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"That was mine" Home Lee wins The Scraps 21

AK coolcmcgee


This week's Scraps would have 8 people present. Dream Sword, Blake Bon Jovi, Saltface, Trepound, and TylerLantern were absent. Smarrgasm was too busy playing Yu-Gi-Oh to join us today and Pig of the Hut would arrive late. Now this week, Ace Universe would unveil his shiny new Flash. In the first round Ace defeats CoolcMcgee, Xenomorph defeats StormTheGates, and Bigbatez would make a honorable attempt against Home Lee with Ares. In round 2, Home Lee and Xenomorph had a excellent set resulting in Home Lee facing CoolcMcgee in losers. Home Lee would win this match ending it with a very hype Bane mirror. Home Lee ran through the rest of Loser's Bracket to get his desired salty runback. In Grand Finals, Home Lee would convincingly reset the bracket 3-1. StormTheGates would go into a deep depression after Home Lee teased him by hovering over Superman for 2 seconds. The 2nd set would go up 2-2, and after nine grueling matches, Home Lee would take the victory for Gotham and win his first Scraps tournament. Afterwards Xenomorph would, in a fit of rage, throw StormTheGates' water bottle into the trash can. Below you can find a dramatic reenactment of this.

---Injustice top 8---
1. AK|RM Home Lee
2. AK|RM Xenomorph
3. AK|MP Ace
4. AK StormTheGates
5. AK|RD coolcmcgee
7. BigBatez
7. Hood Ninja

bracket: http://ags.challonge.com/injusticescraps21
videos will be added to op later

@AK/RM GamerBlake
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Administrator and Community Engineer
Does this mean Home Lee gets to sit at the dinner table with the rest of the guys next week? Is he officially hollywood now?