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Nobody gets as F****** ANGRY at games as ME!

Groove Heaven

Yeah, this. I'm no psychologist, but it sounds like you should consult one about anger management issues because the problem could get worse and affect other areas of your life.

I'll slap the buttons on my stick and that's about it. I almost never get upset about games, but I do get emo when I lose tournament matches due to flubbed inputs or stupid mistakes.

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
I can handle getting trounced if the match's "fair" (no lag, no stick malfunction or other hiccups and depending on the hiccups I'll just laugh it off).

But if I lose in less-than-ideal conditions that I did not inflict on myself... The salt. So much.

Just last night I almost busted my lagless and my stick due to how salty I was.

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
Most of my raging resorts to yelling and cursing at games, but through Halo 3 ( I <3 BUNGIE!) I learned to restrain myself. Well, to a point. I don't yell at the top of ny lungs anymore, but I do still rage and get salty as fuck. Usually I'm high so it helps with the raging. On a side not tho, I used to beat my little brother in MK2 on SEGA and he punched me in the face. So I punched him in the gut because I didn't want to hurt him. I was 9 or 10 and he was 6 or 7 lol.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
When you have to get up and just walk away from the game for awhile. Where do I go? Somewhere there's no Martians, that's all that matters.
judging by the avatar pic

the Trash Room.

and seriously......anyone who doesn't USE video games as a release for stress and such..... is missing out.

I'd much rather a kid yell at his video game and feel better about externalizing his frustration than keeping it in for a random time.


A prop on the stage of life.
I played tekken 6 online. Got bodied by 10-15 people straight. Slammed my controller on the floor twice, separating it slightly on one end. Now the dpad isn't as reliable, like it doesn't register sometimes so I keep that one for single player games. That's about as destructive as I got, and I won't be doing it again. lol


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Eh PS3 controllers are really flimsy, so even if I would like squeeze the controller the triggers would break.


Remember.....it's just a game!

There are far worse things in life than losing in (insert game here); just play to have fun, don't take it too seriously and you'll enjoy gaming.

We all get salty now and then (fighting games will do that to you) but you just have to learn how to control your emotions and know when to walk away for a breather.

If not, you'll turn into these guys.



The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Maybe you should think about going to anger management classes or something.

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
My Xbox is set up in my room and everyone in my house can hear me when I play some Mortal Kombat online... God damn they can hear me. I'm stamping. I'm punching. I'm yelling (and damaging) my voice.
That's pretty fucked up man. You should give a little respect to those who pay for the roof over your head and the toilet you shit in (assuming your living with your parents).

Anyways, the only time I ever physically exhausted myself was when I slammed my desk with my controller while losing in Injustice last year. I never felt so pathetic in my life. Never did it again.
When you're so absorbed into a game, sometimes you can forget its just a bunch of pixels on a piece of plastic. Not worth it.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Man you guys are all emotional scrubs, who gets salty over fighting games? It's not like you guys play at a high level anyway :DOGE

Kidding of course...I have the pleasure of training with VideoGamerHD offline, he doesn't get extremely angry at losses when I'm around but of course that's offline. When I lose though, I tend to just complain about how broken a move or character is for about 5 minutes straight and put my controller down on wherever it is. Else if I'm alone and playing online and I lose because the wrong moves keep coming out I'll usually let out a strained "UNH!" and maybe jump up and down once or twice before taking a couple of deep breaths, controlling myself and continuing.

And for @juicepouch here's a :tonyt for no reason


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
Nothing gets me more salty than conceding a 90th minute lucky-ass goal on FIFA when I've been dominating the whole match aha. I think the worst thing I've done was lightly throwing my pad on the floor about a year ago, but then I realised it really isn't worth it


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I broke my TV because of Mario Kart/F-Zero... I'm a Time Attack junkie and fuck the AI in those games, fuck it to hell. I used to get super pissed at Tekken 3 Time Attack mode, but that game doesn't hold a candle to the rage that Mario Kart/F-Zero Time Attack causes.


End Of Humanity
lol guys xd idk how old u are , I used to do it too but now I never get salty over a video game :D its just a game ....
If i lose bc of lag I dont have anything to be mad at , its not my fault there is lag and I cant play properly .
If I lose to a clearly better player I just think what I did wrong and try to improve ...
Getting angry , screaming and breaking things will not make u a better player :c also if i get angry I play worse ...

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
If i lose bc of lag I dont have anything to be mad at , its not my fault there is lag and I cant play properly .
Nah it's just I go out of my way to make sure I have the best conditions possible (wired connection, 30d/10u, lagless monitor, pretty danged good PC) and I just get mad that there's nothing I can do to mitigate the problem when it's on the other dude's side.
Only time ive ever broken a controller was over MK9. Just got too fucking salty and started slamming my ps2 pad against the wall. Had to use an xbox pad for awhile, shit sucked.