If I could go crazy with lex buffs I'd ask for the following but any of them would be great.
1.return of push block setup damage
2.probe does more damage (and mb probe)
3.level 3 trait doesn't wear away over time
4.b2 has more frame advantage on hit so they can't back dash out of a mixup after b2
5.b2 should hard knockdown
6.u3 should anti air much better
7.vacuum can be less negative(currently -41 I believe)
8.MB mine should either launch them up in a more floaty way similarly to how jokers teeth so lex can still b3 or maybe you can MB the mine before it hits them and it'll explode with a radius that's decent but not too big(this should launch them up as mb mine does now)
9.make the first 2 hits of 112 mid(this should've happens ages ago)
10.do something about his hitbox, it's way too big avoid certain zoning.
rev0lver thought you might me interested by this.