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Bad Moments In Gaming That Can't Be Beat


Ok. Here's another quick one.

Back around 1981, when Pac-Man fever was infecting everyone, I was with my mom at the local store. It was near closing time so my mom told me not to get lost while she ran around to pick up a few items. I asked for a quarter before she darted off and instantly headed to the bread section where the Pac-Man machine was. I had only played a few times and was very excited as I had the game all to myself.

So I skipped over to the machine and slipped a shiny quarter in the slot, eager to outwit four spectres with my superior intellect.

Well....... when I reached up to take the controls, my heart shattered at the sight of my reflection in a black screen.

The game had been turned off.
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My blades will find your heart
Most of my bad moments involved corrupted saves and/or not saving.

I would get really into games as a kid, I remember one time I played through almost an entire game(dont even remember what it was tbh) and didnt ever bother to save. Then after I beat the boss and was about to see the final cutscene, the game froze. I was crushed lol.


Ooooh, an excuse to tell this story! Ok, here we go, the setup:

My wife Joanie and I had just moved into our new condo and we were having a housewarming party and more than a dozen of our friends decided to come over. At that time I was not really much of a drinker and since my wife doesn't drive that always made me the defacto designated driver. However, because we were partying at my home and there was nowhere I needed to go until the morning when my wife had a babyshower, I decided that I was going to get a *little* drunk that night.
My poison of choice was just a cheap little sweet wine that I drank out of a nice large glass goblet and as the night wore on the alchohol started to get to me, to the point where I would just start bursting out in laughter randomly, and one of my friends who tended to come hang out with us at the time walked over to me and said:

“Damn dude....you're pretty drunk huh? You know what, I think you're drunk enough I can finally beat your ass. I challenge you to a game of Marvel Versus capcom 3!”
“Challenge accepted motherfucker.”

Now let me stress I am not a high level Marvel3 player at all. I played the game casually, but I was able to do some extended hawkeye and vergil combos at the time and that was always impressive to the casual eye. My gaming setup is a little section in the corner where I have my xbox hooked up to the same dual monitor setup as my computer so I can switch back and forth as necessary.
So we sit down, start playing....and I mop the floor with him for a couple sets in spite of all my drops. Pretty sure I even got a perfect. Then, he spoke those fateful words:

“Yo, this fools not drunk enough yet!”

At this point I realize a crowd has kind of gathered around the little gamestation in the spirit of the old arcade when you started watching some older kid pull off ridiculous combos you didn't even know existed. One of these individuals was kind enough to fill up my goblet with wine as I continue to mop up the competition as more and more challengers steped up to face me. Time goes on, more alchohol enters my system, and I remain undefeated.
Now at this point my memory is a complete blank and I mostly have to depend on the account of other people and a video that was sadly lost later on in a pool accident, but at some point its realized that I have gone through both bottles of wine I have and there's none left.
However, as I'm playing someone refills my goblet and I down it in one gulp without a second thought. This elicits a gasp and an “oh shit” though, because as it was then explained, what had just been poured into my large goblet was straight up bourbon.

Yet, I remain undefeated. I continue kicking ass and taking names. I am unstoppable! Feeling sure of myself (I suppose, since I basically wasn't there), I then stood up out of my chair, raised my hands and shouted:

“AND THEN.......”

...and then....I completely collapsed, fell head first into my thousand plus dollar computer tower knocking it over, yanked my monitors and my xbox 360 off of the desk with them onto the floor and lay there motionless. At this point someone calls Joanie over in shock who I believe knew my desires well enough to check my computer first and ensure it was ok before turning to me to make sure that I was still breathing. Eventually a group was formed that proceeded to carry my drunk ass upstairs to bed (with me screaming and complaining the whole way mind you). Later on in the night my loving wife discovered that I had not only vomited without having the decency to go to the bathroom, I had also......relieved myself without going to the bathroom either. In the morning I was in such disastrous shape I was completely unable to go to the babyshower and she basically told me to ride in the back of my truck while her friends drove her there, and I could sleep on their couch at their home after they dropped her off.
About 12 hours later I think, I finally woke up hungrier than I'd ever been and drove slowly home to make myself some dinner and await Joanie's arrival where I'd have a little explaining to do.

Miraculously, she chose not to divorce me after this incident.
This is the greatest story I've ever read that's gaming related.

I tip my e-hat to you, sir.


Est In Harvey 1989
Ooooh, an excuse to tell this story! Ok, here we go, the setup:

My wife Joanie and I had just moved into our new condo and we were having a housewarming party and more than a dozen of our friends decided to come over. At that time I was not really much of a drinker and since my wife doesn't drive that always made me the defacto designated driver. However, because we were partying at my home and there was nowhere I needed to go until the morning when my wife had a babyshower, I decided that I was going to get a *little* drunk that night.
My poison of choice was just a cheap little sweet wine that I drank out of a nice large glass goblet and as the night wore on the alchohol started to get to me, to the point where I would just start bursting out in laughter randomly, and one of my friends who tended to come hang out with us at the time walked over to me and said:

“Damn dude....you're pretty drunk huh? You know what, I think you're drunk enough I can finally beat your ass. I challenge you to a game of Marvel Versus capcom 3!”
“Challenge accepted motherfucker.”

Now let me stress I am not a high level Marvel3 player at all. I played the game casually, but I was able to do some extended hawkeye and vergil combos at the time and that was always impressive to the casual eye. My gaming setup is a little section in the corner where I have my xbox hooked up to the same dual monitor setup as my computer so I can switch back and forth as necessary.
So we sit down, start playing....and I mop the floor with him for a couple sets in spite of all my drops. Pretty sure I even got a perfect. Then, he spoke those fateful words:

“Yo, this fools not drunk enough yet!”

At this point I realize a crowd has kind of gathered around the little gamestation in the spirit of the old arcade when you started watching some older kid pull off ridiculous combos you didn't even know existed. One of these individuals was kind enough to fill up my goblet with wine as I continue to mop up the competition as more and more challengers steped up to face me. Time goes on, more alchohol enters my system, and I remain undefeated.
Now at this point my memory is a complete blank and I mostly have to depend on the account of other people and a video that was sadly lost later on in a pool accident, but at some point its realized that I have gone through both bottles of wine I have and there's none left.
However, as I'm playing someone refills my goblet and I down it in one gulp without a second thought. This elicits a gasp and an “oh shit” though, because as it was then explained, what had just been poured into my large goblet was straight up bourbon.

Yet, I remain undefeated. I continue kicking ass and taking names. I am unstoppable! Feeling sure of myself (I suppose, since I basically wasn't there), I then stood up out of my chair, raised my hands and shouted:

“AND THEN.......”

...and then....I completely collapsed, fell head first into my thousand plus dollar computer tower knocking it over, yanked my monitors and my xbox 360 off of the desk with them onto the floor and lay there motionless. At this point someone calls Joanie over in shock who I believe knew my desires well enough to check my computer first and ensure it was ok before turning to me to make sure that I was still breathing. Eventually a group was formed that proceeded to carry my drunk ass upstairs to bed (with me screaming and complaining the whole way mind you). Later on in the night my loving wife discovered that I had not only vomited without having the decency to go to the bathroom, I had also......relieved myself without going to the bathroom either. In the morning I was in such disastrous shape I was completely unable to go to the babyshower and she basically told me to ride in the back of my truck while her friends drove her there, and I could sleep on their couch at their home after they dropped her off.
About 12 hours later I think, I finally woke up hungrier than I'd ever been and drove slowly home to make myself some dinner and await Joanie's arrival where I'd have a little explaining to do.

Miraculously, she chose not to divorce me after this incident.
This honestly deserves a thread of it's own. Contender for post of the year.


『T R I G G E R E D』
I made-up the Gamertag Tokiwartoothxdk in 8th Grade, I wasnt really a popular kid but i knew some of the ones that were. I would game on Xbox with some of the popular kids on Cod and such, later in Highschool, I started to talk to some of them and became some what aquainted withquite a few people through gaming. The thing was, though they always called me Toki. They would yell my name across the hallway and such in cheer and laughter i would yell back. During Senior year, people i didnt talk to, or didnt even know were Calling me toki, some of my close friends tried getting some teachers to call me it as well. I got voted Biggest gamer in Highschool senior year and some people to this day still call me Toki and probably will for a long time
TL;DR I became a persona i created, by accident


Administrator and Community Engineer
One of my most embarrassing moments was after renting X-Men for the Sega Genesis. I thought this game was totally amazing; you could play as multiple cool X-Men, and there were all kinds of sweet levels.

Anyway, although it was tricky (this was not an easy game), I made it super far into the game and I was happy with myself. After beating one level deep into the game, I reached a point where all action came to a halt and a message said "Restart the computer!" So I walked up to what looked like a computer in the game and hit buttons. No dice.

So I'm thinking, "I have to have missed something". I backtrack, trying to activate other objects. Nope, no luck. I hit all kinds of buttons, try pressing buttons together, try pausing the game -- no luck. I look for a secret door, cover every pixel of the screen.. Nope. What feels like an hour goes by. Refusing to give up, I rack my brain to figure it out, becoming more and more frustrated, and then angry to the point of wanting to cry, and eventually I figure the game is broken, it's a faulty product, and I'm mentally envisioning taking the cartridge out and tossing it out the window.

Finally, after 2 hours, when I am a wreck and on the border of tears, I come to terms with the fact that I'm going to start over. So I turn off the system, and start the entire game over. Eventually get to the same point, get stuck again. Search in vain, no luck again. Out of frustration I just hit the Reset button on the Genesis.. And it moves to the next level.


I have never been so mad at a game in my entire life. As a matter of fact, Sega, if you're reading this, I'm still mad at you right now. No kid deserves to go through this and that little stunt ruined my weekend. Beat the game and never touched it ever again.

Sega pls :mad:

http://youtu.be/-lefgdRAuW0?t=5m3s -- If you want to see what this looked like.
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One of my most embarrasing moments was after renting X-Men for the Sega Genesis. I thought this game was totally amazing; you could play as multiple cool X-Men, and there were all kinds of sweet levels.

Anyway, although it was tricky, I made it super far into the game and I was happy with myself. After beating one level deep into the game, I reached a point where all action came to a halt and a message said "Restart the computer!" So I walked up to what looked like a computer in the game and hit buttons. No dice.

So I'm thinking, "I have to have missed something". I backtrack, trying to activate other objects. Nope, no luck. I hit all kinds of buttons, try pressing buttons together, try pausing the game -- no luck. I look for a secret door, cover every pixel of the screen.. Nope. An hour goes by. Refusing to give up, I rack my brain to figure it out, becoming more and more frustrated, and then angry to the point of wanting to cry, and eventually I figure the game is broken, it's a faulty product, and I'm mentally envisioning taking the cartridge out and tossing it out the window.

Finally after 2 hours, when I am a wreck and on the border of tears, I come to terms with the fact that I'm going to start over. So I turn off the system, and start the entire game over. Eventually get to the same point, get stuck again. Search in vain, no luck again. Out of frustration I just hit the Reset button on the Genesis.. And it moves to the next level.


I have never been so mad at a game in my entire life. As a matter of fact, Sega, if you're reading this, I'm still mad at you right now. No kid deserves to go through this and that little stunt ruined my weekend. Beat the game and never touched it ever again.

Sega pls.
That shit reminds me of some of the stuff you would see in Simon's Quest on the NES. I don't know if you're familiar with the game or not, but some of the things you had to do to progress further into the game had absolutely NO indication whatsoever and the game didn't tell you.

Like equipping a certain item and crouching at a certain spot in a level to get whipped away by a tornado or something.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
One of my most embarrasing moments was after renting X-Men for the Sega Genesis. I thought this game was totally amazing; you could play as multiple cool X-Men, and there were all kinds of sweet levels.

Anyway, although it was tricky, I made it super far into the game and I was happy with myself. After beating one level deep into the game, I reached a point where all action came to a halt and a message said "Restart the computer!" So I walked up to what looked like a computer in the game and hit buttons. No dice.

So I'm thinking, "I have to have missed something". I backtrack, trying to activate other objects. Nope, no luck. I hit all kinds of buttons, try pressing buttons together, try pausing the game -- no luck. I look for a secret door, cover every pixel of the screen.. Nope. An hour goes by. Refusing to give up, I rack my brain to figure it out, becoming more and more frustrated, and then angry to the point of wanting to cry, and eventually I figure the game is broken, it's a faulty product, and I'm mentally envisioning taking the cartridge out and tossing it out the window.

Finally after 2 hours, when I am a wreck and on the border of tears, I come to terms with the fact that I'm going to start over. So I turn off the system, and start the entire game over. Eventually get to the same point, get stuck again. Search in vain, no luck again. Out of frustration I just hit the Reset button on the Genesis.. And it moves to the next level.


I have never been so mad at a game in my entire life. As a matter of fact, Sega, if you're reading this, I'm still mad at you right now. No kid deserves to go through this and that little stunt ruined my weekend. Beat the game and never touched it ever again.

Sega pls.
Dude Sega straight trolled you man thats horrible


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
That shit reminds me of some of the stuff you would see in Simon's Quest on the NES. I don't know if you're familiar with the game or not, but some of the things you had to do to progress further into the game had absolutely NO indication whatsoever and the game didn't tell you.

Like equipping a certain item and crouching at a certain spot in a level to get whipped away by a tornado or something.
There is a reason so many say that game is the worst Castlevania ever made, the AVGN did a great review of it.

Groove Heaven

I made-up the Gamertag Tokiwartoothxdk in 8th Grade, I wasnt really a popular kid but i knew some of the ones that were. I would game on Xbox with some of the popular kids on Cod and such, later in Highschool, I started to talk to some of them and became some what aquainted withquite a few people through gaming. The thing was, though they always called me Toki. They would yell my name across the hallway and such in cheer and laughter i would yell back. During Senior year, people i didnt talk to, or didnt even know were Calling me toki, some of my close friends tried getting some teachers to call me it as well. I got voted Biggest gamer in Highschool senior year and some people to this day still call me Toki and probably will for a long time
TL;DR I became a persona i created, by accident
TOKI WARTOOTH NOT A BUMBLE BEE *wah-nah-nah-nah-nah-naooowwwwww*


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Ok I'm gonna say this, please no judging...

It took nearly 3 weeks for me to beat the gargoyles in Dark Souls and then I never even noticed until my NG+ playthrough that the entire time I could have summoned the Sun Bro to help in the fight.

Now the wife always taunts me with that and everytime a boss or enemy in a game gives me trouble she waves that in my face.

Groove Heaven

When I was 12 the Gamecube Resident Evil came out. I was making my way through it pretty slowly because I was a dumb-ass pre-teen who was used to games that walk you through them, but I was really into the RE mythology and stuff, so I would read stuff online about the characters and monsters and whatnot.

Does anyone remember Lisa Trevor?

Yeah, this bitch. I read her backstory online and it was something to the tune of: she was a teenage girl who was experimented on until she became a hideous monster. She kept killing Umbrella personnel, tearing their faces off, and wearing them, so they shackled her and stuff and then she escaped or something...I don't really remember that part. She took her parents faces, added them to her collection, stitched them together and wore them as she shambled around the Spencer mansion.

As a 12-year-old with little to no exposure to scary media at this point, just the story alone was fucking HORRIFYING to me, but I kept playing. Sometimes you would hear her scream and moan from a distance, and I think I knew it was her immediately. I was constantly waiting for the ball to drop. Finally I make it into her shack. It's late at night, I'm alone in my room in the dark. I'm looking at all the creepy notes and stuff in her house until I try to walk through a door.

Lisa Trevor comes up behind me and slams me with her arms while at the same time a fucking bird flies into my window screen and starts freaking out (no clue why a bird was flying at night, could have been a bat or owl)...The double-startle was too much for me and I screamed, waking my parents up.

So my mom had to comfort her 12-year-old son at ass-o-clock in the morning because he got scared by a video game and a bird. She still makes fun of me for it.

Groove Heaven

Metal Gear Solid 2 hands down (spoiler alert)

In high school, at the point where the Colonel goes haywire because of the computer virus, he tells you to turn off the game.

I did.
Hahahaha. I will admit I got duped by the fake game over screen and I put the controller down like "wtf?"


When I was 12 the Gamecube Resident Evil came out. I was making my way through it pretty slowly because I was a dumb-ass pre-teen who was used to games that walk you through them, but I was really into the RE mythology and stuff, so I would read stuff online about the characters and monsters and whatnot.

Does anyone remember Lisa Trevor?

Yeah, this bitch. I read her backstory online and it was something to the tune of: she was a teenage girl who was experimented on until she became a hideous monster. She kept killing Umbrella personnel, tearing their faces off, and wearing them, so they shackled her and stuff and then she escaped or something...I don't really remember that part. She took her parents faces, added them to her collection, stitched them together and wore them as she shambled around the Spencer mansion.

As a 12-year-old with little to no exposure to scary media at this point, just the story alone was fucking HORRIFYING to me, but I kept playing. Sometimes you would hear her scream and moan from a distance, and I think I knew it was her immediately. I was constantly waiting for the ball to drop. Finally I make it into her shack. It's late at night, I'm alone in my room in the dark. I'm looking at all the creepy notes and stuff in her house until I try to walk through a door.

Lisa Trevor comes up behind me and slams me with her arms while at the same time a fucking bird flies into my window screen and starts freaking out (no clue why a bird was flying at night, could have been a hawk or owl)...The double-startle was too much for me and I screamed, waking my parents up.

So my mom had to comfort her 12-year-old son at ass-o-clock in the morning because he got scared by a video game and a bird. She still makes fun of me for it.
Don't feel bad, dude. My wife makes fun of me for the time I made her sit in the living room with me while I played Silent Hill 4. :|

Don't judge me. I love scary games even though I can't handle them. >_> Too many horror movies as a kid have screwed up my wandering imagination.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Couldn't get a set up for casuals working and suggested we make sure the monitor was on channel 3 :oops:
Dem old school skillz, hey now I had to school the Smash players at Civil War when they had issues.

Don't feel bad, dude. My wife makes fun of me for the time I made her sit in the living room with me while I played Silent Hill 4. :|

Don't judge me. I love scary games even though I can't handle them. >_> Too many horror movies as a kid have screwed up my wandering imagination.
I love horror games too, you guys reminded me of a good one.

This was back when Doom 3 had just come out and well for an FPS that game was scary shit! Well anyway My GF at the time was watching a movie in the dark and I was playing the game with headphones all the way up. So I get to this part where you hear voice say "Follow Me" and then you would see these bloody foot prints trailing around and naturally I followed them. Few minutes later the voice and prints lead to a dead end and then a voice says "They took my baby" everything turns red and my ears are assaulted by crying babies. I threw the headphones off ran outside to have a smoke and the GF followed behind me.

She says "What did the game scare you" and starts laughing and mocking me. I make her play through that part and she throws the headphones and yells " WTF was that shit, Fuck this game"

She never made fun of me again about it :)



"On your Knees!"
Not really a bad moment for me but, one time I was playing SSF IV AE online and this guy from the UK got all butthurt b/c I whooped his ass with Cody and him using Ken, then he started sending hatemail and shit. Lol real fucking funny.


Dem old school skillz, hey now I had to school the Smash players at Civil War when they had issues.

I love horror games too, you guys reminded me of a good one.

This was back when Doom 3 had just come out and well for an FPS that game was scary shit! Well anyway My GF at the time was watching a movie in the dark and I was playing the game with headphones all the way up. So I get to this part where you hear voice say "Follow Me" and then you would see these bloody foot prints trailing around and naturally I followed them. Few minutes later the voice and prints lead to a dead end and then a voice says "They took my baby" everything turns red and my ears are assaulted by crying babies. I threw the headphones off ran outside to have a smoke and the GF followed behind me.

She says "What did the game scare you" and starts laughing and mocking me. I make her play through that part and she throws the headphones and yells " WTF was that shit, Fuck this game"

She never made fun of me again about it :)

Aw, man. I was half expecting the following to happen: After you hear the babies screaming and the screen returns to normal, you approach the door that's open and it immediately locks and you hear the woman yell insanely high, "THEY. TOOK. MY. BABY!"

Would have spooked the shit outta me for sure.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
A buddy of mine thought the fake Blue Screen of Death gag in Eternal Darkness was real!


That Welsh Guy
Oh man gaming has brought me so much joy watching others or playing myself.

I've recorded so much trolling and just generally having fun, just hearing the shit people come out with online is too funny these days sometimes.
but it's when something extremely glitchy happens and you and all your friends are pissing yourselves laughing at what just happened and none of you know what did just happen, You saw it but it can't be explained it's just that instantaneous laughter that gets you.