We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
This weeks Issue of the Break Weekly featured 8 Different Heroes and Villains. This is very understandable considering that this weekend was ECT. So many of our other Super Powered People are home resting. This week featured the Return of Jaxel Which means all the matches will be up on Youtube. ^_^. So they will be posted at the end of the Write up. Also due to only 8 people showing up the entire tournament was 3 out of 4
Notable Mentions:
KDZ Finally returns from Da Beech. Ready to get back into the game after a 3 week break.
Rico Suave Returns explaining how he was too tired last week from going to the gym.
Masta CJ Returns ready to show the break what he is made of
People Missing.
Theonidas was not in attendance this week. He probably needed more sun to recharge from last week
Herkuhles was not able to make it as well. He may have been trapped in the Phantom Zone
Polybeeus was also not here this week.
Jonnitti was too busy Practicing his E. Honda to show up
Again was not here Again
Jupiter did not show up to the break again. Showing that he is too good for us maybe.
Lance Was Not here as well.
The Power of the Salt Force was Taken this Week by Honeybee so Zyphox was not able to Run fast enough to the Break.
Frantastic was here but did not enter.
Indecisive did not have the power of the wizard this week and didn't enter
Turning to the front page of the comic we see DarthArma up against Shock. While on the opposite side of that we see MindGames Vs Rico. Starting off Arma Defeats Shock. While we see Rico Suave not being affected by the tricks of MindGames. With a mix of great blocking and lots of punishing Rico is able to defeat Mindgames
On the Next Page we have Decay Vs Masta CJ. While on the other side we have KDZ vs Icy. Sadly This week Decay forgot to bring his correct hook chain so he had to borrow mine. This lead to a lot of combos not being completed and Decay is defeated by Masta CJ. Meanwhile Icy begins his rain of terror why defeating KDZ game one with a mix of heavy aggression, Good reads and corner combos. Although this did not phase the Princess. KDZ was able to come back and defeat Icy the next 3 games.
On the next page we have a oldie but a goody. We have DarthArma vs Rico Suave. And on the other side we see KDZ Vs Masta CJ. Arma decides to go with Batman while Rico Decides to go with Aquaman. A match that people have Grown Used too. Rico Steps into the Batcave while Arma is playing Initial D and slams his Trident on the Game Destroying it. Arma not one to put up with people who don't like Initial D decides that Rico needs to be dealt with. Although Arma tried his hardest Rico is able to defeat the Darth Knight thanks to a mix of D1 Trident Rush, Trait, From the Deep, Punishing Dashes and good blocking. Rico Defeats Arma 3-0 watching Arma Mourn over the destroyed Initial D Machine.
While this is happening KDZ and Masta CJ begin to face up against each other. KDZ decided that using Wonder Woman would be better for the King Of Atlantis. In a bitter Battle to determine who was stronger Atlantians or Amazons KDZ begins by putting on massive amounts of Pressure. But CJ shows impressive blocking by blocking multiple cross up set ups. After avoiding many Come Backs from CJ KDZ goes up 2-0 until it happens. CJ decides to try and stab Wonder Woman from the Ground only to watch as Wonder Woman Began to Light up and Charged at him with his Shield. 2 Amazons got ready to Strike but before they could attack there leader stops right in front of the enemy. In an Instance CJ turns the Tables and Comes back Against KDZ. The score now being 2-1 CJ begins to show a lot of adaptation of the Amazon's Fighting style. In another Great match the Score is then 2-2. KDZ decides he is done and brings out Superman to finish the fight. But it is not enough. Masta CJ shows that his Aquaman is not to Laugh at and takes done the Man of Steel and sends KDZ to Loses.
Finally after Rico Leaves the Batcave he meets up with CJ. The two star each other down. Both of them knew that their could only be one King. As the match began most people were expecting an Aquaman Mirror. But instead Rico decided to go with Black Adam. The match between Hero and Villain to determine who is the true king of Atlantis. Rico's Black Adam was sadly too much to CJ and Rico Sits on the throne of his defeated foe using his corpse as a foot rest.
Meanwhile as we go to another page we see the people in losers. Shock and Minds while Icy and Decay face off on the other Side. Shock was not able to Deal with Mind Games Tricks and is Defeated. Decay once again Comes back from defeat with Cigar in mouth and Biceps ready to take on the Bird. The battle has guns firing, The sound of a face beating someones Face and the smell of blood, sweat and cigars. Thanks to the help of his shot gun Decay is able to Blast the Bird as she charged at him. And with some well timed kicks and Hooks Decay is able to defeat Icy.
After MindGames Defeated Shock he was up against KDZ. KDZ Defeats MindGames showing that his mind was too strong. While Decay Went to Face Arma. Batman was a Bit too Much for the Main Man to Handle and Arma beats Decay
Now the Big Two of the Break Come Face to Face. Arma Vs KDZ. As Usual KDZ decides to Pick Wonder Woman. While Arma goes with his Batman. The First match between these two ended when Aram was put into the Corner. Cross up after Cross up was Sent. And KDZ Defeats Arma With a Double Perfect. After that match Arma decided to put his Serious Face on. Arma doing much better although it was not enough and Aram does a preemptive Pause before he was killed giving KDZ the Match. Arma decides this Stage is not for him and Tries to get off of the Prison. But the Game decided that this was the place they would stay. As the Match began to Progress KDZ was still showing Dominance. And yet again Arma with the Preemptive walk away when his character was not yet defeated. KDZ Defeats Arma 3-0
After the Match KDZ was ready for anything Including defeating the person who sent him to losers. KDZ goes straight to superman. And in a very quick set defeating Masta CJ
Grand Finals was a Mix of Heroes and Villains. As each person picked different Characters to match the other. KDZ with Wonder Woman and Superman. And Rico with Aquaman and Black Adam. The Matches begin with Wonder Woman and Aquaman Facing off against Each other. Trying to Destroy the world with their Petty arguments yet again. After which Superman Decides that he is needed to take on the King. And finally After that Rico Goes with the Dictator from Egypt to try and deal with the Man of Steel but it is not enough and KDZ is able to Reset the Brackets. KDZ decides to stick with Wonder Woman for these Matches While Rico goes with the Dictator. Rico Sees the Mystical Land Ruled by the Amazons and decides that he wants it for his Kingdom. After defeating many amazons Wonder Woman decides enough is enough and defends her home. A battle that goes from earth to space showing that these character both do not care about logic or being able to breathe in space the battle goes down to the last battle. In the end it is Rico Suave who Claims Victory over KDZ and the Mythical Land of Amazons.
With Rico Suave Claiming Victory it is time for THEME MUSIC:
Now the Matches that were streamed can be found here:
Here are this Weeks Top 3
From Left to Right: Masta CJ, Rico Suave, KDZ
First Place: Rico Suave: (Black Adam) (Aquaman) (Muscles)
Second Place: KDZ: (Superman) (Wonder Woman) (DA BEECH)
Third Place: Masta CJ: (Aquaman) (Magneto) (Dr. Doom) (Dormammu)
8 On the Break is Located:
Address: 340 North Ave, Dunellen, NJ 08812
Phone: (732) 752-8880
The Tournament is Hosted by KDZ Every Tuesday at around 8:30pm 9:00pm. The Tournament is also Streamed by Jaxel over at 8 Way Run. Please Make sure to support the stream by following, Subscribing, Turning off ad block, or subscribing to his YouTube channel. Tournament entry is $10 Dollars. With no venue fee. Thats right. NO VENUE FEE. Stop by and play with some of the best Injustice Players the Area has to Offer. Meet new people and level up. If you are in the area you should also check out the Break which holds many different games. And is home to the Break Steak Special.
Here are the Challonge Brackets:
For those of you in the Tri State area who are not able to make it to UFGTV there will be a tournament on:
Where: YesterCades of Somerville, NJ
When: May 24th, 2014
Time: 2PM Casual start time until 2AM (up to 12 full hours)
Venue Fee: $15 (grants access to the venue all day, in and out, all arcade games and pinball machines, including casuals for the tournament games)
The Tournament is Called the Main event. And here is a Link showing more details:
So for those of you who are not able to go and want to still have a great weekend then here is an option. Yestercades is a great place and the new one should be awesome. ^_^.
Time to Tag some Mods. @CrimsonShadow @STORMS
Also I Apologize in Advance for this one not being that good. I was really tired this week. Next week will be better i promise. ^_^.
Notable Mentions:
KDZ Finally returns from Da Beech. Ready to get back into the game after a 3 week break.
Rico Suave Returns explaining how he was too tired last week from going to the gym.
Masta CJ Returns ready to show the break what he is made of

People Missing.
Theonidas was not in attendance this week. He probably needed more sun to recharge from last week
Herkuhles was not able to make it as well. He may have been trapped in the Phantom Zone
Polybeeus was also not here this week.
Jonnitti was too busy Practicing his E. Honda to show up
Again was not here Again
Jupiter did not show up to the break again. Showing that he is too good for us maybe.

Lance Was Not here as well.
The Power of the Salt Force was Taken this Week by Honeybee so Zyphox was not able to Run fast enough to the Break.
Frantastic was here but did not enter.
Indecisive did not have the power of the wizard this week and didn't enter
Turning to the front page of the comic we see DarthArma up against Shock. While on the opposite side of that we see MindGames Vs Rico. Starting off Arma Defeats Shock. While we see Rico Suave not being affected by the tricks of MindGames. With a mix of great blocking and lots of punishing Rico is able to defeat Mindgames
On the Next Page we have Decay Vs Masta CJ. While on the other side we have KDZ vs Icy. Sadly This week Decay forgot to bring his correct hook chain so he had to borrow mine. This lead to a lot of combos not being completed and Decay is defeated by Masta CJ. Meanwhile Icy begins his rain of terror why defeating KDZ game one with a mix of heavy aggression, Good reads and corner combos. Although this did not phase the Princess. KDZ was able to come back and defeat Icy the next 3 games.
On the next page we have a oldie but a goody. We have DarthArma vs Rico Suave. And on the other side we see KDZ Vs Masta CJ. Arma decides to go with Batman while Rico Decides to go with Aquaman. A match that people have Grown Used too. Rico Steps into the Batcave while Arma is playing Initial D and slams his Trident on the Game Destroying it. Arma not one to put up with people who don't like Initial D decides that Rico needs to be dealt with. Although Arma tried his hardest Rico is able to defeat the Darth Knight thanks to a mix of D1 Trident Rush, Trait, From the Deep, Punishing Dashes and good blocking. Rico Defeats Arma 3-0 watching Arma Mourn over the destroyed Initial D Machine.
While this is happening KDZ and Masta CJ begin to face up against each other. KDZ decided that using Wonder Woman would be better for the King Of Atlantis. In a bitter Battle to determine who was stronger Atlantians or Amazons KDZ begins by putting on massive amounts of Pressure. But CJ shows impressive blocking by blocking multiple cross up set ups. After avoiding many Come Backs from CJ KDZ goes up 2-0 until it happens. CJ decides to try and stab Wonder Woman from the Ground only to watch as Wonder Woman Began to Light up and Charged at him with his Shield. 2 Amazons got ready to Strike but before they could attack there leader stops right in front of the enemy. In an Instance CJ turns the Tables and Comes back Against KDZ. The score now being 2-1 CJ begins to show a lot of adaptation of the Amazon's Fighting style. In another Great match the Score is then 2-2. KDZ decides he is done and brings out Superman to finish the fight. But it is not enough. Masta CJ shows that his Aquaman is not to Laugh at and takes done the Man of Steel and sends KDZ to Loses.
Finally after Rico Leaves the Batcave he meets up with CJ. The two star each other down. Both of them knew that their could only be one King. As the match began most people were expecting an Aquaman Mirror. But instead Rico decided to go with Black Adam. The match between Hero and Villain to determine who is the true king of Atlantis. Rico's Black Adam was sadly too much to CJ and Rico Sits on the throne of his defeated foe using his corpse as a foot rest.
Meanwhile as we go to another page we see the people in losers. Shock and Minds while Icy and Decay face off on the other Side. Shock was not able to Deal with Mind Games Tricks and is Defeated. Decay once again Comes back from defeat with Cigar in mouth and Biceps ready to take on the Bird. The battle has guns firing, The sound of a face beating someones Face and the smell of blood, sweat and cigars. Thanks to the help of his shot gun Decay is able to Blast the Bird as she charged at him. And with some well timed kicks and Hooks Decay is able to defeat Icy.
After MindGames Defeated Shock he was up against KDZ. KDZ Defeats MindGames showing that his mind was too strong. While Decay Went to Face Arma. Batman was a Bit too Much for the Main Man to Handle and Arma beats Decay
Now the Big Two of the Break Come Face to Face. Arma Vs KDZ. As Usual KDZ decides to Pick Wonder Woman. While Arma goes with his Batman. The First match between these two ended when Aram was put into the Corner. Cross up after Cross up was Sent. And KDZ Defeats Arma With a Double Perfect. After that match Arma decided to put his Serious Face on. Arma doing much better although it was not enough and Aram does a preemptive Pause before he was killed giving KDZ the Match. Arma decides this Stage is not for him and Tries to get off of the Prison. But the Game decided that this was the place they would stay. As the Match began to Progress KDZ was still showing Dominance. And yet again Arma with the Preemptive walk away when his character was not yet defeated. KDZ Defeats Arma 3-0
After the Match KDZ was ready for anything Including defeating the person who sent him to losers. KDZ goes straight to superman. And in a very quick set defeating Masta CJ
Grand Finals was a Mix of Heroes and Villains. As each person picked different Characters to match the other. KDZ with Wonder Woman and Superman. And Rico with Aquaman and Black Adam. The Matches begin with Wonder Woman and Aquaman Facing off against Each other. Trying to Destroy the world with their Petty arguments yet again. After which Superman Decides that he is needed to take on the King. And finally After that Rico Goes with the Dictator from Egypt to try and deal with the Man of Steel but it is not enough and KDZ is able to Reset the Brackets. KDZ decides to stick with Wonder Woman for these Matches While Rico goes with the Dictator. Rico Sees the Mystical Land Ruled by the Amazons and decides that he wants it for his Kingdom. After defeating many amazons Wonder Woman decides enough is enough and defends her home. A battle that goes from earth to space showing that these character both do not care about logic or being able to breathe in space the battle goes down to the last battle. In the end it is Rico Suave who Claims Victory over KDZ and the Mythical Land of Amazons.
With Rico Suave Claiming Victory it is time for THEME MUSIC:
Now the Matches that were streamed can be found here:
Here are this Weeks Top 3

From Left to Right: Masta CJ, Rico Suave, KDZ
First Place: Rico Suave: (Black Adam) (Aquaman) (Muscles)
Second Place: KDZ: (Superman) (Wonder Woman) (DA BEECH)
Third Place: Masta CJ: (Aquaman) (Magneto) (Dr. Doom) (Dormammu)
8 On the Break is Located:
Address: 340 North Ave, Dunellen, NJ 08812
Phone: (732) 752-8880
The Tournament is Hosted by KDZ Every Tuesday at around 8:30pm 9:00pm. The Tournament is also Streamed by Jaxel over at 8 Way Run. Please Make sure to support the stream by following, Subscribing, Turning off ad block, or subscribing to his YouTube channel. Tournament entry is $10 Dollars. With no venue fee. Thats right. NO VENUE FEE. Stop by and play with some of the best Injustice Players the Area has to Offer. Meet new people and level up. If you are in the area you should also check out the Break which holds many different games. And is home to the Break Steak Special.
Here are the Challonge Brackets:
For those of you in the Tri State area who are not able to make it to UFGTV there will be a tournament on:
Where: YesterCades of Somerville, NJ
When: May 24th, 2014
Time: 2PM Casual start time until 2AM (up to 12 full hours)
Venue Fee: $15 (grants access to the venue all day, in and out, all arcade games and pinball machines, including casuals for the tournament games)
The Tournament is Called the Main event. And here is a Link showing more details:
So for those of you who are not able to go and want to still have a great weekend then here is an option. Yestercades is a great place and the new one should be awesome. ^_^.
Time to Tag some Mods. @CrimsonShadow @STORMS
Also I Apologize in Advance for this one not being that good. I was really tired this week. Next week will be better i promise. ^_^.
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