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Microsoft E3 Conference Report Card

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
I think the people who just hate Microsoft and bought into last year's drama and are still clinging onto it for dear life are verrrrry obvious. lol
Well this site is very Pro-Sony. Why you'd be a loyal fan for a corporate enterprise is beyond me.

With that said, the conference wasn't anything amazing. Taking a step back from personal preference, it was an alright conference. All games so that's good.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Halo is overrated, only played it once and even with the release of this Master Chief Collection I don't plan on getting it and playing it.
+++Phantom Dust: No explanation needed.
+Scalebound: Platinum Studio game led by Based Hideki Kamiya.
+Crackdown 3: Fun as fuck.

+/~ Sunset Overdrive: The potential is there but its longevity might hold it back.
+/~ Master Chief Collection: Nothing special but for 60 bucks you get Halo CEA, 2A, 3, 4, Halo 5 Beta, and the Halo TV Show.

- 90% Multiplats.
- Indie arthouse trash.
- Mostly bland exclusives.
- Vital exclusives absent.

nothing new and exciting.

I want Sunset Overdrive, Scale, Halo and that's it.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Youphemism's list of sins:

1.Reactable Batgir 50-50s
2.NW has better pus frames than WoWo
3. Thinks one of the best fps is overrated

That's three strikes buddy you're out of here
2. Well he does have better plus frames, just not better options afterwards. I'm not wrong, it's basic math.
3. Just because you like it doesn't mean everyone else does. Like how you like Martian, YOU'RE THE SINNER HERE BUD :DOGE


Noob Saibot
I'm waiting for a Gears announcmet. I saw the logo flash at the end when they were showing all the logos but nothing announced.

There are plenty of games to keep me happy this year. Just going to get better and better IMO for both systems.

Brutal Chimney

vaporus punching bag
i never realized phantom dust was a cult classic. i played it at a friends a few years back it was good, but i never expected to see a remake at E3

now i just sit here waiting in vain for bloody roar 5

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
I'm waiting for a Gears announcmet. I saw the logo flash at the end when they were showing all the logos but nothing announced.

There are plenty of games to keep me happy this year. Just going to get better and better IMO for both systems.
Most of the games I'm waiting for weren't even acknowledged.


blink-182 enthusiast
Well this site is very Pro-Sony. Why you'd be a loyal fan for a corporate enterprise is beyond me.

With that said, the conference wasn't anything amazing. Taking a step back from personal preference, it was an alright conference. All games so that's good.
I don't know why you'd be a loyal fan of either/any. They don't care about you as an individual, they're not your friends, they all just want your $$
Unless Microsoft or Sony shows up at my birthday party I'm just gonna keep picking whichever is cheaper when I decide to buy a next gen lol