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Driving With Preon #2 - (TYM) Evaluations


Est In Harvey 1989
2 minutes in. Wiz is whack IMO, but I get your point. 8 minutes is too long man. Unless its Tom Brady ranting lol.
2 minutes in. Wiz is whack IMO, but I get your point. 8 minutes is too long man. Unless its Tom Brady ranting lol.
The whole Vid isn't about Wiz. I addressed another Community problem. The "big" one. But the fact that you posted that comment kinda is my point ... "kind of"


Est In Harvey 1989
The whole Vid isn't about Wiz. I addressed another Community problem. The "big" one. But the fact that you posted that comment kinda is my point ... "kind of"
Yeah I'm laying in the bed watching funny vine videos with my girl. Your video kind of ruined my mood so I went to Worldstar to pick it back up, but dont worry. I'll check it out in full when I get off work tomorrow. Gotta get my troll on.


"On your Knees!"
You are correct man, "You do realize if you didnt like the music so much you could of idk paused the trailer, used a mp3 player or open upi another tab and use that" Lol so realistic answers. And yeah the trailer did its job and it was epic, my question is if he was a MK fan he didnt care about the trailer? Thats ironic.
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Est In Harvey 1989
Okay so I'm a man of my word. Just watched the entire video. I agree with almost all of your points. I'll explain.

1. You're right. No one is not going to purchase the game because of the music. I have my personal reasons for not liking Wiz Khalifias music, but that's neither here nor there. It's just a trailer. If when the game comes out they decided to have a soundtrack if he's on it I hope that there's an option to turn that specific track off.

2. Another point I want to make is that you saying Wiz could be opening MK up to another demographic... I could see how you came to that conclusion. I had this long story I was going to post to debate, but I'll just leave it at this. MK always seemed like a game that we loved in the hood where as SF had a different type of audience. So in my eyes Wiz couldn't help bring those types of fans in anyway because they've been there from the start.

3. This community does have a very elitist personality, but not all TOP players are like that. And you have to remember that some people on the internet troll super hard in their post. For example Homelee post some asshole -ish things on here lmao, but I promise you in person he's a real cool dude lol. I can't speak for the people I haven't met in person though. I think I've met a good bit of the Atlanta guys and they're super cool. Pig being the "Top" player in Atlanta is a really cool and nice guy. He's done alot for the community. Podcast, 4G, tutorials, Online Tournaments that gave people a way to get to Evo...

4. I want/need people to realize that there's a difference between being a fan/ Dick riding. It's not just this forum that does this either. People act as though they're not a fan of anyone lol. I'll use this example. If PL post something there's probably going to be at least 97% of the people posting in it insulting him, but that other 3% that agrees... It doesn't make them a "Dick Rider" or "Ass Kisser" because they agree. It just means that they are fans of Perfect Legend. It's nothing wrong with that.

5. We always find away to take away a players accomplishments. We should stop. I dont have to go into detail with that one, but some examples are Jupiter, PL, Tom, Pig, Reo, 16Bit, PPJ, etc.

6. At the end of the video you made a point about how we're supposed to have fun. You're right. It starts with us. Let's just have fun, and enjoy playing these video games that NRS make.
Okay so I'm a man of my word. Just watched the entire video. I agree with almost all of your points. I'll explain.

2. Another point I want to make is that you saying Wiz could be opening MK up to another demographic... I could see how you came to that conclusion. I had this long story I was going to post to debate, but I'll just leave it at this. MK always seemed like a game that we loved in the hood where as SF had a different type of audience. So in my eyes Wiz couldn't help bring those types of fans in anyway because they've been there from the start.

3. This community does have a very elitist personality, but not all TOP players are like that. And you have to remember that some people on the internet troll super hard in their post. For example Homelee post some asshole -ish things on here lmao, but I promise you in person he's a real cool dude lol. I can't speak for the people I haven't met in person though. I think I've met a good bit of the Atlanta guys and they're super cool. Pig being the "Top" player in Atlanta is a really cool and nice guy. He's done alot for the community. Podcast, 4G, tutorials, Online Tournaments that gave people a way to get to Evo...

4. I want/need people to realize that there's a difference between being a fan/ Dick riding. It's not just this forum that does this either. People act as though they're not a fan of anyone lol. I'll use this example. If PL post something there's probably going to be at least 97% of the people posting in it insulting him, but that other 3% that agrees... It doesn't make them a "Dick Rider" or "Ass Kisser" because they agree. It just means that they are fans of Perfect Legend. It's nothing wrong with that.
R2: So he's got 14,100,000 followers on Twitter. Let's cut that number into 1/20th or 5%. So .7ish million people. I'm sure even at that low a number there's still people who "aren't in the community". So it is still a large out reach to add to the growth. Also with the vid being out for 4 days and bordering 6 million views not to mention the other 2 videos around 600 and 800k respectively. We know at least a million new people a day on average are peeping the trailer.

R3: I know a lot of guys are cool and chill. I know the whole AK group is fulled of level headed folk. I'm well aware that most people here are on their grind ect. Which is why I said that it was definitely a minority in video. In a previous FGC related video I said "I can't stress this enough, its not all of you.. its not even most of you. Its just enough to where anyone on the OUTSIDE looking in will make negative assumptions. And that hurts the "growth". Also I've seen this "trolling" on TYM. Don't know if some know it but there is a large difference from being a "Troll" and being an "asshole". I think a lot of people do not know the difference.

R4: I thought that went without saying. There's a difference between being a fan and being a dick rider. Much like my previous gripe with being a troll and an ass hole. I don't mind you being fans. That's part of what competition breeds by proxy. But there is a large amount of dick riding (FGC) as a whole to where I wonder how some people's crotches don't have some form of rope burn yet.

Final Off-Note: I know you haven't watched the other videos I've done on the FGC so this post should suffice on that level of clarification. Have a good one.

Also your post is why I said "Kind of" I know you weren't dick riding. Which is why I put "kind of" twice.