by the opinions of others? Form your own opinions, play whatever game you choose. Don't let someone else's opinion decide what game you will and will not play.

Having an NRS cup or a WB funded tournament organization will not solve your size problem. Most majors are just a coming together of multiple local communities. What the NRS community struggles with is a local scene, and that stems from a community that only ever came together through online play since NRS/Midway abandoned the arcade community long ago.

The internet and social media really disturbed the manner in which people choose to communicate and relate with each other. If this community wasn't so forum/online entrenched and actually went out to locals or majors and interacted with people face to face, many of these issues would not exist.
Why are the members of this site so easily swayed by the opinions of others? Form your own opinions, play whatever game you choose. Don't let someone else's opinion decide what game you will and will not play.

Having an NRS cup or a WB funded tournament organization will not solve your size problem. Most majors are just a coming together of multiple local communities. What the NRS community struggles with is a local scene, and that stems from a community that only ever came together through online play since NRS/Midway abandoned the arcade community long ago.

The internet and social media really disturbed the manner in which people choose to communicate and relate with each other. If this community wasn't so forum/online entrenched and actually went out to locals or majors and interacted with people face to face, many of these issues would not exist.
I think part of the problem is not many people are so excited to physically travel to bar or a pool hall or a comic book store to have to wait in line for 10-20 minutes to play a game one match, lose and get back in line for 20-30 minutes just to play a second match to possibly lose again lol. You'll spend 4-5 hours at a tournament just to play 4-5 matches lol, why do that when you can play 100 matches at home back to back and without having to travel and pay an entrance fee. to be honest tournaments suck for most players, its only fun and exciting for the guys in the finals.


Waiting for Havik
I think part of the problem is not many people are so excited to physically travel to bar or a pool hall or a comic book store to have to wait in line for 10-20 minutes to play a game one match, lose and get back in line for 20-30 minutes just to play a second match to possibly lose again lol. You'll spend 4-5 hours at a tournament just to play 4-5 matches lol, why do that when you can play 100 matches at home back to back and without having to travel and pay an entrance fee. to be honest tournaments suck for most players, its only fun and exciting for the guys in the finals.
It could be fun for players even if they lose, they meet new people and could make new friends, it all depends on how welcome they are by the current members of said community and/or event, etc. but I understand what you're saying.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
I think part of the problem is not many people are so excited to physically travel to bar or a pool hall or a comic book store to have to wait in line for 10-20 minutes to play a game one match, lose and get back in line for 20-30 minutes just to play a second match to possibly lose again lol. You'll spend 4-5 hours at a tournament just to play 4-5 matches lol, why do that when you can play 100 matches at home back to back and without having to travel and pay an entrance fee. to be honest tournaments suck for most players, its only fun and exciting for the guys in the finals.
i have never won a tournament. i got close to frauding it out once but thats it. id say my decision to go to tournaments was one of the best decisions ive ever made


TestYourMight SUCKS
Just to extend some thoughts on the MK community in general. Live tournaments have their uses but the online community is where the heart and soul of the MK FGC is strong and alive. Fighting games in general, more so with Mortal Kombat being such a brutal and violent game not many players would do well in tournaments especially from the emotional perspective that can affect their game play a great deal because of the stress and emotional uproar fighting games like MK can have on players. Most players who play MK online get very, very angry when they lose and more so if trash talking is being done via messages after matches like "go practice noob" or "U suck Bitch" or "ahahahahahah" .

I'm an adult woman who loves fighting games especially MK since I was a teenager and I've never liked the low female presence in the tournaments that I've been to which is one of the reasons I don't go to support tournaments anymore. As disrespectful and hateful as the online FGC is, I prefer staying at home and playing online than going to actual tournaments to just sit and wait 30 minutes to play someone. I must say though that players like TylerLantern, Hood_Fresh, and COLT have been great contributors, by their youtube videos, to the hateful and disrespectful behavior we experience among fg players online today. With all their commentary videos exposing online players doing infinites, pulling, and hate messaging during the Mk vs DC years created a swell of copycat youtubers that just fed the online hate beast. I think the days of the live MK tournaments are coming to an end but online players will always be there. the future of tournament play I believe will be online.


Waiting for Havik
... I think the days of the live MK tournaments are coming to an end but online players will always be there. the future of tournament play I believe will be online.
I think offline communities will never die as long as there are fans, people still play MK2 you know. But I agree that the future is online gaming, with better netcode and internet speeds the online communities will grow and be bigger than ever, but they will feed the offline community because people will want to meet their online friends, etc. So both will grow with the online leading it.


TestYourMight SUCKS
I think offline communities will never die as long as there are fans, people still play MK2 you know. But I agree that the future is online gaming, with better netcode and internet speeds the online communities will grow and be bigger than ever, but they will feed the offline community because people will want to meet their online friends, etc. So both will grow with the online leading it.
I agree totally.


Filthy Casual
I think the days of the live MK tournaments are coming to an end but online players will always be there. the future of tournament play I believe will be online.
Coming to an end? If anything they're being reinvigorated with MKX on the horizon. Also, online still has to contend with lag. Until the day comes that there's no detectable difference between playing online versus offline, we'll have offline tournament scenes.
wtf crim is an admin

my maaaaaan

anyway, this discussion has come up countless times. this community just can't put up with 2 games at once. the majority of us are scrubs and body ourselves when it comes to that type of shit. it's sad that there has to be a constant kind of "drilling this shit into your head" going on with handling 2 games at once. but it does seem like the hype for injustice isn't as strong as the hype for MK was at this point in its life. that's the only comparison i can make, personally i loved MK. tried injustice, but just the way the game was made it very unappealing.

either way late congrats and all hail bernie.


Waiting for Havik
Coming to an end? If anything they're being reinvigorated with MKX on the horizon. Also, online still has to contend with lag. Until the day comes that there's no detectable difference between playing online versus offline, we'll have offline tournament scenes.
From a competitve perspective yes, but I think she means in general, people will play the game online more than offline in the long run. Edit: damn, she mean tournament play, well, then that is wrong, as I said it before, offline will never die.


My blades will find your heart
I think part of the problem is not many people are so excited to physically travel to bar or a pool hall or a comic book store to have to wait in line for 10-20 minutes to play a game one match, lose and get back in line for 20-30 minutes just to play a second match to possibly lose again lol. You'll spend 4-5 hours at a tournament just to play 4-5 matches lol, why do that when you can play 100 matches at home back to back and without having to travel and pay an entrance fee. to be honest tournaments suck for most players, its only fun and exciting for the guys in the finals.
This post is filled with misinformation so let me clarify a few things for you.

1. There is no way you come out of a tournament playing 4-5 matches. The minimum games you play in tournament is 4. I have never seen nor been to a tournament where there weren't casuals before, after, or even during the tournament. Depending on number of stations and number of players, you are looking at getting 100 games in, or at the very least 20-30.

2. There is no "line", you wait for your match to be called. If you want to play casuals, you simply go up to whoever is playing and ask if you can get next, if someone asked before you you may have to wait but you wont wait 20-30 minutes.

3. Tournaments are good for everyone, no matter how good/bad. Otherwise tournaments would be filled with 8-10 good players and no one else. Yet you get 50-60 people, some of whom are terrible at the game yet they still have a great time. There are lots of great people to meet, usually good food in the area, and you get to see all the action in person and not just on a stream. If you think there is no difference, then you really need to go out and experience a tournament from yourself. There is nothing to replace the feeling in a room full of hype, especially if it is about your game.

4. Playing online will never compare to playing offline, period. Offline there is no lag, no hatemail, no salt(ok maybe a little). 95% of tournament goers are very nice and welcoming to new players, and will often shake your hand win or lose. If you think playing online is fun, I guarantee you you will have an even better time at an offline event. While it is nice to sit on your couch and play online, it isnt nearly as fun as actually going offline.

5. An entrance fee is more than likely not going to be more than 20 dollars. If you seriously think losing twenty dollars for a great experience is a bad thing then you probably shouldn't go to a movie, go out to eat, or go see a live event like a concert. Because all of those things are either as expensive or more expensive than going to a tournament and they all are much shorter than a tournament, which will keep you entertained for possibly the whole day.

Now I really dont care if you go to a tournament or not. I dont know where you live, and it might be very expensive for you to travel. That is probably the only thing in your post that was grounded in reality. But you are delusional if you think the only way you will enjoy a tournament is if you win. If tournaments sucked for everyone in the finals, you wouldnt see 100s of people go out for SF, Smash, even NRS games sometimes. If you dont want to go to a tournament that is on you, don't distort the experience for others who are considering going, especially since you obviously have never been to one yourself.


TestYourMight SUCKS
This post is filled with misinformation so let me clarify a few things for you.

1. There is no way you come out of a tournament playing 4-5 matches. The minimum games you play in tournament is 4. I have never seen nor been to a tournament where there weren't casuals before, after, or even during the tournament. Depending on number of stations and number of players, you are looking at getting 100 games in, or at the very least 20-30.

2. There is no "line", you wait for your match to be called. If you want to play casuals, you simply go up to whoever is playing and ask if you can get next, if someone asked before you you may have to wait but you wont wait 20-30 minutes.

3. Tournaments are good for everyone, no matter how good/bad. Otherwise tournaments would be filled with 8-10 good players and no one else. Yet you get 50-60 people, some of whom are terrible at the game yet they still have a great time. There are lots of great people to meet, usually good food in the area, and you get to see all the action in person and not just on a stream. If you think there is no difference, then you really need to go out and experience a tournament from yourself. There is nothing to replace the feeling in a room full of hype, especially if it is about your game.

4. Playing online will never compare to playing offline, period. Offline there is no lag, no hatemail, no salt(ok maybe a little). 95% of tournament goers are very nice and welcoming to new players, and will often shake your hand win or lose. If you think playing online is fun, I guarantee you you will have an even better time at an offline event. While it is nice to sit on your couch and play online, it isnt nearly as fun as actually going offline.

5. An entrance fee is more than likely not going to be more than 20 dollars. If you seriously think losing twenty dollars for a great experience is a bad thing then you probably shouldn't go to a movie, go out to eat, or go see a live event like a concert. Because all of those things are either as expensive or more expensive than going to a tournament and they all are much shorter than a tournament, which will keep you entertained for possibly the whole day.

Now I really dont care if you go to a tournament or not. I dont know where you live, and it might be very expensive for you to travel. That is probably the only thing in your post that was grounded in reality. But you are delusional if you think the only way you will enjoy a tournament is if you win. If tournaments sucked for everyone in the finals, you wouldnt see 100s of people go out for SF, Smash, even NRS games sometimes. If you dont want to go to a tournament that is on you, don't distort the experience for others who are considering going, especially since you obviously have never been to one yourself.
I see you're one of the crusaders on the march to keep the scene alive and keep them coming. Good luck lol.


Filthy Casual
It's like trying to compare the experience of going to a live sporting event to watching it at home on your couch. There's benefits to staying home for sure but actually going to a live event goes beyond what you can experience online.


This post is filled with misinformation so let me clarify a few things for you.

1. There is no way you come out of a tournament playing 4-5 matches. The minimum games you play in tournament is 4. I have never seen nor been to a tournament where there weren't casuals before, after, or even during the tournament. Depending on number of stations and number of players, you are looking at getting 100 games in, or at the very least 20-30.

2. There is no "line", you wait for your match to be called. If you want to play casuals, you simply go up to whoever is playing and ask if you can get next, if someone asked before you you may have to wait but you wont wait 20-30 minutes.

3. Tournaments are good for everyone, no matter how good/bad. Otherwise tournaments would be filled with 8-10 good players and no one else. Yet you get 50-60 people, some of whom are terrible at the game yet they still have a great time. There are lots of great people to meet, usually good food in the area, and you get to see all the action in person and not just on a stream. If you think there is no difference, then you really need to go out and experience a tournament from yourself. There is nothing to replace the feeling in a room full of hype, especially if it is about your game.

4. Playing online will never compare to playing offline, period. Offline there is no lag, no hatemail, no salt(ok maybe a little). 95% of tournament goers are very nice and welcoming to new players, and will often shake your hand win or lose. If you think playing online is fun, I guarantee you you will have an even better time at an offline event. While it is nice to sit on your couch and play online, it isnt nearly as fun as actually going offline.

5. An entrance fee is more than likely not going to be more than 20 dollars. If you seriously think losing twenty dollars for a great experience is a bad thing then you probably shouldn't go to a movie, go out to eat, or go see a live event like a concert. Because all of those things are either as expensive or more expensive than going to a tournament and they all are much shorter than a tournament, which will keep you entertained for possibly the whole day.

Now I really dont care if you go to a tournament or not. I dont know where you live, and it might be very expensive for you to travel. That is probably the only thing in your post that was grounded in reality. But you are delusional if you think the only way you will enjoy a tournament is if you win. If tournaments sucked for everyone in the finals, you wouldnt see 100s of people go out for SF, Smash, even NRS games sometimes. If you dont want to go to a tournament that is on you, don't distort the experience for others who are considering going, especially since you obviously have never been to one yourself.
I love this post so much, I wanna take it behind a middle school and get it pregnant!

First of all, most tournaments have a good time period before or after the tournament for plenty of casuals.

Second, had I not gone to chinatown arcade to play street fighter, then eventually to tournaments, I wouldnt have met two of the best friends I could ever hope for.


TestYourMight SUCKS
It's like trying to compare the experience of going to a live sporting event to watching it at home on your couch. There's benefits to staying home for sure but actually going to a live event goes beyond what you can experience online.
Nothing beats a cumfy blanket and a foot massage on the bed while kicking major ass online :)

OG Mannimal

OG "OG Mannimal" Mannimal
Fighting games in general, more so with Mortal Kombat being such a brutal and violent game not many players would do well in tournaments especially from the emotional perspective that can affect their game play a great deal because of the stress and emotional uproar fighting games like MK can have on players.
I don't really understand what you mean by this... Explain please?


"Ain't no such things as halfway crooks" meaning that if a person loses at a tourney and they complain and complain *cough* Elitists *cough* they pretty much dont know how to deal with the problem, well physically that is lol. You can talk shit, but if you aint got the balls to back it up even if you lose at the game then shut the fuck up lol.
that song never gets old. Literally the best rap song ever