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What NEWER moves do you want for returning characters?!


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Ok, so we all want returning characters from MK 9 and/or for just nostalgic or iconic reasons!

So post here which returning MK 9 characters you may expect or want, and your own move sets!

Just special moves etc:

I'll start hehe:

I love Ermac, Sektor, Scorpion and Raiden, Fujin and Dairou as far as personal favorites OR mains. So I'll post a few. May come back later.


Normal Specials:

-Flame thrower-like MK 9's, safe on block, good range, good move to keep people at bay before rushing you down or as a combo finisher.

-Teleport Uppercut-Like MK 9's more or less, I don't think it needs any modifications.

-Seeking Missle returning but as a normal(not EX move): have it work like MK9's and MK3's did, but this time it MUST hit the opponent one way or another be it hitting them or if they block it. None of the magical disappearing shit ie timely Cyrax teleports neutralizing the missle....

-New move-Diagonal Missles: Replace the shower missles with this move. It'll work as an Anti Air move.

-Cloak:would work like a cloak, like MK 9's Reptile and Smoke where you can partially see him there but transparent.


EX versions:

-Have armor on his EX flame thrower, have it last also little longer with slightly farther range, safe on block.

-EX teleport make is SAFE on block with pushback with juggle on hit(like MK 9).

- However EX Seeker if it hits, stuns you with electric tazer like effect for free hit off a stun

-Diagonal EX move shoots 2 missles at once, one diagonally, one straight. Like Sindel's ex air fireballs from MK9 but reverse in a way or like Nightwolf's MK 9 ex bow ;)

-Clock is pure invisible, can't see him at all



-Green hado fireball-Works same way as MK 9 and UMK3 fireball.

-Telekinetic Lift-Same as MK 9 and UMK3, MK D etc juggle off of it.

-Teleport-Same as MK 9 and UMK3, but perhaps few less frames make it faster.(NOTE:Can be done in air too)

-Air Blast-Like the way it worked in MK 9, safe on block.

-New Move- Telekinetic Move Throw(like MK D's throw but updated) This time around unlike the TK push from MK9, more of a TK throw behind Ermac similar to MK D's. Nothing there, just like MK D and MK 9 just throws you around like a puppet. This move would replace his TK push/force choke move.

-New Move- Anti Air Telekinetic Shield, pretty much an AA move if you try to jump at him and he does it you get bounced back away from him. Think of it like Kung Lao's old spin from MK2 or Raiden's vicinity blast but larger hit box area so even if you're next to him you can still get hit.

- New Move-Telekinetic Butt Stomp Evade Attack. This would replace the MK 9 and MK D one where you have to levitate, then choose what you want to do. Instead it'll work like a combination of Ermac's butt slam combined with Dairou's tombstone but look kind of like Liu Kang's flip kicky move from MK 9 when he lands on his back, instead Ermac will just flip back and thus get away from you while doing an unblockable ground smash.

-Levitate-Point of this move will be little different, instead of before this time you can't do an air blast or butt stomp, HOWEVER. You can still cancel it by hitting down, down or teleport. If you choose to stay in the air, you'll see souls around him recharge his health slowly. Risky but rewarding ;)


EX Moves:

-Green Hado Fireball:EX version is unduckable like MK9's, does more damage if hit and Ermac recovers faster from this version as well regardless of where he is on the screen.

-TK Lift-Like MK 9, ex version smashes you twice against the ground then juggle for combos. This move has Armor. Please for Pete's sake, GIVE him an ARMORED MOVE! lol

-Teleport/Air teleport-EX version this time unlike before few changes, ONE. This time it'll be safe on block, second two hits. If it hits Ermac is safe on block. It'll work like this he hits you with a kick or punch and then uses a TK push(MK 9 style) pushes you away on the second hit. If blocked, you get pushed back thus making him safe from counter attack. Essentially would work the same way as Scorpion's MK9 teleport does, instead of MK9's pointless EX tp which only hit you twice if unblocked, otherwise he was punishable.

-Air Blast: The EX version of this move will be updated, unlike before where it's blast radius was merely expanded a little. If you do this version of the move, Ermac shoots an air diagonal fireball a la Akuma style.

-TK Throw, this version simply he smashes you twice for two hits against the wall behind him and then in front of him. If there's trees or interactables around though he can smash you up against them instead etc. This move has Armor!

-TK shield-No EX for this move.

-EX butt stomp-No EX for this move.

-Levitate-EX Levitate similar to MK9 where it's faster if you do it, that's all really.

Ok, I'll come back and post more shortly. Post yours!

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Really likes to throw things at you.
Sub Zero: An ice puddle with same start up as ice ball for 50/50's, a physical parry, and of course the ice clone.

Johnny Cage: Nut Punch safe on block, shadow kick safe on block.

Shinnok: Projectile absorb or relfect, Skelton fist that is just like Kenshi's SC, elbow teleport (ex safe), fast projectile, and his ground Skelton hands with the same properties as Freddy's GC
Sub Zero: An ice puddle with same start up as ice ball for 50/50's, a physical parry, and of course the ice clone.

Johnny Cage: Nut Punch safe on block, shadow kick safe on block.

Shinnok: Projectile absorb or relfect, Skelton fist that is just like Kenshi's SC, elbow teleport (ex safe), fast projectile, and his ground Skelton hands with the same properties as Freddy's GC
That is all so broken...


All too easy...
I just want Noob Saibot in and with more/better strings where Saibot comes out for the hit.
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
That would be ridiculous lol. Holy shit.
lol his MK 9 nut punch pisses me off with those damn frame trap set ups lol. Can you imagine? haha. He'd be nerfed week one haha.

That is all so broken...
LOL, which move you think from the other guy is broken? Or all of them? lol The Cage one would bug me lol. I just pray Shinnok isn't the new Freddy in MK X lol.

Deleted member 5032

Kano's knife projectile should hit mid. Kanoball should either be safe or lead into a kombo/setup. The risk/reward for his 8% damage vs a full-kombo punish was just all kinds of dumb, especially since he could be normaled or projectiled out of it. Choke should be a command grab. Kanoball and Air Kanoball should have normal inputs, not that 360-degree crap. His EX moves need to be worthwhile. None of his EX moves in MK9 were worth the meter. Rather than useless unblockables or wonky properties, his EX moves should allow for additional kombo opportunities. He needs his eye laser. That is all.

As far as a new move, I think an aerial straight knife and aerial diagonal knife would be great additions. Think Green Lantern's aerial missile and Deathstroke's air-Quick-Fire.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Only Crimson dash into slide to have the downlash, or upslash followup that was nerfed.
Teleport to have a fast startup on ground and to be dagger canceled before hit during air.
Red dash & crimson dash to run with the body leaned torwards like, a true ninja run, and avoid high attacks
Crimson dash to maintain its original armor from mk9
To be Able to dash into U34 string
U34 string update into u343 with the last hit being a round house air kick that pushes back a bit.

Slightly damaging dagger and larger hitbox.


@AK L0rdoftheFLY @Ninj @LionHeart @RedRaptor10 @Johnny2d @AssassiN @SaJa @Laos_boy


Justice 4 Firestorm
Raiden gets his staff back and Normals and specials using it.Make his mk4 staff lift fatality a throw or special.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
3,1: new string that launches, 3 is a knee, 1 is a really violent uppercurt

Telekinetik slam to return with trilogy proprieties, and no green souls around it.
Non trackable exploding teleport punch



"On your Knees!"
What would be cool if Ermac's Air blast EX would have armor since its pretty good anti air close up, and his EX teleport can be like scorpions when he does a punch, so you wont have to get punished if someone blocks it.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
What would be cool if Ermac's Air blast EX would have armor since its pretty good anti air close up, and his EX teleport can be like scorpions when he does a punch, so you wont have to get punished if someone blocks it.
Yeah I actually posted a similar update to that idea for Ermac's EX teleport being relevant lol. Check out my first post :)


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*

Old Moves

-Torso Spin: Havik spins his torso around, using his arms to strike his opponent.
-Diving Corpse: Havik dives under his opponent knocking him/her into the air.
-Crackling Legs Projectile: Havik cracks his legs in an impossible right angle fashion and sends a projectile from his hands - EX: Adds 2 hits of armor, and adds 5% raw damage.
-Head Snap: Havik snaps his neck once and then back into place. This restores health - EX: For a bar of meter, his gives himself an extra 10% health, with an extra 4 start-up frames added.

New Moves
-Bend it like Havik (Air): Havik bends his upper body unnaturally backwards, simultaneously kicking the opponent out of the air and into the ground, popping them back up like a pseudo-air-launcher.
-Shooting Star: Gripping his Morning Star with one hand, he winds it up, and charges it as long as you hold it, causing increased damage. Chargeable in certain mid-combo situations. A pop-up move, by definition - EX: No need to charge it, EX'ing it brings damage up to full, and adds 3 hits of armor.
-Rough n' Tumble: An unblockable command grab with 2 hits of armor. Havik bear-hugs you, and suplexes you behind him, unnaturally bending his back behind him, causing opponent to land on their head. EX: When enhanced, the impact pops the opponent up in the air for continued combo potential.

A New Twist: Havik tears off his own arm, beating the opponent to death with it, then haphazardly reattaching it.
Pencil Pusher: The class 'eat both arms and vomit up the bones' finisher.