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I Like Injustice.


I enjoy the fact that character diversity is so expansive amongst the roster. Even characters of a similar archetype play in their own unique ways and nobody feels like a clone of another.

Playing Hawkgirl feels so different from playing Martian Manhunter. I originally wasn't that into or enjoyed Injustice that much till I picked up Hawkgirl.

Shayera and J'onn <3.


The Ignore Button Is Free
I enjoy the fact that character diversity is so expansive amongst the roster. Even characters of a similar archetype play in their own unique ways and nobody feels like a clone of another.

Playing Hawkgirl feels so different from playing Martian Manhunter. I originally wasn't that into or enjoyed Injustice that much till I picked up Hawkgirl.

Shayera and J'onn <3.
You play Hawkgirl and MMH. Your words are not welcome here.
I LOVE Injustice. Sure its got its problems and it can be a source of frustration at times. I sometimes get emo about how low tier my main is, how insurmountable some matchups feel, and the netcode just keeps getting worse and worse in my eyes the more I level up.....but its basically been THE game I've spent the last year+ playing and my only regret is that the game will probably fade before I get the chance to travel and support it more. This community is awesome, and I'll be around for MKX and I'm sure it will be fun and enjoyable...but in my heart I'll always be an injustice player first.


gotta stay sharp!
I really like this game. This is my first game where it made sense to me and actually wanted to get better. I started off as black Adam but was always free to jump ins , so I switched to doomy fir his air grab and I fell in love ever since.


That's about right.
I don't really like playing the game, but I'm a hardcore spectator lol, so I'll give my two cents on what I dig from watching.

1. I enjoy that it is back to block(or down, whatever)
2. There are legit hit trades
3. The ambiguous cross ups are really tight.
4. I like that the game has evolved past it's gimmicks and most players focus their entire game play around whiff punishing.
5. 16 Bits catwoman makes me mildly damp.
6. Tournaments are always really entertaining and hype as hell to watch.

With all of that being said, I've actually leveled up a lot just from watching the top players play this game. I may not play this game like all of you, but spectating has taught me a thing or two that I've applied to the games I do play. I don't wanna bum everyone out, but I sincerely hope the steam continues with this game despite a new MK on the horizon. I can understand bailing on MK9 because of it's many flaws, but even I'll admit Injustice is a step up, so I hope we continue this journey with both games and continue to have this community grow.


That's about right.
I'll body you in mk9 in a 5-5 match up. I'll teach you footsies. That brain dead spamming not going to work in a 5-5. 100 dollars first to five.
I know that was his low way of calling you guys out, but you have to admit...it's kind of hilarious. Just replace your name with x...

"World-renowned Mortal Kombat 9 player and footsies expert muffinmuggers says no."