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New Twin Peaks Blu-Ray Set to Include 90 Minutes of Extra Footage! (7/29/14)

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan

“Every day, once a day, give yourself a present.”
David Lynch has finally announced a new boxed set for the Twin Peaks TV Series as well as the prequel film, Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me, remastered for Blu-Ray. The kicker here is this box set includes up to 90 minutes of deleted scenes from the film which fans have been begging for over the past few years.

"During the last days in the life of Laura Palmer many things happened, which have never been seen before,” Lynch said in a statement. “They’re here now alongside the new transfer of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me and Twin Peaks, the television series."

"Where's my axe? I'm hungry!"

The set is to release July 29 of this year. Watch the teaser trailer below!

Amazon listing available for preoder!

http://www.amazon.com/Twin-Peaks-Entire-Mystery-Blu-ray/dp/B00KCTG4PO/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1400183000&sr=8-6&keywords=twin peaks blu ray

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